
  • The Atari Jaguar, despite its reputation, had some great games like Flashback, NBA Jam: Tournament Edition, Iron Soldier, Rayman, Wolfenstein 3D, BattleSphere, Alien Vs Predator, and Tempest 2000.
  • Flashback, an original cinematic platformer on the Jaguar, offers smooth gameplay and challenging levels reminiscent of Prince of Persia and Out of This World.
  • The Jaguar version of Rayman provides an even more challenging experience with power-ups taken away on hit instead of on death, making it a desirable choice for gamers seeking a difficult platformer.

In a world where the only difference between one platform’s game and another is whether X makes the character jump or punch, the hardware wars of the 1990s seem pretty exciting. The legacy of the SNES, Game Boy, and Genesis speak for themselves. The 3DO and CD-I, while ultimately flops, were ambitious and forward-thinking with their online access and multimedia capabilities.

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Then there’s the Atari Jaguar. It was 64-bit as the “Do the math” commercials claimed, but its internal structure was so tricky that developers couldn’t capitalize on it. So, many of the games were either old ports or fell behind the supposedly weaker 32-bit PlayStation in graphics. That’s putting aside the janky CD add-on and chunky controller. But despite its reputation, Atari's last console still had some great games on it.

8 Flashback: The Quest For Identity

Best Jaguar Games- Flashback

Flashback hit the Jaguar a year before its sequel, Fade to Black, hit the PS1. However, Fade to Black suffered from dodgy graphics and rough controls. The original Flashback plays as smoothly on the Jaguar as it animates. Inspired by the original Prince of Persia and Out of This World, the game follows Conrad B. Hart as he attempts to stop shapeshifting aliens from destroying Earth with some swift thinking and swifter gunshots.

Conrad can protect himself with a temporary shield and fire back with his infinite ammo handgun. But like other cinematic platformers, he can die from high-enough fall damage, so players have to be careful about their jumps. Flashback was released on multiple machines, with the Jaguar port being a good version of the Amiga original. This is a wonder in itself as it was ported by Tiertex, who made the “unofficial Street Fighter 2Human Killing Machine and other less-than-great microcomputer games.

7 NBA Jam: Tournament Edition

Best Jaguar Games- NBA Jam TE

Likewise, NBA Jam has appeared on multiple platforms from the Game Gear to the Sega CD. However, the updated NBA Jam: Tournament Edition appeared on the Jaguar…and the SNES, Genesis, 32X, Game Boy, Sega Saturn, and the PS1, where it served as a launch title for Sony’s console in North America. None of which had the Mortal Kombat characters from early versions of the arcade original, unfortunately.

But it still has all the wild fun of the original game, from the high jumps to the slam dunks, the overenthusiastic announcer (“HE'S ON FIRE!”), and the gameplay that takes a fast and loose approach to basketball. While it lacks Sub-Zero and Scorpion, the Jaguar port still has Al Gore and the Clintons, alongside its own unique character: then-Atari Software Development VP Leonard Tramiel.

6 Iron Soldier

Best Jaguar Games- Iron Soldier

Ports are fine, but people could get those games for other systems. Iron Soldier was a Jaguar-only experience that brought mecha action to the console. Made by Atari Corp themselves, the game is a mech shooter where players have to bring the Iron Fist Corporation down by beating 16 missions. They range from protecting targets from enemy fire and stealing new tech from bases to all-out blasting on the battlefield.

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It all takes place in first-person view via the titular mech's cockpit. The game is designed around its tank controls while throwing in some nimbler moves like strafing fire and quick looks. It also used the controller’s numeric pad well by assigning different weapons to the numbers. While it wasn't exactly a looker even back then, the gameplay was fast, fluid, and fun. It even got a sequel, Iron Soldier 2, that was released just before the Jaguar's support was shut down.

5 Rayman

Rayman on Atari Jaguar

Whether he’s taking center stage in Rayman 2: The Great Escape, and Rayman Legends, or hanging out with the Rabbids in Mario+Rabbids: Sparks of Hope, Rayman has become one of France’s biggest contributions to gaming, alongside (arguably) inventing survival horror with Alone in the Dark. To think his journey all began with a pretty but difficult 2D platformer on the Atari Jaguar.

Most people played Rayman via its PS1 or Sega Saturn ports back in the day, but they were both based on the original Jaguar game. There aren’t many significant differences between them either. A few level changes here, and some graphical and audio alterations there. However, the Jaguar version took Rayman’s power-ups away on hit instead of on death. So, if gamers want an even more challenging version of a hard game, Jaguar Rayman has them sorted.

4 Wolfenstein 3D

Best Jaguar Games- Wolfenstein 3D

Id Software’s classic shooters Wolfenstein 3D and Doom have been ported to nearly everything in existence, so it’s no surprise they both ended up on the Jaguar. Both play just as fluidly as they do on the PC, but Jaguar Doom ended up losing a few things in the porting process, like the music. On the other hand, Jaguar Wolfenstein ended up gaining a few improvements to bring it up to date with its infernal counterpart.

While it has fewer textures and sprites than the PC original, it has higher resolution graphics and a silky smooth frame rate. The game also got two new weapons, the Flamethrower and Rocket Launcher, to kill Nazis with. Players could extend their health with treasure, but they and other items got switched around to provide some challenge. With it also being uncensored, Jaguar owners had a strong port of Wolfenstein 3D on their hands.

3 BattleSphere

BattleSphere on Atari Jaguar

Atari is a famous name in gaming, but that’s all that’s left of the original company. It passed through multiple hands before becoming the alias for the French company Infogrames. Before they bought Atari in 2001, old owners Hasbro Interactive made the Jaguar an open platform for curious developers in 1998. This came in handy for 4Play as, while they started work on BattleSphere back in 1994, it wouldn’t get released until 2000, well after the Jaguar’s death.

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It’s a first-person space combat sim made as a 3D update to the classic game Star Raiders. It offers seven playable aliens with three types of spaceships each, and a wide variety of modes to test them out in. It even got an updated Gold edition in 2002 and could support 16-32 players with a LAN connection (and enough cartridges and consoles). If anyone still had a Jaguar at the time, BattleSphere was the best reason to fire it back up.

2 Alien Vs Predator

Alien vs Predator on Atari Jaguar

Even before the two disappointing movies, Alien Vs Predator could’ve referred to anything, be they comics, novels, or video games. There was a cult classic arcade brawler by Capcom, a less popular sidescroller on the SNES by Jorudan, and the Jaguar FPS by Rebellion Developments. The latter was released in 1994 to critical acclaim, with many calling it the best game available on the console.

Players can pick one of three playable options: one of the Aliens who’ve overrun the Golgotha base camp, the Colonial Marines sent in to exterminate them, or the Predators looking for a good hunt. Each option plays differently from the other, providing different skills players have to use tactically to get ahead of the others. If finding original Jaguar hardware (or emulators) proves tricky, Shane Ruiz remade the game in Unreal Engine 4 for PC in 2019.

1 Tempest 2000

Best Jaguar Games- Tempest 2000

For most players, Alien Vs Predator would’ve been the only reason to get an Atari Jaguar. However, there’s a reason why many people call the console the Tempest 2000 machine”. It was made by Jeff Minter and Llamasoft as a remake of the 1980s arcade game. Like that game, players zip across different lanes to blast any enemy that comes their way with their turbo-fire shots and the occasional smart bomb to earn points.

Tempest 2000 adds new weapons, a jump to dodge incoming fire, an AI Droid buddy, and Warp Bonus Tokens. If players collect three of them, they’ll get a bonus stage that’ll send them five levels ahead if they beat it. As simple as the game sounds, it had addictive gameplay and inspired many more psychedelic shooters to come. Many of them were made by Llamasoft too, like Polybius and Space Giraffe.

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