The sheer number of amazing anime adaptations that are present right now is mind-boggling at times. Fans who want to get into this medium will find no shortage of brilliant watches that will keep them hooked on the edge of their seats. Generally, a combination of brilliant storytelling and mind-blowing animation is what separates these generational anime from the rest of the pack.

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However, there are times when certain anime can become popular despite having lackluster animation. Of course, the debate surrounding the overall quality can be a rather divisive one when it comes to the following anime on this list, but there's no denying the fact that their animation could've done with some more work. It's a rather small complaint at the end of the day since these anime are stellar regardless of how subpar the animation quality can be at times.

8 One-Punch Man

Saitama of One Punch Man

Most people might riot after seeing this name on the list. After all, One-Punch Man's first season featured some of the greatest animation ever seen in a series and is one of the major reasons why this show attained such a massive fanbase, to begin with. Madhouse is a master of its craft, and it shows in each and every aspect of the series.

However, the second season is an entirely different story. The animation task was given to an entirely new studio that did a commendable job but couldn't live up to the massive standards set by its predecessor. Thankfully, this wasn't the biggest deal-breaker, and Season 2 of One-Punch Man is still a wildly enjoyable ride. The only downside to watching this show is that there's no news about a potential Season 3, which is a source of worry for many fans.

7 Dragon Ball Super


For what it's worth, Dragon Ball Super definitely picked up the pace when it came to the animation later down the line while adapting new and original story arcs, which was a source of happiness for many fans. However, that still doesn't excuse the lackluster and shoddy animation present in the first few arcs, which was an absolute chore to get through.

It didn't help that both the Battle of Gods and Resurrection F arcs had wildly superior movie adaptations, but fans still had to see these arcs adapted inferiorly in the anime simply because they included a lot of extra information that would be relevant later on. Hopefully, this mistake won't be repeated once Dragon Ball Super resumes airing once again.

6 Kingdom


Kingdom is one of the most popular seinen manga of all time, and it took quite some time for the series to get the anime adaptation it deserved. While the anime has boasted some great quality animation at times, fans absolutely detest the moments where CGI takes center stage.

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It's extremely hard for any anime to incorporate CGI in their anime without witnessing a massive dip in animation quality, and Kingdom suffers from this problem. Thankfully, these moments are pretty fleeting and don't take away from what is otherwise a very watchable experience.

5 Berserk

Berserk (2016)

This is easily one of the most contestable additions on this list. Most people consider the animation of Berserk's 2016 and 2017 adaptations to be so subpart that they've single-handedly bogged down what should've been a brilliant viewing experience.

However, viewers who manage to look past all the glaring faults of Berserk's 3D missteps will find a pretty engaging plot and some great action sequences to boot. It's just a shame that Kentaro Miura's amazing legacy has been forever tarnished by the truly horrid 3D animation of these adaptations.

4 One Piece

The main cast of One Piece

Given the weekly running nature of One Piece, the animation quality of the show is bound to dip at times. However, there are moments when the show drags on so bad that the most hardcore fans wholly recommend the manga instead.

The overly-long sequences present in One Piece bog down the pacing extensively at times, which is a shame. Thankfully, this isn't the case all the time, and One Piece has its moments when the animation does justice to Oda's brilliant work. It's just a shame that these moments are few and far between in an otherwise poorly animated adaptation.

3 Higurashi When They Cry

Higurashi - When They Cry

The premise of Higurashi When They Cry is pretty captivating indeed. The show focuses on the seemingly happy town of Hinamizawa and how everything seems perfect at first glance... until a deeper look at the sinister events happening regularly in the town warrants an extensive investigation of its own.

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While the show is pretty great, there are times when the animation doesn't live to the show's high standards. Thankfully, this is a small gripe in an otherwise brilliant show that fans of sinister and suspenseful anime should definitely check out.

2 Welcome To The N.H.K.

Welcome To The N.H.K.

The hikikomori culture — a person who becomes a recluse and refuses to interact with society — is pretty prevalent in Japan. Welcome to the N.H.K. takes a unique and engaging spin on these events by focusing on the life of one such hikikomori whose life is changed after interacting with a mysterious girl who knows a ton about his life.

Welcome to the N.H.K. is a wholly fun and unique show that anime fans should check out, especially if they want to check out something different from the norm. The subpar animation is the only negative aspect of a show that's utterly brilliant in every other facet.

1 Yu Yu Hakusho

The main cast of Yu Yu Hakusho

It might be unfair to put Yu Yu Hakusho on this list, especially given the age of this particular anime adaptation. The years have not been kind on this series, which is a shame since Yu Yu Hakusho is solid classic shonen anime that holds up in most other departments... aside from its controversial ending and simplistic animation, that is.

The story of Yusuke and his friends is pretty captivating and makes for a great watch as they combat the various demons threatening Earth. Yu Yu Hakusho also features one of the most iconic tournament arcs in shonen history, which in itself makes it well worth the price of admission for fans of this genre.

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