Everyone knows that the best dog in the world is their dog, and the second best is whatever dog they are currently looking at. As such, all dogs are inherently capable of being the best dog. Dogs have many wonderful features, from the obvious cuteness, to loyalty, to intelligence, and even strength of character.

Related: The Best Dogs From Video Games

Anime dogs have the distinct advantage of being able to perform feats that are simply impossible for real dogs. With incredible stunts and uncanny intelligence, anime dogs compete to make their mark on the audience.

7 Mike (Hunter x Hunter)


Mike is the Zoldyck family guard dog, and one of the best things about him is that he is the size of a building. The more dog, the better. Mike is smart enough to know who he's supposed to kill based on which gate they enter through. He immediately memorizes the scents of everyone he meets. The gatekeeper refers to him as a machine and says that he cannot be reasoned with.

However, the word "machine" takes a lot of credit away from a very brilliant and dedicated boy who is still perfectly following the orders he was given 10 years previously. Also, the scene where two bounty hunters break in through the fake gate and a giant furry paw daintily deposits their skeletons back outside seconds later is both funny and weirdly cute.

6 Growlithe (Pokemon)

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The Pokedex lists Growlithe as the puppy Pokemon. Various entries have described it as friendly, protective, brave, trustworthy, loyal, and faithful. All of these traits make Growlithe great police dogs. Many officers use them to examine crime scenes, track missing Pokemon, and fight thieves.

Related: The Best Dog Pokemon Of All-Time, Ranked

James also had a Growlithe from childhood who recognized him when he returned home as an adult and rescued him from his arranged marriage. Although he wanted to leave with James, he followed James’s order to stay behind and guard his family, showing the unconditional love and loyalty that make Growlithe prime examples of good dogs.

5 Black Hayate (Fullmetal Alchemist)

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Black Hayate was found out on the street by Sergeant Fuery, who couldn’t keep the dog in his dormitory. After everyone else proved unable to take him in, Riza Hawkeye decided to adopt him rather than leave him out on the street. She disciplined him strictly enough that he was able to accompany the military on stakeouts. During one such outing, the Homunculus Gluttony came close to killing Hawkeye.

Related: Fullmetal Alchemist: What Makes Greed's Redemption Arc So Great

Black Hayate saved her by biting him in the back of the neck and hanging on while Gluttony flailed, giving Hawkeye time to get a gun. His bravery, intelligence, and ability to sense Homunculi proved invaluable, and his cute antics provided much-needed morale.

4 Zeke (Highschool Of The Dead)


Zeke is the companion of Alice, a seven-year-old girl rescued by the main characters after her dad was murdered. Zeke, despite being a small puppy himself, stays with her and is very protective of her. His bravery in being able to stand up to Them comes from his love for Alice.

After they join the group, he also becomes their early warning system since he can detect Them approaching before anyone else. He even helps with scouting missions. Despite a lot of other anime dogs fulfilling similar roles, what’s special about Zeke is that the tiny puppy is really no match for the zombie hordes, but he will put himself between Them and Alice every time.

3 Akamaru (Naruto)


Akamaru is the best friend and loyal partner of Kiba, one of Naruto’s fellow ninjas. When Kiba first got him, he was small enough to sit on Kiba’s head, a strategy the duo employed to help Kiba cheat on the ChĹ«nin exams. Akamaru and Kiba have many techniques they use together in fights, and Akamaru is even smart enough to employ tactical urination to get them out of a surprising number of jams.

He becomes an even better fighter when he grows up, being large enough for Kiba to ride into battle. Despite all his utility, the best thing about Akamaru is his unwavering love and loyalty for his best friend.

2 Ein (Cowboy Bebop)

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Ein is a data dog, modified in a laboratory to be highly intelligent. He’s shown to be capable of driving, answering a phone, and even hacking computers. He can’t speak, but does bark once for yes and twice for no. The sassy little corgi has loads of personality, and his antics included getting high on mushrooms and jail breaking a pet shop.

Related: Cowboy Bebop: Every Main Character's Age, Height, And Birthday

Ein does more than carry his weight, often without his compatriots even noticing. His intelligence lets him do a much larger variety of things than most dogs, and he does them with huge amounts of charm.

1 Shiro (Elegant Yokai Apartment Life)

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Shiro is a stray dog who befriended a little boy named Kuri. While many dogs have proven willing to lay down their lives for loved ones, Shiro one-upped them by actually doing it. Kuri’s mother was horribly abusive, and while Shiro helped him survive for a time, she eventually went too far and killed Kuri. Shiro killed her in retaliation, but a passing group of people heard the commotion and killed him.

Shiro’s loyalty didn’t end in death. He continued to accompany Kuri’s ghost and defended him against his mother’s angry spirit. Another great thing about Shiro is that, since he’s already a ghost, viewers don’t have to worry about whether he’ll get hurt.

More: Fallout 4: Where To Find Dogmeat's Armor (& Other Things You Should Know About The Dog)