Characters in anime that have several identities have always been an intriguing and captivating aspect of the medium. All anime characters, from the bright and effervescent to the dark and twisted, have an alluring mystery that pulls viewers into the show's intricate and often perplexing realms.

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These individuals, who have two separate identities but share a single physical form, offer a fascinating glimpse into the human psyche. Their layered complexity and depth are reflected in different stories. While prior trauma might cause many personas, supernatural or scientific experimentation can also give rise to them. These individuals' inner turmoil and contradictory impulses, regardless of their origin, fascinate audiences.

9 Seijuro Akashi - Kuroko’s Basketball

akashi emperor eye

Rakuzan High's point guard and captain, Seijuro Akashi, is a charismatic leader who is completely dedicated to winning. As a result of his upbringing, Akashi has a deep-rooted desire to succeed. Even though he is the captain of a nationally recognized squad, Akashi maintains a low profile.

A new side of Akashi's character emerged as the middle schooler progressed. His alternate persona, the all-controlling Emperor Eye, is more pervasive and twisted. As the color of his left eye shifts from red to orange, Akashi becomes increasingly more arrogant and adopts a clearly "winners only" attitude.

8 Zenitsu Agatsuma - Demon Slayer

Zenitsu and Chuntarothe Demon Slayer

Zenitsu is portrayed as a coward in the majority of the Demon Slayer anime series, suffering from a great deal of unresolved anxiety. Regardless, he's got more going on than meets the eye. The conscious, fearful self and the subconscious, peaceful self are two separate but equal selves. During his battles against evil, Zenitsu displays a wide range of personality qualities.

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Zenitsu is a nervous wreck when awake and is powerless against demons, but when he is unconscious, he shows a more serious side, becoming calm and composed, and thus reveals his true might. Despite the mystery surrounding his ability to fight demons subconsciously, his devoted following continues to show their appreciation.

7 Twice - My Hero Academia

My Hero Academia Twice Jin Bubaigawara

Jin Bubaigawara, with the villain name Twice, is a major antagonist of the My Hero Academia series with the quirk Double. Twice's peculiarity allowed him to make carbon copies of himself and other people, each with his or her own unique personality and set of skills. As a villain, Twice suffers from an identity crisis and doubts whether he is the original or not.

He suffers from severe dissociative identity disorder and often wonders if he is actually the original Twice or a clone that murdered the original in an earlier incident. His membership in the League of Villains, where he is accepted in all of his guises, helped him cope with and ultimately overcome his crisis.

6 Cavendish - One Piece

Cavendish and Hakuba One Piece together smiling as one of them brandishes a blade

As the commander of the Beautiful Pirates and a well-known Super Rookie, Cavendish of the White Horse is frequently referred to as the 'Pirate Prince' in the One Piece series. When his dominant self goes to sleep, Cavendish's split personality and alter ego, Hakuba, emerges as a violent, bloodthirsty lunatic.

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Cavendish is well aware of the psychopathic, deadly Hakuba persona and disapproves of his behavior. While egotistical and attention-seeking, Cavendish gives off a more virtuous air than Hakuba, who kills without remorse or hesitation. Cavendish and Hakuba, whose personalities are split, frequently clash over who gets to use the body. Cavendish has to physically restrain Hakuba because of this.

5 Zetsu - Naruto

Zetsu Akatsuki Ring

In the Naruto series, Zetsu, of the Akatsuki, has different identities. The two halves of Zetsu's body have distinct personalities but work together as a whole. In a pinch, he can switch between his White and Black Zetsu faces, located on either side of his face. Even though one is clearly more humorous and the other is more somber, they get along fine.

White Zetsu is the chirpy, talkative right side who befriended Obito after the latter's resuscitation. He appears to be an idiot, yet his loyalty and dedication win over the Akatsuki. Black Zetsu, on the other hand, is more severe and sharp. He doesn't put up with silly things and has zero loyalty to anyone who stands in the way of Madara's goals.

4 Hatsuharu - Fruits Basket

Hatsuharu Sohma in school

Hatsuharu is the Ox in the Chinese zodiac, and like the Ox, he has a Yin and Yang personality: he is cool and collected most of the time, yet he may become impatient if he is annoyed.

Haru's personality can be summed up in two colors: black and white (also known as dark and cheerful). In his "white" state, Hatsuharu is calm and friendly, and he usually keeps a straight face as he takes in his surroundings. His typical demeanor is more reserved, with a healthy respect for authority. Yet when he "turns black," his normally pleasant demeanor flips to one of hostility and violence. The "Black Haru" persona he adopted to shrug off the constant bullying he faced as a kid was a coping strategy.

3 Harumi Chono - Paranoia Agent

Harumi Chono unfazed expression

Harumi Chono is a young woman who works as a researcher for a university and is also Yuichi Taira's teacher. During the day, Harumi is a quiet and reserved young lady, but at night, she transforms into someone completely different. Her alias, Maria, is a popular character in the media. As much as Harumi would like to tell people about Maria, she is afraid to.

Due to the fact that Maria and Harumi are actually two separate people sharing the same body, they often leave each other messages on the answering machine in Harumi's apartment. Maria assumes that Harumi's actions are the result of repressed sexual urges on her part.

2 Suikotsu - Inuyasha

Suikotsu smirking

Suikotsu Shichinintai and has been for some time. He shared his companions' taste for violence and slaughter, but his multiple personalities made him a unique case. One of his personalities was that of a caring physician. Perhaps this was his true nature before a sad event triggered the emergence of his other, more destructive self.

His more aggressive self understands everything about his split personality, but his kinder self has no idea. Suikotsu's empathetic self begs to die after realizing, through Kikyo, what his violent self has been up to.

1 Shinobi Sensui - Yu Yu Hakusho

Shinobu Sensui of Yu Yu Hakusho

Yu Yu Hakusho has always made its adversaries seem weird, interesting, and full of different sides. Shinobi was a Spirit Detective with a strong sense of right and wrong. However, he lost his morals when he saw humans torturing demons for their sick entertainment.

Sensui was deeply hurt by this, and his disappointment made him go on a killing spree. As a way to deal with his broken dreams, Sensui created six more characters besides himself. Each part of his personality shows a different side of him, from the charming Minoru to the cruel Kazuya.

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