
  • Aerith plays a key role in challenging the beliefs of other characters, encouraging them to re-examine their views.
  • Aerith's thoughtful speeches in the final chapters of the game focus on forgiveness and empathy as sources of true strength.

Aerith has been a beloved character in the series ever since she debuted in 1997 via Final Fantasy 7. She even cameoed in games outside of Final Fantasy like Kingdom Hearts. There’s a big reason why she was cemented in the minds of so many fans, which is a spoiler for those that never played the original game or Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

8 Best Cloud Quotes From Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Cloud's character gets even more well-rounded in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and it results in some of his greatest deadpan quotes to date.

Do those events play out the same in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth? That won’t be spoiled just yet, but what will be spoiled are the following lines. From energetic fan girl moments to moving speeches, Aerith says it all.

Spoilers Ahead

8 “Question, Does That Make Me A Dumbass?”

Chapter 1, Kalm Inn

Aerith in the Kalm Inn in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Chapter 1 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is all about Cloud’s backstory, particularly him dealing with Sephiroth in Nibelheim. In the middle of the story, Aerith brings up how Shinra’s news channel talked about Sephiroth dying as a war hero, which Barret goes on a rant about.

He thinks anyone who believes in the news is not smart, which is when Aerith brings up this point. Her delivery is great to shake up Barret’s ideals. He believes the news is a sham, but he also doesn’t want to offend Aerith, whom he is starting to grow fond of along with the other party members. More importantly, he knows Aerith isn't dumb, which means he may need to re-examine his views.

7 “Moving On Costs Money.”

Chapter 2, Bill’s Chocobo Ranch

Aerith and Cloud in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Chapter 2 is when the world opens up in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, as players get to freely roam The Grasslands. They need to get a Chocobo to traverse the swamp so they end up going to a local ranch.

As they are leaving, Choco Billy mentions his sister, Chloe, has a task for them. Cloud doesn’t want to do it, but Aerith reminds him that they need Gil to move on. Her sentiment is right, but it’s more like the developers speaking through her. Do side quests to earn rewards and to become more powerful for the story tasks ahead.

6 “Umm, Excuse Me, Stow The Tude.”

Chapter 6, Costa Del Sol

Aerith and Tifa talking to Jenny in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Costa del Sol is a delightful little resort for the crew to relax in for a bit. There are a lot of quests and mini-games, and many of the cast have their own little side adventures while staying there. Tifa and Aerith, for example, go on a girl's date, which is when they run into Jenny.

8 Best Tifa Quotes From Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Cloud's trusted friend Tifa also makes her return in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. These are her best moments throughout the game, quoted.

Jenny is also from Midgar, and she is in love with Johnny despite him being in love with Tifa. That’s why she’s being so rude to Tifa’s character, but thankfully, Aerith is there to back Tifa up and support her like a good girlfriend should.

5 “I’m Not Gonna Lie, I’m A Teensy Bit Jealous.”

Chapter 8, Gold Saucer

Cloud, Tida, and Aerith in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

In the original game, players got to go on one date with a character in Gold Saucer based on invisible stats. Those party stats are now visible in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, making it easier to determine who the date happen with on in the first Gold Saucer visit. If players get Tifa, they will run into Aerith in the spaceship arcade room, who is a little bored from running around alone.

When she suggests trying to meet a random stranger, Cloud is vehemently against the idea, and Tifa gives him an odd look. Even without player choice, Cloud is poised as someone trying to “play the field” with Aerith, Tifa, and maybe even Yuffie.

4 “He’s Never Given Me A Reason Not To.”

Chapter 9, Gongaga Village

Aerith and Cloud at the chocobo ranch in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

This is another great example of Cloud not making up his mind about girls. In Gongaga, Aerith meets with Zack’s parents to talk about him. Cloud wants to know if she still has feelings for Zack, which is when she says this line.

Aerith is just as conflicted about love as Cloud. She clearly likes Cloud, but wants to encourage Tifa to go for him all the same. Then there is Zack, who she misses but probably knows is dead. Or is he? It’s a bit uncertain by the end of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

3 “Excuse Me, Am I Intolerant Too?”

Chapter 10, Cave Of The Gi

Aerith in the Village of the Gi in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

This is a great callback line from the Kalm Inn. This time, Aerith is mad about being called intolerant by a Gi warrior. This undead warrior is talking down about the Cetra and how they weren’t as great as people make them out to be.

8 Best Sephiroth Quotes From Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

One of the best villains from the Final Fantasy franchise, Sephiroth shows how iconic he continues to be with the following FF7 Rebirth quotes.

This whole scene is a story change in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, as the Gi never really had a presence in the original game beyond background lore. Suffice it to say Aerith is probably the most tolerant person on the team, even after suffering through years of Hojo’s experiments while still coming out clean.

2 “Still I Hope Someday You’ll Come And Find Me.”

Chapter 12, Gold Saucer

Aerith singing in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Aerith has another great moment at Gold Saucer, but this one happens in Chapter 12 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. This quote is the last lyrics of "No Promises to Keep," which is the game’s theme song. Contextually, Aerith writes it for the Loveless play that everyone gets to experience through VR, which doesn’t make a lot of sense, especially with the inclusion of Jessie, but it is a fun moment in the game.

Aerith wrote this song as an ode to Zack, or players may even be able to argue that it’s really about Cloud. Regardless of the song's inspiration, it’s a good song and moment for Aerith.

1 “True Strength Comes From Our Ability To Forgive.”

Chapter 13, Temple Of The Ancients

Aerith in the Temple of the Ancients in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Chapters 13-14 in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth are back-to-back crammed with thoughtful speeches from Aerith. These are basically her last moments in this universe, and she makes the most of them to invigorate the team. This quote happens right after everyone relives their dark moments in the Temple of the Ancients.

Aerith wants to make sure everyone knows that to heal the planet, they must learn empathy. Through forgiveness comes great power in being the bigger person, hypothetically. Cloud undercuts the speech with some killer sass, but he’s going through a lot here, and Aerith knows that.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix