Welcome to the world of Pokémon, where mystical creatures of every shape and size roam and will run to you as friends or foes. One of the longest-running game series has so many types of flora and fauna-inspired designs that it is very impressive.

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With designs based on anything and everything you could think of, it gets a bit overwhelming to decide on what team to build, but if you're looking for actual, recognizable animal-shaped 'Mon, then you're in the right place: here is our list of the best Pokémon that closely resemble real-life animals.

10 Arbok


Arbok was one of Generation 1's Pokémon with names that obviously give away what they're meant to be. Among the first few of many. Ekans the snake evolves into Arbok, the cobra. The shape, markings, and nature of Arbok match up with what its real-life counterpart is like.

The purple snake is believed to be based on both the Indian cobra and King cobra - two species of venomous snake with flared necks and similar markings. Whatever the origin, handle this Pokémon with care.

9 Clauncher


Introduced into Pokémon X and Y is a sea-faring shrimp-shaped Mon. Based on Pistol Shrimp, also known as Snapping Shrimp or Alpheidae, Clauncher is recognizable as a real animal.

Pistol Shrimp have a unique ability to shoot water at 70mph, giving them their violent namesakes. It is this that gave Clauncher (and evolution Clawitzer) their abilities and physical movements, as well as the oversized left claw that the shrimp do actually possess. The names Clauncher and Clawitzer even bring guns into the mix by including 'launcher' and the '-witzer' part of Howitzer, a rather large gun.

8 Cramorant


Introduced into the Galar region of Sword and Shield,Cramorant is almost an exact copy of the European sea bird, the Cormorant. Cramorant is a little dull, as it does not evolve from or into any other Pokémon, but it does have two separate forms, technically.

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Being a sea bird, Cramorants can dive, and their second 'form' is when they hold either an Arrokuda or a Pikachu in their mouth after a dive, depending on the health of the Pokémon. How did it get a Pikachu in the water? We'll never know.

7 Mudsdale


Anyone who's ever seen a Shire horse, or any other big, working horse, will recognize Mudsdale as one of them. The design is clearly based off a beefy type of horse - from the runaway mane and tail to the flouncy fetlocks at its feet.

Much like real workhorses, Mudsdale can withstand a lot and will keep going until the very end. In terms of other equestrian Pokémon, there are a few. Ponyta would have made the list if it wasn't, you know, covered in literal flames. Or candyfloss stuff.

6 Pidove


Anyone living in European cities will recognize what Pidove is immediately. Pidove is a pigeon, that evolves into Tranquill - a 'wild pigeon' Pokémon, and then Unfezant - oddly named after a pheasant.

Pidove is a mix of both pigeons and doves, in name and stature. They are regarded as loyal, very forgetful, and will follow humans around. This is reminiscent of real-life pigeons that flock (get it?) to anyone holding food, and frequently find themselves in trouble by roosting or landing in the wrong place.

5 Sawsbuck


Move over Stantler, this is the most realistic deer Pokémon. Take off the miscellaneous flora growing on (or placed on) its horns, and Sawsbuck is literally just a deer. The source material includes reindeer and caribou, given that both genders have horns instead of just the males. But the real inspiration is an Elaphure - a Chinese deer that snags foliage into its horns during the mating season.

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Much like real deer, Sawsbuck's coats change as the year progresses, with more cream fur during the spring months, and different leaves or flowers depending on the season.

4 Shellder


Shellder is based on many bivalves - most likely a Scallop, given the shape of the shell. Its evolved form Cloyster has a pearl (with a face on it), so adds to the theory that they are based on pearl-bearing shells.

While technically it isn't based on any specific creature, it is still very reminiscent of real-life seashore organisms, so has made it safely onto this list. They don't look too fantastical, and aside from the beady eyes, there's not much that is especially different to the Earth's real shelled creatures.

3 Slakoth


Who could ever guess what animal Slakoth is based on? Well, let us tell you anyway. It is a sloth. The floppy design of Slakoth is incredibly similar to that of sloths, including the claws, scrubby fur, and eye markings.

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If the looks weren't enough to convince you of the source material, maybe the laziness of this Pokémon will - known as the 'Slacker Pokémon', with the special ability Slack-Off. Slakoth spent the vast majority of their time sleeping, and barely eat as they require so little energy. Their hearts only beat once per minute!

2 Toucannon

Pokemon toucannon

Now here is a jazzy Pokémon. Unlike some of the other pet and farm-esque animals on this list, Toucannon is here to bring color and a tropical vibe.

Based, obviously, on a Toucan, Toucannon is the third in an evolutionary line consisting of Pikipek and Trumbeak. Out of the three, it looks the most like the real-life bird, with very few design changes to make it fit in with the mystical Pokémon world... Aside from its' gaseous beak that can fire seeds out with incredible force.

1 Wooloo


Wooloo. It's the best. This list isn't in a rank order, it's alphabetical - but Wooloo still comes out on top. Introduced in Generation 8, on fertile Galarian farm soil, the loveable round sheep captured the hearts of every trainer. The sidekick of the game, Hop, immediately adds one to his team.

A normal type with one evolution, Wooloo isn't the strongest candidate for a battle team member. It is, however, delightful to look at and the name is fun to say. Plus, who doesn't love sheep? Or a black one, if you're lucky enough for a shiny?

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are available now.

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