Michael Bay is one of the few kings of huge and impressive action scenes. But some stand out from the rest. From a first look, some viewers may think of Michael Bay as that director that did Transformers and nothing else. While he did direct Transformers, he has also taken part in a multitude of cinematic masterpieces that are primarily known for their awesome action scenes.

Related: Every Michael Bay Movie, Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes

Bay creates the most wonderful action sequences in the majority of his movies. Each has its own sense of danger while sometimes bringing a small element of comedy as the protagonists battle for their lives. Other times the action is used as a tense and life-changing moment, signifying the beginning of the end of a fantastic story. Either way, certain action scenes will stay in fans' minds forever.

8 6 Underground Car Chase

6 Underground Car Chase

As one of Michael Bay's more recent films and once that was hosted by Netflix, this film really seems to pull out all the stops to be a thrilling action movie that's well worth watching. After all, with the budget of a Netflix film, Bay was really able to go all out on his action scenes, something many viewers will be able to see in full force throughout.

While there's a considerable amount of action and battles within this film, it's the car chase that really sticks in the minds of anyone who watches. This chase scene is easily one of the best shots in the movie and is done so seamlessly that it feels like controlled chaos throughout. Perfect for any film made by Bay.

7 13 Hours Missile

13 Hours Missile attack

13 Hours is unfortunately one of those films that get easily forgotten about in Bay's repertoire of action movies. While it may not be the best film in the world, aiming more at action than story, 13 Hours has one of the best action sequences many will have seen Bay perform.

Granted, it's rather cheesy with the referenced action scene latching onto all the tropes of a stereotypical war movie. Nevertheless, most fans cannot deny the awe they experienced when watching as the mortar launches on the unsuspecting protagonist as he runs, in classic slow-motion, away from his impending doom. It's beautiful, if slightly corny.

6 Pain And Gain Car Chase

Wahlburg on the bonnet of a car

Another often unseen movie, Pain and Gain does not take itself too seriously, aiming for the kind of comedic action that the likes of Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne Johnson add when cast. That being said, the ending of this movie has everything a fan would look for within a classic Michael Bay action film.

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It has slow motion, classic villain monologues, and even brings some narration over the action as Wahlberg reflects on the actions as he goes crashing through the windscreen of a car. It may not be the most serious film, but that scene will stick in most viewers' minds.

5 Pearl Harbor Attack

Pearl Harbor Attack film

When it comes to putting Bay on a film that involves war, explosions, and history it would be incredibly unlikely to see him turn down an offer that was almost made for him. His full creative mind is seen particularly clearly in one of the most impressive action scenes of Bay's career, as well as being one of the most shocking.

It's no secret that Pearl Harbor was a devastating story to begin with, so put into a motion picture in the way it was makes that all the more sinister. Either way, the first scene where the camera follows a bomb through one of the ships to then explode and wipe out multiple ships after is a fire-filled, chaotic and heartbreaking scene that stands out from most of the film.

4 The Island Chase

The Island Chase

Released in the early years of the 2000s, The Island doesn't win any awards for its overall production. It's not the best film Bay has ever created, even if it does have Ewan McGreggor and Scarlett Johansson in it.

Luckily there is one element that slightly brings the film from the dead, the chase scene where the protagonists dodge cars, shrapnel, and other people in a sort of chaos where few fans ever really understand what is actually going on. It may not make lots of sense but this type of carnage is exactly what Bay loves to produce.

3 Bad Boys Shootout

Bad Boys exploding plane

Bad Boys and Transformers are probably some of Michael Bay's most famous films to date. Bad Boys is the type of movie that never takes itself too seriously yet still manages to pull off some shocking fight scenes along with some fantastic one-liners that make this experience what many know and love.

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It really feels like Michael Bay had a little more money left in his budget and wanted to end this film with as much of a bang as he could muster. The end scene of Bad Boys has everything from plane explosions, tense gunfights, electrocution, and the classic one-liners. It ties off the film in a fantastic way.

2 Bad Boys 2 Chase

Bad Boys 2 Chase

The Bad Boys 2 chase scene is what happens when a director learns from his mistakes. This sequence feels like Bay took his mistakes from The Island car chase and adapted them to create what is arguably one of his best scenes ever.

With Will Smith and Martin Lawrence at the wheel, this chase is one of the smoothest shots Bay has pulled off in a long time. It focuses on multiple vehicles being thrown at the protagonists as the camera glides through twists and turns. All complemented by great sound, some seamless editing, and a script that befits Bad Boys 2 perfectly.

1 Ambulance Helicopter Attack

Ambulance Helicopter Attack

The most recent film directed by Michael Bay is Ambulance. It's an intense story in which the protagonists steal from a bank and hijack an ambulance to take them to safety. It's a comedy crossed with some intense thrills and action sequences that will amaze most viewers.

One of the most memorable scenes is that involving two police helicopters as they chase the ambulance across the streets of LA, heading under bridges in a beautifully shot experience. All this is combined with great lines and a good bit of gunfire to make it one of Bay's best action scenes.

More: Watch The Action-Packed Trailer For Michael Bay's Ambulance