Ace Attorney is a visual novel series that has slowly but surely become one of Capcom's most popular properties. The series combines mystery solving with comical exaggerations of the Japanese legal system, known for frequently finding defendants guilty.

The story primarily focuses on Phoenix Wright, a defense attorney who believes the goal of his work is to find out the truth behind every case. He gathers evidence from his investigations, which he uses to argue his point in the courtroom. Inevitably, he discovers the truth, and gets the guilty party arrested.

Several sequels and spin-offs later, Wright can no longer be considered the sole main hero of his game. With other characters taking on the defense in his absence, it's worth questioning how well each one has been used.

7 Most Innovative Capcom Games

Capcom has always been seen as one of the biggest innovators in the industry, with these unique games proving to be very influential.

5 Athena Cykes

A Newer Character That Deserves More Time In The Spotlight

Athena Cykes smiling in a cutscene for Dual Destinies
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies
Android , iOS , Nintendo 3DS
October 24, 2013
Visual Novel , Adventure

Athena Cykes first appeared in Dual Destinies as the newest member of the Wright Anything Agency. She combines her skills as a defense attorney with a super-sensitive hearing that can detect emotions, and a knowledge of analytical psychology that one would expect from a detective rather than an attorney. All these skills coalesce to give her the ability to read emotions in a person's testimony and detect contradictions through them when making use of her portable computer and AI companion, Widget. Having appeared in a mere two Ace Attorney games, she still feels fairly green compared to Apollo and Phoenix.

Not for nothing, Cykes has only ever served in court as the primary defense attorney twice. Often serving as co-counsel despite being billed as a protagonist in Dual Destinies. Her first full trial as the primary defense attorney, Turnabout Academy, remains one of the best trials in the game. It makes the entertaining choice of investigating a murder in a high school that also happens to be a law school, and features an interesting cast of characters. It also makes Cykes the only female character to lead an investigation (with other temporary protagonists like Mia Fey and Susato Mikotoba doing strictly courtroom-only trials.)

Her second full trial as the primary defense attorney, Turnabout Storyteller, remains a unique entry as well. However, it is fairly short and confirms Cykes still has a long way to go before becoming a defense attorney on the level of her colleagues. A future installment that sees Cykes come into her own would be an interesting concept for an Ace Attorney game.

4 Phoenix Wright

The Legendary Attorney

Phoenix Wright preparing to object in court, raising his finger
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
Xbox One , PC , PS4 , Switch , Android , iOS
February 7, 2012
Visual Novel , Mystery

Phoenix Wright is perhaps the most well-known leading lawyer from Ace Attorney. His sarcasm, emotive nature, and occasional goofiness make him an entertaining character to follow the game's perspective from. He also uses a magatama, a sacred charm gifted to him by Pearl Fey, to detect if a person's lies regarding any given question he asks them. Though the games aren't considered canon, he has also been charged with helping save the world multiple times in games such as Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Project X Zone 2.

Phoenix Wright Fans Need To Check Out The Game's Movie Adaptation

The beloved courtroom drama franchise got a big-screen makeover courtesy of one of the most iconic filmmakers in Japan.

While he is fun to follow, narratively there is a bit of a dissonance between Phoenix's informed ability and his continual participation in cases. Wright has pretty much been built up as a legendary defense attorney. Indeed, he has managed to hand defeats to several prosecutors previously thought to be unbeatable. This becomes a narrative fixture at points in Spirit of Justice, where his absence from America (or Japan in the original dub) is used as a plot device in multiple cases. He spends this time in Khura'in, resolving court cases where the law dictates he could be punished as badly as his clients if they are found guilty.

At this point, his ability is such that it's hard to derive as much pleasure from him as the protagonist. Initially, Wright's final appearance was to be in Trials and Tribulations. However, the popularity of the original trilogy led to demand for more sequels. A better role in the future for him might be as a mentor, similar to how he was used in Apollo Justice. That game featured a more casual side of Wright, one less directly involved with the courts since his disbarment years ago.

However, he was still intensely dedicated to pursuing the truth behind the case that lost him his badge, and managed to steer Apollo in the right direction several times. While he doesn't need to lose his badge again, if another Ace Attorney game is released, he may work better as a supporting character.

3 Apollo Justice

A Strong Character In His Own Right

Apollo Justice objecting in court, raising a pointed finger
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Nintendo DS , iOS , Android , Nintendo 3DS
February 19, 2008
Adventure , Visual Novel

Apollo Justice is fairly similar to Phoenix Wright in the English translation. He is a sarcastic yet noble man who seeks to find out the truth behind every case. He also possesses a bracelet which tightens around his wrist when his eyes spot someone lying.

Apollo Justice has appeared far more often as a defense attorney than Cykes. Not only starring in his own game, but also being the co-protagonist of Spirit of Justice and appearing as the primary defense attorney in two cases of Dual Destinies. Ultimately, Justice left the Wright Anything Agency in order to rebuild the decimated legal system of Khura'In.

This was probably an optimal choice narrative-wise, as the trilogy, despite its inconsistent backstories for Apollo, did continually build him up by making an effort to have him stand as an equal with Phoenix. Allowing him to branch off and begin his own law firm was probably the best way to wrap up this narrative beat.

2 Miles Edgeworth

Prosecutor Turned Attorney

Miles Edgeworth frowning and looking to the side in a courtroom in Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
October 12, 2001
Capcom Production Studio 4
Adventure , Visual Novel

Edgeworth debuted as Phoenix Wright's rival in the original Ace Attorney game. He is presented as a haughty prosecutor with a great fashion sense who would do anything to win a case. However, after being defended by Wright in court, Edgeworth re-evaluates his beliefs and decides to dedicate himself to discovering the truth. He was first utilized as a protagonist during the first half of Bridge to the Turnabout, the final chapter of Trials and Tribulations. After suffering a debilitating injury, Phoenix calls upon his friend and rival, to act as a defense attorney in his stead.

Despite being a prosecutor, Edgeworth feels compelled to accept. His temporary brush with the role of a defense attorney was only a taste of things to come. Edgeworth starred in two spin-off games which made use of his "logic" as a primary means to solving cases. Due to the prosecutorial bias in the series' justice system, Edgeworth's series focused more on investigations than trial appearances.

When faced with various barriers to effectively solving cases, Edgeworth even flirts with the idea of becoming a defense attorney. However, in the end, he decided that the system was in need of decent people to function efficiently, and continued working as a prosecutor.

Since then, Edgeworth has become the chief prosecutor, often only appearing during major events, and occasionally to prosecute against Wright in court. Ultimately, Edgeworth was allocated fine as a protagonist, with the two games focused on him connecting well to his concerns about systemic corruption, as well as his own unique style of reasoning and argumentation.

1 Ryunosuke Naruhodo

The Great Ace Attorney

Naruhodo objecting in court, raising a pointed finger; stating"... your testimony is inconsistent!""
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles

Nintendo 3DS , Nintendo Switch , PlayStation 4 , Microsoft Windows
July 27, 2021
Adventure , Visual Novel

Phoenix Wright's Japanese ancestor from the Meiji era was also a defense attorney. He stars in a spin-off series known as The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. Ryunosuke is similar in a lot of ways to his modern-day descendant, with developers admitting the differing time periods act as the best way to distinguish the two. A string of events compels him to study law in London, where he operates as a defense attorney with aid from his more learned assistant, Susato Mikotoba. The pair investigate various mysteries tied to the courts with the help of Herlock Sholmes, a local detective who is famed for his mystery-solving prowess.

With Sholmes, Ryunosuke performs the dance of deduction, where Sholmes' initial conclusions from cursory glances end up corrected by Ryunosuke, whilst the pair dance around the scene of the crime. Ryunosuke is also exposed to racism, with many English people decrying him for his Japanese heritage upon their frustration with him, most notably his rival prosecutor, Barok Van Zieks. Ultimately, he is able to prove himself as a capable attorney, uncovering the fetid underbelly of London's criminal justice system.

Ryunosuke is the best used protagonist, and the current number of games he stars in make for a perfect story.Adventures, unlike the vast majority of Ace Attorney games in the series, directly teases a sequel. Many narratives from the original are then connected to Resolve. Considering the open-and-shut nature of these two games, there appears little need for a follow-up.

Why the Detective Pikachu Games are a Great Starting Point Before Playing Ace Attorney

Detective Pikachu Returns serves as a cute, low-stakes mystery adventure that might ease players into Ace Attorney's investigations smoothly.