Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion follows a SOLDIER named Zack Fair on his journey to become a hero. The path he takes to earn this title; however, is wrought with some exceptionally dangerous monsters and foes. Surviving the journey can be difficult, but wearing the right accessories will usually make it much easier.

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While a lot of accessories can be found while advancing the main story, some of the best can only be earned by completing missions, searching hidden chests, and meeting certain objectives. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion allows players to customize Zack by equipping different accessories, but some are clearly better than others.

8 Super Ribbon

Zack buys Aerith a Ribbon in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion

Long-time fans of the Final Fantasy series will likely know exactly how powerful the Ribbon accessory can be. While its usage can often change depending on the entry it appears in, most of its depictions see it offering immunity to whoever wears it.

In Crisis Core, the Super Ribbon goes one step above the ordinary Ribbon by granting Zack immunity to the Death status effect. This can be a great help, especially during the post-game. If the player wishes to obtain the Super Ribbon they can complete the M9-6-2: The Lowest Tier mission. If they want another, they can steal one from a Great Marlboro found during the M9-6-4: Biomechanical Threats mission.

7 Ziedrich

Zack finds the Ziedrich in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion

The Ziedrich accessory can be a huge benefit for players who wish to hit hard on all fronts. When equipped, it grants the wearer +100 points of Attack, Magic, Spirit, and Vitality, which can make a huge difference during some of the game's final and optional battles.

It also halves the damage received from elemental attacks, which can be a major benefit when faced with powerful magic users. To obtain the Ziedrich, the player must search the chests scattered throughout the M9-6-5: Life Form of Energy mission.

6 Genji Armor

Unlocking the Genji Armor in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion

Out of the four Genji accessories in Crisis Core, the Genji Armor is by far the easiest to obtain. That said, getting it requires the player to spend a decent amount of time in battle, where they must level up the characters and summons depicted in the Digital Mind Wave menu.

When equipped, the Genji Armor permits Zack's HP to reach 99,999. It also gives him permanent Regen and Endure, two extremely helpful status effects that allow Zack to retain both his health and his balance. When the DMW reaches 100% completion, Zack will receive a piece of Genji Armor.

5 Genji Glove

Zack finds the Genji Glove in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion

The Genji Glove is arguably the best accessory obtainable for those who wish to deal as much damage as they possibly can. While the Brutal accessory can also break the damage limit, the Genji Glove is always guaranteed to deal critical physical attacks, making it much more effective.

This piece of equipment is a must-have for the post-game, but players will need to conquer some of Crisis Core's most ruthless challenges if they hope to get their hands on it. For those willing to work for it, the Genji Glove can be found in a chest during the M9-6-4: Biomechanical Threats mission.

4 Genji Helm

The Genji Helm in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion

When equipped, the Genji Helm removes the need for MP and AP, meaning that Zack can activate whatever ability he wishes without spending any points. Given how fast MP tends to deplete during battle, the Genji Helm can be a huge benefit to players who prioritize magic over physical attacks.

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To find the Genji Helm, players must first unlock the Online Shop Shade by searching the chests found during the M9-5-4: Abnormal Power mission. The Genji Helm can then be purchased from the shop, but only if Zack has amassed 1,000,000 Gil.

3 Genji Shield

Zack obtains the Genji Shield in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion

The Genji Shield is by far the best means of defense in all of Crisis Core. When equipped, the Barrier and MBarrier status buffs will remain active throughout each battle. Not only does this permit Zack to take more of a beating, but the shield also allows him to absorb all elemental damage he is subjected to.

As if this wasn't good enough, the Genji Shield negates all negative status effects, making Zack almost untouchable. To obtain the Genji Shield, Zack must find the Magic Pot wandering the M7-6-6: The Determined Recruiter mission and perform Costly Punch, Gil Toss, and Octaslash when the creature asks. Then, he will need to deal 99,999 damage to the pot, which can be quite difficult to accomplish.

2 Divine Slayer

Obtaining the Divine Slayer in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion

The Divine Slayer accessory is essentially just a mix of the Genji Glove and Genji Armor accessories. When equipped, it allows its wearer to reach 99,999 HP while also enabling them to deal 99,999 points of damage to enemies.

To unlock the Divine Slayer accessory, Zack must complete the M9-6-6: The Reigning Deity mission, which in itself features one of the game's greatest challenges. The Divine Slayer is arguably one of the best accessories in all of Crisis Core, so it makes sense why it's so difficult to obtain.

1 Heike Soul

The Heike Soul in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion

The Heike Soul accessory is the best accessory available in Crisis Core, but sadly, it takes a great deal of work to obtain. The only way to acquire it is for Zack to complete every mission in the game. It can be arduous, but the reward is more than worth it.

The Heike Soul, when equipped, breaks Zack's HP, MP, and AP limits. It doubles the Gil and items dropped by enemies, while also granting Zack a few useful buffs. The only downside about the Heike Soul is that it inflicts Zack with the Curse status effect, which prevents the use of the DMW. By the time the player obtains the Heike Soul; however, they likely won't need to access the DMW anymore.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion is available now on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Switch, and PC.

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