The Band of the Falcon was a renowned mercenary group led by the charismatic and ambitious Griffith. The band's notable feats include reclaiming the Tudor-held fortress of Doldrey, which led to the end of the long-standing conflict. However, after Griffith's capture and subsequent torture, the band's fate turned dark.

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Pursued by Midland's army and apostles, many members were devoured during the Eclipse ritual, which saw Griffith transform into the fifth God Hand. Despite their tragic end, the Band of the Falcon remains iconic, with some members standing out as particularly strong and memorable. Here are the strongest members of the Band of the Falcon and what made them so remarkable.

8 Rickert

rickert berserk

Rickert, a skilled engineer, and blacksmith, was the youngest Band of the Falcon member during the Hundred-Year War. Following Griffith's imprisonment and the band's exile, Rickert was the only survivor of his unit when attacked by apostles.

Despite his gentle and innocent personality, Rickert was a passionate soldier with enough skill to survive the band's battles. His greatest asset was his brilliant mind for engineering, designing many of the weapons used by Guts. He even used them himself, as demonstrated when he used a wagon-mounted repeating crossbow to fend off harpies.

7 Corkus

corkus berserk

Corkus was a competent fighter who had previously led a small band of thieves before joining the Band of the Falcon after being beaten by Griffith. Although little was known about his past, his ability to lead a band of thieves showed his leadership qualities and willingness to use questionable tricks to survive.

He was often seen as a comedic relief in the story, but he spoke the truth and acted as the voice of reason in the group. Corkus fought decently with a short sword or crossbow. Despite having modest abilities compared to a legendary hero like Guts, his character was relatable and appreciated for his dependable nature and small unit management skills. Griffith likely saw these qualities in him when recruiting Corkus to the Band of the Falcon.

6 Gaston

Gaston berserk

Gaston held the position of second in command among Guts' raiders in the Band of the Falcon. Although he had a gentle and weary appearance, it was widely assumed that he was a highly skilled warrior and tactician, despite the lack of full action scenes. After he survived the battle of Doldrey, he left the Band to open a clothing store in Wyndham but returned when he heard of their exile.

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During the Golden Age Arc, Gaston helped protect Griffith by leading his fellow raiders against Wyald and his followers. He was a dedicated and loyal soldier and often spoke up on behalf of his fellow soldiers. However, Gaston met his end during the Eclipse as a sacrifice.

5 Pippin

Pippin berserk

Pippin was the largest member of the Band of the Falcon, and his strength matched his massive size. As some of his most impressive displays of power, he lifted Guts over his shoulder and moved a huge tomb to rescue Griffith. His weapon was a spiked mace, strong enough to damage any enemy’s armored skull, including the apostles.

Guts loved the combination of his and Pippin’s power and thought they made a great duo. Added to his quiet nature, Pippin was a loyal and observant soldier, often responsible for Rickert’s safety in battles. Pippin fought bravely during the Eclipse and sacrificed his life for other Band of the Falcon members.

4 Casca

Casca and other Band of Hawk member

Casca went from mountain peasant to skilled warrior and an essential Band of the Falcon member. Her fellow band members respected her leadership skills and skill as a warrior. She had enough strength and agility to defeat enemies physically larger than her.

Even when she was sleep-deprived, she effectively fought Silat, a Bakiraka assassin. After her restoration, Casca easily defeated practice golems, and her skill was recognized by fellow warriors. Though she used weapons made of wood, she was able to challenge Isidro during their sparring session.

3 Judeau

Judeau berserk

An early member of the Band of the Falcon, Judeau was drawn to Griffith's charisma and leadership abilities. Despite his humble beginnings, he quickly became one of the most important members of the band and was even ennobled with Griffith.

He had various skills, though he considered himself a jack of all trades. Despite his slight frame, he was a competent fighter with agile movements and precise knife skills. He always carried a pair of short swords for close combat. Also, Judeau was intelligent, possessing excellent analytic skills and knowledge of medicine and world history.

2 Guts

Guts in Berserk

Also known as the Black Swordsman, Guts is the skilled warrior on center stage in Berserk. Throughout the story, he is thirsty for revenge but greatly loves his companions. This complicated mix of emotions is the conflict that drives Guts. While Serving as the captain of the raiders in the Band of the Falcon, he finds a sense of purpose which unfortunately suffers after he leaves the group and endures the Eclipse.

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His strength and skill, which he had even in childhood, allow him to fight many powerful enemies, and his incredible willpower enables him to beat countless obstacles, even risking injury. With the Berserker Armor at his disposal, he has superhuman abilities that only make him more powerful.

1 Griffith


Respected as the Falcon of Light, Griffith led the Band of the Falcon through the Hundred-Year War. He mainly fights with a sword, and his skills are unrivaled in this regard. The precise strike of Griffith's sword means sufficient damage to any fighter unfortunate enough to be against him, and he has even devised means to overpower greater swords.

His power also extends past his excellent swordsmanship. When he first battled against Guts, he showed great flair for close combat and even badly wounded Guts' arm in the process. As added perks, Griffith also has an unmistakable charm to him, the power to manipulate space and gravity, and a deep knowledge of leadership roles and battle tactics.

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