When "Gamer Girl" Belle Delphine first announced that she was selling her bath water at $30 per jar, the internet went wild, with Delphine selling out extremely quick. This forced many to turn to secondhand retailers like eBay, where Delphine's bath water went from $300 to $15,000 before the listings were removed. Beyond those actually interested in her bath water, the entire stunt also inspired a great number of video game memes inspired by the act of selling bath water.

For those not in the know, Belle Delphine is a 19-year-old Instagram model who adopted a somewhat satirical "Gamer Girl" persona and is known for pulling off crazy stunts such as playing Mario Kart 8 with a dead octopus and creating a fake PornHub account. Her massive social media following went berserk when she announced her intent to sell bath water, with her "ONE LAST TIME" attempt being that of a full tote-sized container of bath water and some added bonuses.

This bath water stunt inspired a ton of memes across the Internet, with some focusing on Belle Delphine herself, but many are also tied to a variety of video games (likely due to her persona). Ranging from sci-fi first-person shooter, Destiny 2, to the action RPG, Skyrim, here are some of the best Belle Delphine-inspired bath water memes circulating around the Internet.

Dark Souls

darks souls estrus flask bath water meme

Destiny 2

destiny 2 calus bath water

Fallout 76

fallout 76 bath water meme


kirby king dedede bath water memes

Lord of the Rings

lord of the ring bath water meme

Red Dead Redemption 2

red dead redemption 2 bath meme


skyrim gamer girl bathwater
skyrim kjahit gamergirl bathwater meme

Team Fortress 2

team fortress 2 bath water

The Witcher 3

the witcher 3 geralt bath water
red dead keanu reeves bath water

The memes are certainly hilarious, but the reach of Belle Delphine's bath water stunt doesn't end there. Because of its increasing popularity, several other Internet personalities have been asked for bath water, jokingly and/or seriously. Twitch streamer and YouTuber, Pokimane, has had to ask fans to stop requesting bath water, for example, though she took the humorous route, stating that she takes showers, not baths.

"Gamer Girl" Belle Delphine will move on to her next stunt in the coming weeks, so this whole Internet craze will likely blow over soon. Yet the memes it inspired will be remembered for some time to come, especially if her next stunt itself doesn't somehow outdo her selling bath water on the meme front.