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Street Fighter 6 has a story mode in the arcade settings wherein players can use they can view their favorite classic and new characters going on a journey. These stories are simple, represented with animated stills, but there is voice acting. These are typically how story segments play out in this series, but there is a new challenger in the narrative ring: World Tour.

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World Tour is a new mode in Street Fighter 6 that lets players create their own character. This hero will go on a journey in Metro City, the location of the Final Fight series, to become the greatest fighter around. It’s an open-world city action RPG brawler, and there’s a lot to go over. So, let’s break down Street Fighter 6 with some helpful tips.

6 Embrace Goofy Clothes For Stat Boosts

Using Spinning Bird kick in the world in Street Fighter 6

One of the biggest additions to Street Fighter 6 is the character creator. It has existed before but never to this extent in a fighting game. In World Tour, past the initial character creator, players can buy clothes to further customize their champion.

These pieces of clothing are more than cosmetic changes, too, as they increase stats like in a typical RPG. The best clothing will often make characters look like they fell out of a laundry hamper. It’s a bit jarring and may not be aesthetically pleasing, but it will make the game easier. Sometimes it’s okay to embrace the wildly silly to get the best gear in the game.

5 Understand Fighting Styles

A cutscene featuring characters in Street Fighter 6

Players will begin Street Fighter 6 in Luke’s gym, where they will learn the basics of fighting. Luke, like most of the cast of this game, is new to the series. Luke is not the only mentor players can have in the game. Finding a new one, such as Chun-Li or Dee Jay, will unlock their move sets.

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Players can then equip the style of mentors like they would a weapon in an RPG. Furthermore, leveling up fighting styles will unlock new moves to equip. Players can even mix and match techniques and create the ultimate warrior. The power of Chun-Li’s Spinning Bird Kick with Ryu’s cosmic Hadouken in Street Fighter 6 is one such killer combo. Of the early unlocks, Chun-Li’s fighting style is the best and is worth investing in.

4 Check Your Opponent’s Details

Talking to an NPC in Street Fighter 6

There are three ways to fight opponents in the game. One, players can go up to NPCs on the street and ask if they want to fight. Two, roving gangs will run at players to trigger a fight; it’s sort of like getting a random battle in a classic RPG like Final Fantasy. Three, traveling to other countries will initiate boss battles dictated by the story.

Rewinding a bit, players can do more to NPCs than just initialize a fight. They can also check the details of every fighter. Details will reveal reward information, and some rewards require players to win in a certain way. An opponent may reward players with a new piece of clothing if they just use kicks, for example. From clothes to healing items to a bunch of cash, players can win a lot, so they should pay attention to the details before triggering a fight.

3 Prepare To Grind

Exploring the world in Street Fighter 6

As this is like an open-world RPG, opponents will have levels. One cannot jump into a match expecting to win because they know fighting games. Street Fighter 6 is so much more than a fighting game now, and stats matter in World Tour. Presumably, some players can probably ace this game without a lot of grinding, but these hardcore players are few.

When in doubt, be sure to run around Metro City and fight off random clusters of enemies. It’s the easiest way to grind for both experience and items. Just make sure to either tackle enemies at your level or above, as the rewards for weaker enemies are not great.

2 Losing Is Not The End Of The World

Juri in Street Fighter 6

Even though there is no difficulty or assist features in the game, Street Fighter 6 is extremely forgiving. If players pass out during a match with a random fighter, they will get warped back to a random spot on the map. They will not lose anything like items or experience points either. Sometimes, losing won’t even knock players back that far.

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For example, the aforementioned mentors will usually challenge players to fight them. On the first go, players are probably going to lose unless they use a lot of items or are extremely good at fighting games. Losing during boss fights is practically built into the story. Players are meant to lose because the point of the story is getting better through practice. So, when facing a master like Chun-Li or Dee Jay, don’t bother wasting items or continues.

1 Don’t Forget About Side Quests

Fighting enemies in Street Fighter 6

Besides main story missions, side quests will eventually unlock in Metro City. Like the Yakuza games, some of them are compelling because of how weird they are. It’s also one of the best ways to level up and get good rewards too without having to use the random battle method. Spend about an hour with them once they unlock to see what’s going on in Metro City.

Side quests may not be for everyone, as they revolve around simple fetch quests mostly. The true strength of Street Fighter 6 overall is the fighting game mechanics, and the more time players dedicate to that, the better. Capcom has truly elevated this series with the latest sequel. Still, it is encouraged to give a few a shot because of their bizarre nature.

Street Fighter 6 was released on June 2, 2023, and is available on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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