The Serpent Rogue is a game set in a medieval fantasy world, all about becoming an alchemist and taming wild animals in order to save the world from a horrible fate from a horrible fate. It is a rather interesting premise, and one that immerses players and encourages them to explore.

Of course, there are some quirks of the game that players will have to get used to before they can start to really progress, namely due to the unique combat system the game employs. These are things that every player of The Serpent Rogue need to know before they delve in.

7 Be Careful Of Hostile Creatures

The Serpent Rogue - Two Creatures

One of the most interesting aspects of The Serprent Rogue is the combat. Players can fight with just about any creature they encounter; however, any creature that is actively Hostile will immediately engage with a player on sight.

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Players may not expect this at first, which means that a Hostile creature will easily take them off their guard if they are not careful. Players should weary of any new creature they meet until they can deduce whether said creature is Hostile before they go all in to a fight.

6 Don't Forget To Brew Potions

Crafting a potion in The Serpent Rogue

The main function of The Serpent Rogue is the potion brewing feature of the game. Players can really be creative with this feature, and it can greatly aid them in battle. Gamers get to have all sorts of fun collecting resources to make potions.

There are multiple types of potions player can make, but two of the most common ones are healing potions and damage potions. Although players can drink the healing potion to recover their health, they should not drink the damage potion under any circumstances; it will cause large damage.

5 Learn The Difference Between Vitality And Stamina

The Serpent Rogue - A Pier

There are two bars that players should keep an eye on: Vitality and Stamina. Every creature that is alive will have both bars; however, an undead creature will only have Vitality.

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Stamina works as a backup supply of Vitality; as long as a creature is not in combat, their Stamina will slowly convert back into Vitality. Of course, if a creature reaches 0 Vitality, they will die. This means that a player should ensure that they completely burst down the creature's Vitality, if they have Stamina.

4 Combat Is Simple, But Difficult

The Serpent Rogue - Walking Forward

The concept behind the combat in The Serpent Rogue is simple: a player can fight enemies with their potions, but need to watch out for hostile enemies and ensure that they do not throw healing potions on them. However, just because the combat is simple does not mean it is easy.

A player can attack directly with their potion, or with their bare hands if they don't have a potion available. They can also throw the potion in their hand at the enemy, which will be useful for long distances. Just make sure it's a damaging potion before throwing it.

3 Watch Out For Corruption Storms

The Serpent Rogue - Battling Enemy

Corruption Storms are a horrible thing to deal with when it comes to the combat and general gameplay of The Serpent Rogue. Many areas will be safe from Corruption Storms, but the unsafe areas will really have the player on edge.

Players need to get out of an area if they know that a Corruption Storm is about to take place. If they are around when the storm hits, it will definitely kill them, as Corruption Storms deal heavy damage to anyone in the area.

2 Do Not Hit The Enemy With Healing Items

The Serpent Rogue - The Map

While attacking, a player can have an item in their hand; this item can be used to aid the player in battle. However, players must not forget to put away any healing items that they may have in their hand before they start to attack.

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If a player attacks an enemy while they are holding a healing item (such as a potion), the enemy will be healed by the potion. It will be a waste of a potion brewed, on top of actively helping the enemy by recovering their health. It's a surprisingly easy mistake to make, but can be avoided by paying careful attention.

1 Don't Forget Companions

The Serpent Rogue - Many Enemies

As much as a player will want to fight off all sorts of creatures, they must also remember that they can have companions, as well. These companions can greatly aid the player in battle and in their travels throughout The Serpent Rogue.

Players can get an animal companion pretty easily. They can also get human companions later on in the game; however, in order to do that, the player will have to unlock the Pier. For animals, the player will have to complete a quest for Mavka for companions to join them in their travels.

The Serpent Rogue is available on Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows, and PlayStation 5.

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