Romancing SaGa: -Minstrel Song- Remastered is a game in the Japanese Role Playing Game genre - which is known as a JRPG for short - and Romancing SaGa series. It is a remastered version of Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song.

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There are many players who are going to instantly going to take to the game and enjoy all the intricacies of what it has to offer. However, there are players who are going to be a little more lost on the details, and may need some beginner tips on how to play the game before they dive in.

7 Albert Is The Easiest Character for New Players

Romancing Saga - Team

If a player is really, truly, sincerely stuck on which character to pick first, it is worth noting that Albert is by far the easiest character for them to play with. His story route will be a good way for players to get used to all of the intricacies of the game.

A player will be able to figure out, with Albert, a lot of what is needed to have "click" in them in order for them to improve at the game. Because Albert's route is so easy (including his quest itself being easy to grasp story wise), many players are recommended to start off with him.

6 The Game Employs Level Scaling

Romancing Saga - Running

If a player wants to get far in the game, it is worth knowing that the game employs a level scaling tactic for them to experience. Essentially, enemies get stronger the more players level up - for example, a level 40 player going to a beginner areas will be met with, say, level 41 enemies.

This is something that a lot of players need to know in order for them to get far. Essentially, players who want to improve should try and keep their level as low as possible - do not grind for too many levels.

5 The Game Must Be Played Multiple Times

Romancing Saga - Dialogue

Something that a player must note is that they cannot get through the game in only one game play. There are a bunch of paths for a player to experience, and it is important for them to know so.

In short, there are multiple characters, all of which with their own story and quest line for a player to complete. There are more than six characters, all of which with their own large and sprawling quest line to finish and max out weapons.

4 Barbara Has No Starting Quest

Romancing Saga - Rain of Arrows

If even Albert is too much for a player to deal with, it is also worth noting that Barbara can be a good second choice. This is because, essentially, Barbara has no staring quest whatsoever.

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Surprisingly, though, some players may have a bit of difficulty starting off with Barbara. This is due to the fact that, despite her lack of a starting quest being an upside for many, it can be a downside for more people due to the fact that it has a lack of an introduction.

3 A Player Will Be Able to Customize Everything

Romancing Saga - Travel

It is worth emphasizing the fact that the game Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered is very heavy on customization. This is something that many players can trip up on, actually, due to how much a player can customize when it comes to their character.

A player can customize all sorts of things in the game - this can be from the weapons that a player wields, all the way to the equipment that can be placed on a player character that is being gone through on the path.

2 Do Not Be Afraid to Discover

Romancing Saga - Scihele

A large part of the game Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered is the fact that there are a bunch of things for a player to explore and discover on their journey. This includes all sorts of rare items that cannot normally be found, such as particularly strong weapons.

If something looks suspicious, a player should not be afraid to investigate it. For all they know, the strange diversion from the path could be how they find one of the best pieces of equipment to use in the game, or some of the best consumables (such as a fully healing potion).

1 Maxing Weapons Out Are Hard, Do Not Wait

Romancing Saga - Dark Temptation

The process of maxing out a weapon is really long and tedious. It is not something that a player should put off until they are near the end of their game play - in fact, a player should remember to start the quest line to max out their weapon as early as they can.

While a player should remember that the quest to max out their weapon is going to be a long one, it will be more than worth it in the end. Their fully upgraded weapon will be beyond useful for them, especially when it comes to harder bosses to face.

Romancing SaGa: -Minstrel Song- Remastered is available on Microsoft Windows.

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