Resident Evil Re:Verse is a multiplayer game - more specifically, a player-versus-player multiplayer game - set in the Resident Evil series. This game has a rather unique mechanic that not many other player versus player games have; that being the ability to shapeshift into a Bioweapon the moment the player dies.

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There are many players who will be able to immediately take to the intricacies of this player-versus-player game. However, some people may need some beginner tips before they get started, as the game is a little complex to get used to at first.

7 Scroll Through the Characters

Resident Evil ReVerse - Aiming

There are multiple characters that a player could select from in the game Resident Evil Re:Verse. All of these characters have different play styles, as well, so there is something for everyone to use, regardless of whether or not they play a faster style, slow but hard-hitting, stealthier, or anything else in between.

It would do a player good to pick through all of the characters that they have to choose from in the game. By finding a character more tailored toward a player's play style, gameplay will become much more natural feeling.

6 Read Through Each Bioweapon's Skills

Resident Evil ReVerse - Shooting

Each character has a different Bioweapon that they transform into after their normal self runs out of HP. These Bioweapons are going to be a player's best way of coming back if a match is going sour and out of their favor.

Of course, it would do a player good to figure out what each Bioweapon does, by reading thoroughly through all the skills of the Bioweapon before starting a match. Doing so will also help a player to make a good decision regarding what character they want to pick, as well.

5 Learn About the Different Matches

Resident Evil ReVerse - Players

There are multiple types of matches that a player can go through while playing the game Resident Evil Re:Verse. These matches are usually going to be things like the points system, a free for all, and more.

It is worth taking a moment to learn about all the different types of matches, so this way a player will be able to adapt to any scenario that comes their way. After all, the rules for a point match is different from a free for all, and a player cannot use the same play style between the two.

4 Learn How to Dodge

Resident Evil ReVerse - Guns

When a player learns how to dodge, they will gain a large improvement to their abilities in terms of evading attacks from enemies in a very short moment. Learning how to dodge is going to be somewhat difficult at first, but it will be much easier once they get used to it.

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By learning how to dodge and evade, a player will have a good way to get themselves out of a pickle real quick. If an enemy is about to land a hit on them, using a quick dodge will have a player roll themselves away and into safety.

3 Steal Virus Capsules as a Human

Resident Evil ReVerse - Gun

Virus capsules are scattered all throughout the maps that a player will be able to use in their game play. They will not be useful at first as a Human, however there will be immense payoff once they transform.

A player can grab up to two virus capsules at a time; with these capsules, after transforming into a Bioweapon, they will be much stronger. There could even be some new skills for a player that they can only use as a high level Bioweapon!

2 Hunt Down Enemies as a Bioweapon

Resident Evil ReVerse - Glowing

As a Bioweapon, a player will need to start hunting down enemies almost immediately, as quickly as they can and to take out as many people as possible. Their health will start to drop over time, and once it hits 0, it is a game over for them.

The first place a player should go is after the person that killed them. If a player takes revenge on their murderer, they will be able to gain some extra points; that's not to say that is the only person to go for, though, and a player should remember to just keep going and kill as many enemies as they can while they still have HP.

1 Green Herbs Heal, Use Them

Resident Evil ReVerse - Capsule

While a player is still a human, they will actually be able to heal themselves a little bit if they manage to find some Green Herbs. Green Herbs are scattered throughout the area, and they spawn randomly, so a player will not be able to go to the same spot every time.

It would be best for a player to keep an eye out for Green Herbs while they go through the match. This way, they will always have a backup for if they end up in a bad spot.

Resident Evil Re:Verseis available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows.

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