MotoGP 22 is a racing game in the MotoGP series, which focuses all around racing with motorbikes. It is a novel and unique concept that sets it apart from most other racing games, while simultaneously giving the player something new to learn.

Many people have gotten into MotoGP 22 because they are not familiar with motorbike racing in games, and are interested in racing with vehicles other than the usual cars. By the same token, though, this also means there are players who do not know what they are getting into, and need a few beginner tips to set them on the right path.

7 Learn to Lean

MotoGP 22 - Riding next to Ferris Wheel

Learning how to lean is one of the most important things a player does in MotoGP 22. This is because leaning is one of the player's best ways to assist their turning, to ensure that they can, for example, make a curve correctly without losing momentum or crashing.

It may take a little while for a player to learn how to lean, though. It is a bit difficult for people new to the game, but once they figure it out, their turns will be much smoother. Players may even be able to shave whole seconds off their run, a valuable chunk of time in racing games.

6 Get Used to Braking

MotoGP 22 - Player in First Place

Similar to leaning, braking is also essential to learn as soon as possible in MotoGP 22. There will be a lot of twists and turns on each course, and players need to learn how to brake in order to ensure they do not fly off of the path.

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It's easy enough to figure out which button is needed to brake, but the actual quirks of steering and braking have a bit more of a learning curve. As with everything in the game, it takes practice — don't just slam on the brakes. Take the time to learn the feel of the motorbike and how its brakes work.

5 Turn on Assists

MotoGP 22 - Turning in rain

There are assists in the game, which can be used to make the mechanics slightly easier on a player. This can include things such as automatically braking, assistance when it comes to the front brake, and so on and so forth.

Somebody who is newer to the game may end up having a better time with assists, so there is no shame in turning them on. Plus, when a player becomes more experienced, they can then turn them off just as easily. Of course, this does come with the minor downside of having to learn to drive without the assists.

4 Do Not Rush In Head First

MotoGP 22 - Tilting vigorously

There is a certain type of player that wants to dive straight into the game and learn by how the game feels. Unfortunately, MotoGP 22 is not one of those games where this is possible. It's much more complicated than a game like, say, Mario Kart.

New players should at least take the time to look through the instructions. They do not have to read through huge guides online just to play the game, but having a general idea of what controls are used for which directions will make it much easier on the player.

3 Play Around with Bike Setups

MotoGP 22 - Blue and Red bikes

Players can actually customize their bike to ensure that it is made exactly to their liking and plays the way that a player will go through the game. This can make it much easier for a player who might be struggling with how their bike performs.

A weaker bike that is tuned to a player's particular style is much stronger than a strong bike that a player is actively fighting. If players take time to tune their bike before jumping into a race, they'll feel much more comfortable, and have a lot more fun on the track.

2 Learn the Right Riding Technique

MotoGP 22 - Two Bikes driving

There are multiple ways for a player to ride their bike in MotoGP 22. A player who is used to more traditional racing games with cars may end up being confused by how the game plays, as driving a motorcycle is much different from driving a car.

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Players who are more used to racing games than anything else would have to take a moment to get used to the controls of MotoGP 22. This is going to greatly benefit the player in the long run, as soon enough the controls will become much more natural to play with.

1 Go In Slowly

MotoGP 22 - Two Racers riding together

A player cannot simply log into the game for the first time and immediately go for the main races. They will need to take some time to ease themselves into the game, starting with some practice races before they go into the main race.

By doing this, the player will be able to gain some easy experience in, before they work their ways up to the big guns. Although it is simply a game, a player can get a ton of hands-on experience just by playing around with some practice races and tinkering with certain driving techniques.

MotoGP 22 is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X and Series S, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, and PlayStation 5.

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