This year, the Game Boy Advance title, Mario Vs. Donkey Kong, saw its 20th anniversary. To mark the occasion, a remake of the beloved game was released for the Nintendo Switch in February 2024. While updated for a modern audience, at its core, the latest installment in the Mario Vs. Donkey Kong series remains faithful to its predecessor. It also includes some callbacks to other games in the Super Mario franchise.

This game has its fair share of challenges, but players need not be alarmed. These tips will help players get to grips with the basics, so they will be playing like a pro in no time.

All Mario vs. Donkey Kong Games, Ranked

The Mario vs. Donkey Kong title brings back one of the most classic rivalries in all of gaming, but how does it rank amongst other Mario & DK entries?

6 Master Mario's Moves

Run And Jump Man

Mario Vs Donkey Kong 2024 Screenshot Level 1

First things first, players must familiarize themselves with Mario's basic move set. This includes jumping (pressing A) and running (using the D-Pad or Control Stick). To those who have played any Mario game before, this will come as no surprise. Jumping allows Mario to press switches and activate platforms as early as in the first level.

Keep in mind, the controls for the Construction Zone levels are different:

  • D-Pad/Control Stick: Move cursor
  • A: Select/place object
  • B: Cancel/remove object
  • L/R: Rotate object

The first level will show players that jumping on a blue switch will cause blue platforms to appear, and jumping on a red switch will activate the red platforms. This level will also introduce players to the Handstand jump, a crucial action crucial throughout the game. This may all seem easy enough, but mastering Mario's moves can take some getting used to, as the puzzles will grow progressively harder as gamers make their way through the levels.

5 Choose A Play Style

Casual Or Classic?

mario vs donkey kong play style

If players are having trouble playing the game in the 'Classic Mode', they need not worry: it is easy to switch to 'Casual' mode. Casual Mode removes the pressure of the time limit, while also allowing Mario five hits instead of the one in Classic Mode.

Casual mode also provides gamers with extra checkpoints and hit points when defeating enemies, removing potential frustrations. This option thankfully makes the game accessible to everyone.

4 Work On Strategy

Enhance Puzzle-Solving Ability

mario vs donkey kong world 6 slippery summit

Each level in Mario Vs. Donkey Kong serves up a new challenge. It is crucial to pay close attention to the layout of platforms, obstacles, and enemies. Otherwise players will find themselves running out of lives very fast. Some platforms, such as the icy ones in 'Slippery Summit,' pose a greater risk as Mario will skid across them and is therefore more likely to fall or run into an enemy.

The best tactic here is to time Mario's movements. Players need not be afraid to try experimenting with different strategies and approaches to solving the puzzles.

3 Collect Presents

Grab As Many As Possible

perfect score on level 3-1 fire mountain

Gamers will notice shiny presents in each level. They come in three variations: red, yellow, and blue. To 100% complete the game, they need to grab every single one. Here is what each present is worth:

  • Red: 2,000 points
  • Yellow: 3,000 points
  • Blue: 5,000 points

In the main levels, players will find a red present in the first half and a blue present in the second half. The yellow present could be in either half, so they must lay close attention or they'll miss it. It is mandatory to collect all three to receive a 'Perfect!' score.

2 Play With Friends

Double the Fun with Multiplayer

mario vs. donkey kong how to join

If a player is having a tough time completing a level, adding another player can really help them out. In multiplayer mode, Player 2 will be Toad, who is controlled the exact same way as Mario. One of the many ways a second player can assist is by enabling Mario to jump higher. As in the New Super Mario Bros. series, characters can jump off of each other to get a height boost. It's possible to boost Mario's jump as a single player, but having a second player makes it significantly easier.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong: How to Play Co-Op

Players can enjoy Mario vs. Donkey Kong with friends - here's how to set up a two player game.

Also similar to the New Super Mario Bros. titles, if one player loses a life, the level won't restart. Instead, the player will float across the screen in a bubble until the other player frees them. That is, as long as the remaining player doesn't die.

1 Boss The Boss Fights

Defeat Donkey Kong (Again)

A screenshot of Donkey Kong standing in front of three multicolored buttons in Mario vs. Donkey Kong.

The first fight against Donkey Kong is simple and straightforward. Donkey Kong will periodically press one of three blue, red, and yellow switches, which will activate their corresponding platforms and trash cans which Mario can throw. If Mario is holding a colored trash can, it won't disappear even if Donkey Kong presses a different colored switch. Players should take advantage of this.

Players need not worry about jumping to the uppermost platform; the second-highest green platform is high enough for Mario to reach Donkey Kong. Once he's reached this platform, throw a trash can at DK four times to defeat him...until he returns for the next showdown. Finally, players must watch for falling rocks. Every so often, Donkey Kong will pull a chain that causes debris to fall. Mario can avoid taking damage by running out of the way.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong
Mario vs. Donkey Kong (2024)

Mario vs. Donkey Kong
February 16, 2024
Platformer , Puzzle