Luck Be a Landlord is a game in the roguelike genre that is all about defeating capitalism. The player has their landlord banging down their door to pay their rent, and with a stroke of luck they hit the jackpot to pay up.

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The concept has been enjoyed by many players, for the randomness aspect of game play and how interesting it is. However, there are a few players who may struggle with the game at first, and thus will need some beginner tips to start off on the right foot.

6 Be Careful With Picking Symbols

Luck Be a Landlord - Many Slots

There are multiple symbols that a player could acquire in Luck be a Landlord, and these symbols are going to be the player's best way of acquiring money to pay their rent. However, not all symbols were made equal, though - some of them are worth more than others.

A player will have multiple rounds of spinning the wheel to aid them on their quest - the more they spin, the more symbols that they can acquire, which can give them more chances to make money. However, a player will have to pay close attention early on, to see what modifiers each symbol will have later on in the game.

5 The First Spin Is Free

Luck be a Landlord - Symbols

Making money is not easy in Luck be a Landlord. There is always a chance that a player will end up losing money on their spin - on top of this, they will have to pay to spin as well, meaning that they could end up losing money on top of paying to spin.

Luckily, the first time per round a player spins, it will be absolutely free of charge. This will mainly be for the player's benefit, in order to start off on a good foot, but that is the only free spin that a player will be able to have per round.

4 Remember Some Symbols Are Double Edged

Luck be a Landlord - Items

There are going to be some times when a player gets to be able to add symbols that are really good initially, but will prove themselves to end up actively hurting the player layer on if they do not play their cards right. This includes items such as the Dwarf, the Bounty Hunter, or the Bear.

There are all sorts of different ways that these currencies can end up backfiring on the player later on in their run. While these symbols can end up giving a player lots of currency in the beginning, it could hurt the player later on - such as the Dwarf only being useful if there is anything worth destroying, and will just take up space if not.

3 Remember The Game Is Luck Based

Luck be a Landlord - Rent

Unfortunately, there is no way to make an absolute perfect run in Luck be a Landlord every single time the player starts up the game. This game is very much luck based - it primarily revolves around spinning a slot machine and hoping for a jackpot, after all.

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The problem with Luck be a Landlord is that a player just can not guarantee that they will be able to make a perfect run. As such, it would be best for a player to know this early on, and remember to take what the game gives them and make the most of it.

2 Coal Is A Long Term Investment

Luck be a Landlord - Spinning

A player may not want to pick up Coal symbols at first. They seem useless in the beginning, after all - however, it is worth noting that Coal can actually be very useful if a player just sticks with it with a few turns.

This is mainly because, if a player keeps their Coal for a while, they may end up getting the opportunity to turn it into Diamond symbols. If they get lucky enough to have Miner symbols as well, it can be a huge boost in the amount of currency that they have.

1 Synergizing Is The Name Of The Game

Luck be a Landlord - Adding Symbols

Luck be a Landlord is not solely about grabbing the best of the best when it comes to symbols - if a player knows what they are doing, they could make a huge profit off of some lesser known symbols. It all boils down to how they make their symbols synergize with one another.

One obvious example is how Coal symbols (and, by extension, Diamond symbols) and Miners are able to synergize with one another. A player gets the Coal, lets their slot machine spin until they can turn it into a Diamond, and then use the Miner symbols to get the diamonds - this, in turn, will be a great way for a player to gain a large amount of money. While this is a more obvious example, there are still many ways for a player to synergize with their other symbols, and it is up to them to figure it out.

Luck Be a Landlord is available on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems.

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