Knights of Honor 2: Sovereign is a medieval-themed game in the Real Time Strategy genre (RTS for short). The player takes control of a king and has to build their kingdom up from nothing and bring it to game and prosperity, all while managing their resources.

Many players will be able to instantly take to the game and be able to manage their kingdom well. However, other players are going to struggle a bit with the game and all of its intricacies. To help those players learn the ropes, there are some beginner tips that players need to know.

7 Learn About the Knights System

Knights of Sovereign 2 - Towns-1

The knights system is absolutely fundamental in Knights of Honor 2: Sovereign, and it will greatly benefit a player to learn how the knights system works. The system can be a bit difficult at first, but it is worth learning.

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The main thing a player should know is that knights can have all sorts of different jobs. These can range from the Merchant, who signs trade agreements and imports goods, to the Spy, who infiltrates enemy kingdoms and gives the player access to important information.

6 Make Sure Each Knight Governs Something

Knights of Sovereign 2 - Town

Regardless of how many knights a player has, they should always ensure that every knight is governing something. This assures that player will be able to acquire all the resources that they need to succeed at running their kingdom.

Without a knight to govern a province, the player will be severely limited in how much that province can produce. In fact, provinces that have a knight governing them will produce resources ten times faster than a province without one. Considering this, it's a no-brainer for a player to assign their knights to provinces.

5 Hire and Educate

Knights of Sovereign 2 - Expand

The best thing a player can do for their citizens is to educate them. This is true for both real life and in Knights of Honor 2: Sovereign. A player should take every chance they get to educate their citizens.

By spending money on books to educate the player's citizens and knights, they will be able to unlock a long line of skills for them to use. These skills can give all sorts of upgrades, such as being able to produce more resources faster. It is to the player's advantage to have an educated population, as it will enable the kingdom to run more efficiently.

4 Learn Subjects' Opinions

Knights of Sovereign 2 - River

A good leader should always take their subjects' voices into account. In Knights of Honor 2, the opinions that subjects have about the way their kingdom is governed can be surprisingly important. A player should not hesitate to learn more about the opinions of their subjects, as this will help them learn what to focus on next.

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Through their citizens, a player can learn about what they may need to do next. For example, citizens may want more housing, or to may want produce more. By fulfilling these requirements, players will be able to keep their citizens happy. Happy citizens can give all sorts of bonuses, which can include things like producing more materials.

3 Special Buildings Are Worth Constructing

Knights of Sovereign 2 - Church

Many players will initially balk at constructing special buildings. A few settlements will have special buildings available, and building them can be a bit expensive. However, it's worth it to build these special buildings, even if they cost more.

These buildings give all sorts of special bonuses, depending on what has been constructed. Regardless of what a player has, though, any bonus is beneficial, so these buildings are worth constructing.

2 Keep Supplies Replenished

Knights of Sovereign 2 - Houses

Keeping an eye on supplies is essential during gameplay of Knights of Honor 2: Sovereign. It is something that players will have to worry about during any real time strategy game, but with this game in particular.

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Supplies need to be constantly replenished if a player wants to make sure that their army survives. If a player is currently invading enemy territory, the quickest way to get more supplies is to conquer more settlements around them. If nothing else, players can least raid said settlements and see what they have to offer.

1 Take Time to Create the Army

Knights of Sovereign 2 - Oceans-1

A player should not leave their army creation for the last second. As is to be expected with most real time strategy games, a player will have to focus on building up their army, in case they are invaded by a neighboring kingdom.

Because the army is so essential, it worth it for players to take some time and fully explore what the game has to offer when it comes ot the army. The army building is surprisingly in depth, and a player can assign all sorts of workers needed to serve.

Knights Of Honor 2: Sovereign is available on PC.

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