Immortal Tactics: War of the Eternals is a game that is classified in the roguelike or roguelite genre of games, and lets a player take control of multiple characters, in order to plan and strategize their way to victory. The main highlight of the game is the fact that it is primarily tile based, and each battle is composed of multiple phases.

Related: Holomento Interview: Dev Discusses Roguelite Permanence and Indie Creation

There are going to be many players who will be able to instantly take to the game and its unique way of battling. However, it is worth noting that there are some players who are going to have troubles getting started, and may need some beginner tips.

6 Remember The Game Is Turn Based

War of Eternal - Sinner

Something that sets Immortal Tactics: War of the Eternals apart from other games in the roguelike or roguelite genres is the fact that it is actually turn based. Most other roguelikes are usually thought to work in real time battle, so a player used to real time battle may be taken off guard by the turn based function of the game.

As long as a player remembers that the game primarily works in a turn based fashion, they will be able to ease themselves into game play much more easily. The whiplash from real time to turn based should not be too bad to deal with, after all.

5 The Game Is A Roguelite, Be Careful

War of Eternal - Text

Not many turn based games are roguelikes or roguelites, which means that this may be a bit of a struggle for players who are used to turn based games to deal with it. One wrong move, and the player's party will be totally wiped out, and they will be sent back to either the beginning or a checkpoint.

A player is really going to want to be careful while they are going through the game, because death means they are going back a long way. Luckily, though, that is the whole point of the game - dying so a player can get stronger again and again.

4 Tiles Are Very Important

War of Eternal - Environment

On top of the game being turn based, all movement revolves around tiles. Players will only be able to attack enemies that are close enough in range to the tile their current character is standing on, and vice versa - enemies will only be able to attack the character if they are close enough.

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Learning how tiles work in this game is going to be essential for improving in the game by leaps and bounds. A player will be able to figure out along the way the unique ranges of each of their attacks - that is to say, how far each attack can land, and how close they have to get.

3 There Are Multiple Units To Master

War of Eternal - Spell

An essential part of Immortal Tactics: War of the Eternals is the fact that a player will have multiple characters to control when they go into battle. In other words, a player should really remember not to get too comfortable with one character and neglect the others.

A player will be given a variety of units to work with as they progress through the game - they do not really need to go out of their way to acquire them. It would be a good idea for a player to use them all equally, so this way they are used to the quirks of everyone and how they all work. After all, there may come a time when all their best units are wiped out, and they have to make do with what they have.

2 The Learning Curve Is Manageable

War of Eternal - Army

Something that new players will get tripped up on at first is how much stuff they have to keep track of when they first get into the game. However, with a bit of time and experience, a player will definitely get used to the level of difficulty in the game - the learning curve becomes easier as a player goes on.

One thing that players will soon get used to is the fact that battles take place in multiple phases. A player will not just be clicking once and twice to attack - they will have to deal with each phase; these phases will affect the battle in many ways (such as weather-based phases might put a damper on spells), but players will soon get used to it.

1 Get Stronger With Each Death

War of Eternal - Wildlands

A huge part of roguelike and roguelite games is the fact that players will be able to get stronger and improve with each and every death that they experience. Even though they just got totally wiped out, players will be able to come back, good as new (if not better).

Players will have to learn from their mistakes of the last run they had in order to improve at the game - that is one of the quickest ways to victory. For example, a player may learn that a certain unit is totally weak against a particular type of enemy, but strong against another.

Immortal Tactics: War Of The Eternals is available on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems.

More: Holomento Dev Discusses the Game’s Unique Take on the Roguelite Genre