Guardian Tales is a game in the MMORPG (otherwise known as the Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) genre. Guardian Talesis actually a bit more unique than most other MMORPGs, due to the gacha elements that are baked into the game.

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There are many people who will pick up Guardian Tales and be able to instantly take to it; however, there are also people who will have no idea what to do in this game. There are some beginner tips for people who are new to the game to learn and take in before they get too far in.

7 Get A Healer, And Quick

Guardian Tales - Chickens

Getting a healer should be one of the first things a player does when they first start off in Guardian Tales. Enemies can pack quite a punch, especially when a player is just starting out in the game, so it is important to mitigate their damages.

Luckily, though, a player will be able to get a healer after clearing a very early stage in the story. This healer's name is Karina, and many people who have started off in Guardian Tales will use her for their early game play before acquiring someone stronger later on.

6 Learn Enemy Moves For An Advantage

Guardian Tales - Promo Art

Fighting enemies may seem a bit daunting at first, due to the fact that there are many enemies that a player will have to keep track of, along with the fact that they also have to keep ensuring that they dodge everything that is thrown their way. Luckily, it is not that difficult to get used to their moves.

Enemies will telegraph their attacks very frequently while a player is in battle. On top of this, the zones that their attack will hit is going to be highlighted in red. As such, players who learn how attacks are telegraphed is going to have a much easier time.

5 Better Start Rerolling

Guardian Tales - Chest

Unfortunately, Guardian Tales is a gacha game. This is something that every player who starts the game is going to have to get used to - of course, that means that it is very possible for a player to have a awful roll when they start out in the game.

As such, a player should prepare to either take what they can get or start rerolling a lot. Essentially, rerolling is resetting a player's account at the beginning of the game, when they can get a large amount of summons at first, and going through the summons again until they can get something good.

4 Join A Guild, The Rewards Are Good

Guardian Tales - Island

If nothing else, a player who joins a guild will be able to find themselves in a community of people who play Guardian Tales, which can make the game much more enjoyable for some people. However, there are actual rewards for joining a guild.

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When a player joins a guild, they will gain the ability to gather up rewards from daily attendance programs. On top of this, a player can participate in raids as well - even if they are weaker, they will still be rewarded for their efforts.

3 Ignore The Arena Until Late Game

Guardian Tales - Arena

Players who start Guardian Tales may be tempted to start poking around in the Arena. After all, who doesn't want to flex their skills against other players? As it turns out, though, it would be much better to completely ignore the arena for a while.

A player will be nowhere near the point where they can compete against other players for a very long while. After all, many players have been competing for a long time, and newer players have just started out.

2 The Resource Dungeons Are Useful At Times

Guardian Tales - Boss

When a player starts out in the game, they are going to get a lot of conflicting advice - which resource dungeons are good, which are useless, which are good early on but fall off later, and so on. The truth is, all the resource dungeons can be used.

The Gold dungeon, for example, is going to be the player's quickest way of farming for in game currency. The XP dungeons are good in the beginning of the game, to get a player's team trained quickly, but may not be as useful later on.

1 Wait A Little While To Evolve

Guardian Tales - Bomb

A player will learn that one of the best ways to make their characters stronger is to evolve them. However, they should actually wait a little while before they set their heart on evolving any one particular character - this is because hero crystals are the only way to limit break a character (along with evolving them), and they are actually really rare.

These hero crystals are going to be an incredibly important resource later on. On top of this, a player might not be able to fully take advantage of their evolution nodes for the last evolutions until much later in the game, so it is best to hold off on them for a bit.

Guardian Tales is available on Nintendo Switch, Android, and iOS.

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