​​​​​ Gravitar: Recharged is a modern re-imagining of the classic, beloved Atari arcade game Gravitar . Players take on the role of a pilot in a hostile, mysterious space system and have to navigate a series of space stations and planets.
Related: Arcade Games That Have The Best Lore Much like the original Gravitar title, completing Gravitar: Recharged is a truly challenging experience for most players. Gameplay is often fast-paced and chaotic and death is just around the corner for the player. However, certain strategies and approaches can make the title feel far more manageable. So, this list covers some beginner tips for anyone attempting to take on Gravitar: Recharged .

10 Shoot At The Red!

gravitar recharged

Gravitar: Recharged can be very chaotic at times, and players can easily get overwhelmed by the amount of action happening onscreen. One thing that some players fail to notice is that the game is color-coded, with certain entities being black and red (in fact, the title's enemy design is arguably up there with some of sci-fi's best).

Basically, anything players see that is black and red is an enemy and can and should be shot at. If players keep this in mind, then they should have an easier time keeping up with the non-stop action in the game and hopefully clearing stages more easily than they otherwise would.

9 Use Tractor Beam To Pick Up Power Ups

gravitar recharged

While there's obviously plenty of shooting that goes on in Gravitar: Recharged, it's not the be-all and end-all of the title. In fact, players are equipped with a handy tractor beam in the game that they can and should use in a variety of situations.

The tractor beam can be used to pick up items in the game's various stages, including useful powerups for the player's ship. So, anytime the player sees items floating onscreen, they shouldn't hesitate to use their tractor beam to pick these up; some powerups in Gravitar: Recharged can change the course of the game altogether.

8 Prioritise Evasion While The Shield Replenishes Itself

gravitar recharged

The ship in Gravitar: Recharged has a force field around it, but this shield isn't infallible. In fact, it only takes one hit for the force field to shatter, leaving players exposed to enemy fire (retaining this classic trope makes Gravitar: Recharged as enjoyable as some of the most iconic arcade games).

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However, the force field regenerates itself after five seconds or so. If players' force fields go down, they should prioritize evading enemy fire at all costs until their shield has come back online, rather than focussing on taking out as many enemies as possible. It only takes one hit for the player to die when their force field is inactive in Gravitar: Recharged, so this is crucial.

7 Practice Controlling The Ship

gravitar recharged

Easily the most challenging part of Gravitar: Recharged is being able to control the ship effectively and get it to do what the player wants it to do (and the game's level of difficulty is up there with some of the toughest retro titles out there).

As such, players who are new to the game should dedicate some time to getting as comfortable as possible with the controls and moving their ship if they want to have as much success with the title as they can. While it may not sound very appealing to players who aren't especially enamored with grinding in video games, it's worth it if they want the best experience when playing Gravitar: Recharged.

6 Use Angles To Evade Turrets

gravitar recharged

One of the types of enemies that players can encounter in Gravitar: Recharged is the turrets. These enemies can pose a real challenge to players; they're often found in groups and can be overwhelming for the player to take out without accidentally getting hit in the process.

However, turrets can be outsmarted. They're actually not able to fire in a 360-radius of themselves; rather, they can only fire in a 180-degree radius. Players who are mindful of this can easily outmaneuver the turrets in Gravitar: Recharged rather than getting taken out by them.

5 Don’t Rush

gravitar recharged

Gravitar: Recharged is a pretty intense experience and can make players feel like they need to go for broke in order to clear whichever level they're up to (something that makes the title as exciting as some of the best-ever arcade games).

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It's important for players to realize, though, that the game doesn't penalize players for taking a long time to clear a particular level. And, there aren't any bonuses for clearing a level within a particular timeframe, either. So, players should take as much time as they need to comfortably clear each planet in Gravitar: Recharged, because it's much easier to perform better when taking this approach to the game.

4 UFOs Can Be Outsmarted

gravitar recharged

There's plenty of action in Gravitar: Recharged, but this doesn't mean that players should forego strategy when playing the game, either. One way that players can implement some level of strategy in their approach to the game is by outsmarting the force field UFOs that players can find near reactors in some of the game's levels (unlike some titles, the aliens in Gravitar: Recharged are far from peaceful).

These UFOs will pursue the player if the player gets close enough, so players can actually use this to their advantage by luring them away from the reactor. Then, players can strike and take the UFOs out with relative ease.

3 When It Comes To Shooting, More Is More

gravitar recharged

It might sound strange for a game as challenging as Gravitar: Recharged, but there is, in fact, such a thing as being too careful when playing the title. While players should be careful and judicious when taking on the game's various stages, one thing that they shouldn't worry about is using too much ammo.

Players have unlimited ammo in Gravitar: Recharged, so more is basically more when it comes to shooting at the game's various enemies (something that makes the game's combat as enjoyable as some of the most exciting arcade games ever). While aimlessly firing off rounds and hoping for the best might not be the best approach, there's no reason to hold back, either.

2 Take Breaks

gravitar recharged

There's no sugarcoating it; Gravitar: Recharged is a very challenging title and will likely be a far greater test for many players than they're used to from other games they may have played.

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If players are feeling frustrated at any point while playing the game, then taking a break is often wise. Stepping away from the game for a breather is often a great way of gaining new insight or perspective into how to tackle a particular level, as well as allowing players to come back to the title feeling refreshed and ready for more action.

1 There’s No Shame In Leaving A Planet Early

gravitar recharged

While Gravitar: Recharged is certainly a challenging title, some elements of it make it far more forgiving than players realize, and the world design, which puts it up there with some of the most innovative sci-fi titles of all time, is one of them.

For example, there's no penalty for quitting a level without completing it. This can also be a great way to decompress or reassess if players are finding a level too challenging or are simply unsure of how best to approach it. So, if players are feeling at any point like they aren't sure what the best way forward in a particular planet in Gravitar: Recharged is, then they might want to quit early and take a breather before diving back in.

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