Uncharted: The Lost Legacy takes players on an epic adventure through the Western Ghats mountains of India. With players controlling the treasure hunter Chloe Frazer, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is the first entry in the Uncharted franchise not to feature the beloved protagonist of its earlier titles, Nathan Drake.

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With a varied combat system, elements of stealth, and plenty of Easter Eggs and hidden treasure for players to uncover, first-time players may struggle to get as much out of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy on their initial playthrough as they might want to and may therefore benefit from some beginner tips for the game.

1 Use Dragonflies To Find Photo Ops

uncharted chloe and nadine standing on rock

One of the more unique features of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is the game's photography mechanic. In fact, there is a series of photo opportunities scattered around the game's world, which the game actually treats like a collectible.

Nab enough of these photo ops and players will unlock achievements and trophies. However, some of the photo ops are hidden or otherwise difficult to find. One top tip for noticing them is that they always have a duo of brightly-colored dragonflies hovering nearby. Spot them, and all players need to do is run over to the spot and make Chloe take a picture.

2 Use Stealth Melee Kills

uncharted chloe crouching behind pillar

Something that a lot of fans love about Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is how flexible its combat system is. A huge part of this comes from the game's stealth system, which is arguably underused by many players.

One example of this would be the option of utilizing stealth kills to neutralize enemies rather than engaging with them in direct combat. Players can also use the stealth system to set up partner takedowns and kills, which is much easier to time without the constant threat of having to worry about what their target is doing or where they are on the map.

3 Consider How to Approach Combat

uncharted chloe and nadine in firefight

Even if using stealth doesn't appeal to players, there are plenty of ways to handle combat in Uncharted: the Lost Legacy that don't involve direct confrontation or firefights. With a bit of prior planning, players can generally keep Chloe out of harm's way while dealing with enemies in dramatic fashion.

One way of doing so might be with the use of explosives, which are scattered around the game world in fairly generous numbers. Players struggling in firefights may also want to consider turning on assisted aiming in the game's settings, which helps massively with firearm accuracy.

4 Explore The Map Thoroughly

uncharted chloe in front of elephant statues

The map in Uncharted: the Lost Legacy is absolutely huge, with many hidden temples and locations for players to find. While the game's main questline will leave players with plenty to do, if they really want to get the most out of the game, they'll want to explore the map as thoroughly as they can.

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In doing so, players will uncover far more than they would by simply completing the game's primary questline. Not only that, but it's also a great way to see more of the game's absolutely jaw-dropping world.

5 Keep An Eye Out For Hidden Treasure And Collectables

uncharted landscape with mountains and lakes

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the world of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is absolutely littered with treasures and collectables. Many of these are hidden in some way, so players who want to get their hands on as many of these items as possible will have to make sure to explore the map as thoroughly as they can.

One way to spot treasures from a distance is by the shimmering glow that it gives off. Chloe can also use the Queen's Ruby, a special item that gives off a flash of red light when Chloe is near some kind of treasure.

6 Collect Points for Post-Game Bonuses

Chloe Frazer exploring temple exterior outside

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is a game with massive replay value, and one part of this is the title's bonuses that can be unlocked for subsequent playthroughs after beating the main game for the first time.

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Players can use points accumulated while playing the game to unlock new visual effects, different skins for Chloe, various gameplay modifiers, and so on. Some of these bonuses do make a pretty massive difference to how the game plays, so fans of the franchise will almost certainly find unlocking them to be well worth the time and effort.

7 For Both Exposition And Achievements, Take Lots Of Pictures

uncharted chloe and nadine on stone

As mentioned above, photography is a fairly key mechanic in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Achievements and trophies aside, making sure to have Chloe take lots of pictures is also helpful from an exposition standpoint.

More often than not, taking pictures at certain locations will allow the player to hear pieces of special dialogue between Chloe and Nadine that they otherwise wouldn't have. Some of these snippets of dialogue are important for exposition, so it's well worth putting in the time to take some extra pictures for players looking to understand the game's story as much as possible.

8 C4 Is An Invaluable Tool

chloe frazer in field of flowers

A massive part of the gameplay in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy involves problem-solving and lateral thinking, and one of the more flexible, versatile tools in Chloe Frazer's toolkit is arguably the C4 that she has access to.

Despite not being very subtle, C4 actually doesn't make any sound when it lands after being thrown, making it a pretty handy tool to have for enemy encounters. Players can also use it to tackle environmental puzzles and larger groups of enemies by stacking packs of C4 on top of one another.

9 Don't Forget About Stealth

uncharted chloe firing gun swinging from rope

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy has a great stealth mechanic, and stealth is often the best way to navigate potentially sticky situations and come out of them unscathed, especially when it comes to enemy encounters.

While getting into big, dramatic firefights may often seem like the more exciting approach, using stealth can be far more efficient and great fun in its own right. For a real challenge, players may even want to try a stealth run-through of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy where they use stealth for as many enemy encounters as possible.

10 Use Silenced Pistols

uncharted nadine crouching with gun

Probably one of the most important tools for stealth playthroughs of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, as well as just avoiding combat more generally, is the silenced pistols that can be found here and there throughout the game.

Players encounter a silenced pistol fairly early on in the story, which is well worth picking up and holding onto. The silenced pistol enables Chloe to take out enemies at range almost silently, as well as giving her far more options when it comes to dealing with larger groups of enemies without accidentally turning these encounters into massive firefights.

Uncharted: the Lost Legacy is available now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Windows.

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