Fallout 76 was released in 2018, emerging as the first multiplayer-driven title in the Fallout franchise. It was a complete pivot away from single-player projects, introducing a live-service MMORPG game to the series that almost immediately caused immense rifts to open up amidst the community.

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Today, Fallout 76 is still a persistent title, and Bethesda Game Studios constantly pours updates and all-new content drops into the game, working relatively hard to keep it fresh. As they keep the game alive, there's a steady stream of new players entering the wide world of Fallout 76, intent on exploring Appalachia, which makes up the biggest map in the history of the series. When compared to the likes of Fallout 4, Fallout 76 is a dramatically different title, and new players tend to need all the help they can get.

Updated on April 27, 2024, by Rhenn Taguiam: With Prime Video's Fallout series taking the perspective of series newcomer Lucy MacLean as she navigates the wild post-apocalyptic landscape of a world after the Great War of 2077, she takes the same step outside Vault 33 much in the same way players have done at the beginning of their respective Fallout adventures. For viewers of the show who want a similar Fallout experience, perhaps Fallout 76's Appalachia could provide dynamic gameplay that fans could enjoy with their friends. However, newcomers to this MMO might find its gameplay a bit more brutal compared to traditional Fallout titles, especially with some aggressive players and level-scaling monsters. In this regard, beginners may want to follow tips such as leveling up as a team, not immediately leaving the Vault, and maximizing available upgrades at the onset.

21 Maximize Buffs Before Leaving The Vault

Well Rested, Well Tuned Can Give Advantages

Vault 76-1


Go to sleep on the bed and play the guitar for at least 30 seconds each before leaving the Vault


This gives players the Well-Rested (XP +5% for 2hrs) and Well Tuned (AP Regen +25% for 1hr) buffs that stay after leaving the Vault

When players create a character in the Fallout game, their first destination is the eponymous Vault 76. After completing the tutorial quest, players will be asked to leave Vault 76 to venture into the forests of Appalachia with the hopes of surviving the harsh wilderness. While players can ordinarily just leave the Vault to resume their journey, players may want to maximize the settlement’s benefits prior to leaving.

Since the game demonstrates much of its base mechanics in Vault 76, players can also see for themselves what happens after certain actions. This is something players can take advantage of: use the bed to receive the Well-Rested buff (XP +5% for 2 Hours) and play the guitar for the Well Tuned buff (AP Regen +25% for 1 Hour), both of which can help players have an easier first few hours in the game.

20 Fresh Dweller To Maximize Customization

Pre-Made Loadouts From Battle Ready Dweller Aren't Good

Battle-Ready Dweller vs Fresh Dweller-1


Choose a Fresh Dweller instead of a Battle Ready Dweller


A Fresh Dweller starts a Level 2 but players can choose their Perks and stat progression, unlike a Level 20 Battle Ready Dweller with a pre-loaded kit

Unlike traditional Fallout gameplay where players can simply explore the world as soon as they finish the tutorial, the multiplayer nature of Fallout 76 gameplay means players will likely encounter other Survivors throughout their journey in Appalachia. Not all these players will be nice to interact with, and the world’s creatures level up with the player - meaning some monsters can get incredibly tough before players can even make proper progress. This is why the option to choose between a Battle Ready Dweller and a Fresh Dweller can be quite helpful before players leave the Vault.

However, while the game recommends choosing a pre-made loadout from a Level 20 Battle Ready Dweller, players should ideally start as a Level 2 Fresh Dweller. This is because the stat distribution and Perk choices from Battle Ready Dweller’s pre-made loadouts won’t help players deal with level-scaled monsters. It’s more practical for players to spend stat points at their own pace and preference as a Fresh Dweller, even if it takes more time for them to level up.

19 Join A Team

Intelligence Buff Means More XP

A team firing at enemies in Fallout 76-1


Try to get a full Team


Each member of the Team gives +1 INT, up to +4 for the entire squad. This gives +2.072% XP up to +8.288% XP

Being a multiplayer game means players of Fallout 76 can team up and form parties to brave the dangers of Appalachia after the Great War. In technical terms, the Fallout title allows players to form Teams and enjoy a plethora of basic benefits. These include sharing Perk Cards at a value of 3 Charisma per Perk Card rank (bonuses not included), and even being held a spot in the team should the game crash.

More importantly, being part of a Team also provides players benefits depending on whether they are made Private via invitations or Public through the social menu. When a member stays for at least five minutes in the team, they become Bonded and trigger benefits. While specific kinds of teams have different stat boosts, a Casual Team’s +1 to +4 INT can give each player +2.072% XP per INT point boosted.

18 Fast Travel Via Teammates

Use Them As Free Waypoints

A multiplayer team in Fallout 76-1


Players can use Team members as waypoints for free transport


If their teammates are in faraway areas, they can transform them into waypoints to access difficult spots in the game

When players form Teams in Fallout 76 gameplay, the game also helps players have an easier time performing Quests and other tasks. On top of having shared instanced locations such as Quests and Daily Ops, players can have an easier time finding their teammates through the mini-map. In a team, players can access the CAMPs and Survival Tents of their teammates within the main map.

More importantly, players can also fast travel to any teammate, their CAMP, and their Survival Tents free of charge. Not only does this allow players to reach their Team should they need assistance, but this also helps players reach further areas without having to spend money on transportation.

17 Farm Ammo With Daily Ops

Secure Ammo For Powerful Weapons

Daily Ops in Fallout 76


Make sure the last shots against bosses in Daily Ops are done with the weapon players want the most ammo for


This guarantees ammo drops that can be obtained for otherwise rare weapon types

Considered the daily quest in Fallout 76 gameplay, Daily Ops are PVE modes introduced in the “One Wasteland For All” update that offers randomized but repeatable daily dungeons. Available for both solo and competitive setups, Daily Ops rewards players based on their speed, with the highest Elder Tier capable of rewarding additional caps, Treasury Nodes, as well as Legendary scrips and cores. However, an important benefit of Daily Ops for Fallout 76 players is its ability to provide extra ammo for players.

Almost all mobs in Daily Ops dungeons will drop ammo depending on the weapon used by the player. The boss also counts towards these drops, with bosses dropping more ammo compared to ordinary drops. Should players find themselves reluctant to use a powerful weapon with limited ammo, they should do a Daily Ops and switch to their preferred weapon once the boss is near death. That way, the boss drops ammo for that preferred weapon and not the weapon players originally used to fight them.

16 Only Fight When Necessary

Conserve Resources In The Survival Sim

Combat in Fallout 76


Only engage in fights with creatures and other players if players know they have a high chance of winning


This guarantees that resources aren’t wasted and consumed more than necessary

Given how Fallout 76 gameplay features traditional Fallout mechanics, players venturing into post-apocalyptic West Virginia may be eager to fight their way through everything, especially for loot. However, the nature of the game as a survival game can overtake combat quickly, especially when players find themselves debuffed when Starved (no Max HP, Disease Resistance bonuses) or Dehydrated (no AP Regen, Disease Resistance bonuses).

In turn, players should ideally fight only when necessary. Should players find themselves in front of multiple mobs, running is a viable way of getting out of trouble as mobs tend to return to their spawn points after reaching a certain point. Instead of opting to use the guns they currently have, it’s safer to get into melee to kill most enemies in order to conserve ammo.

15 The Forest Is A Safe Place

Stay In The Starting Zone Until Properly Geared Up

The Forest in Fallout 76


The Forest starting region has the best beginner-friendly resources and gear


This ensures players only reach the game’s tougher areas with adequate equipment, avoiding unnecessary and wasteful deaths

When players start their Fallout 76 experience, the tutorial takes them to the Forest Region of Appalachia. This is considered the game’s starting zone and, given its aesthetic and layout, should give players an adequate supply of Food, Water, and Chems with enough weak enemies to get them acquainted with the game.

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These perks are better off being dismissed entirely when scouring the Nevada deserts.

Throughout the player’s first few hours, they should establish a basic routine and familiarize themselves with the game’s combat with the MMO’s slate of weaker mobs. Once players gather enough resources for a few nights outside the Forest, they can start venturing further. This ensures that players are already familiar with when to strike when to run, and where to best hide when facing more challenging enemies.

14 Avoid PVP As Much As Possible

Keep Pacifist Mode On

PVP in Fallout 76


Keep Pacifist Mode activated to avoid griefers in the game


Pacifist Mode ensures players don’t receive as much damage when attacked by other players, giving them room to run away from unnecessary hostilities

Given how the Fallout 76 experience is now a shared endeavor across its community, players of the multiplayer Fallout game can engage in PVP to simulate a more “realistic” survival experience in post-apocalyptic West Virginia. However, dying will make players lose all contents in their Junk bag, potentially risking valuable resources in a farming session. Not only that, some PVP players tend to “grief” or harass lower-level players by constantly killing them, potentially ruining the multiplayer experience.

To avoid this, it’s advisable for newcomers who don’t want to engage in Fallout 76 PVP to activate Pacifist Mode. This Mode turns off opportunities for PVP-enabled players to deal normal damage at the onset of hitting another player. While Pacifist Mode players still get chip damage when hit, this gives them time to run and escape a griefer’s presence. Likewise, dying in Pacifist Mode transforms the killer into a Wanted person, making them a target of others for rewards.

13 Don’t Sell Story, Event Outfit Drops

Ensure The Safety Of Exclusive Items

Special items from Fallout 76


If an item comes from an Event or a Story Quest, keep it


Items from Story and Event Quests may be exclusive to those sources, meaning they may never be acquired again

New players in the Fallout 76 experience will likely have the game’s Story Missions, Side Quests, and Events as their best sources of EXP and gear. And while players will likely encounter better equipment throughout the rest of their playthroughs, it’s best to keep gear gathered from Story Missions and Events regardless of their potency.

This is likely due to the fact that gear awards from Story Missions and Events only drop on the player’s first attempt, and may likely never drop a second time. In order to avoid losing out on valuable collectibles, players should consider checking wikis and informational sites if a named item or a uniquely designed item will appear elsewhere in the game. If not, players are better off storing these items in their stash.

12 Cook For Literal Survival

Always Have Food On Hand

A canned good in Fallout 76


Keep stock of resources that can be cooked


Cooking guarantees meeting Hunger requirements

Despite the thrill of wandering the irradiated unknown of the nuclear wasteland in Fallout 76 gameplay, players of the Fallout game remain plagued by their character’s identity as a human. Unlike surface-level mutants and survivors who have developed a tolerance for irradiated food, players have a regular Hunger and Thirst Meter they have to manage in order to survive on the surface for prolonged periods of time.

In turn, players not only need to learn how to gather resources but also ingredients to cook edible food and potable water. The game’s crafting system is equipped with the means of telling players what recipes they know and what ingredients they need to make them, meaning it’s ideal for players to have these items on hand to make food and water in case of emergencies.

11 Crouch Helps In Combat

Crouch Comes With A Warning

Crouching in Fallout 76


Crouch in combat to stabilize aim and make players harder to hit


Crouch also comes with a “Caution” warning for nearby enemies, giving players a heads-up

Since Fallout 76 follows the same combat system displayed in more recent Fallout games, veterans of the series can apply the same strategies to outlast creatures and mutants out for their blood. Unlike other FPS games where players can simply shoot their way out of conflict, the tougher nature of enemies in Fallout 76 means players have to rely on stealth and more tactical combat approaches to outlive their foes. This is where the crouch function comes in, as it becomes useful for players who want to get more information about enemies around them.

When crouching, players are able to aim more accurately and force enemies to have a tougher time attacking them. Not only that, the game gives a “Caution” warning for crouching players to let them know if enemies are nearby. This nifty crouch feature gives players a means to see if they missed some enemies during a confrontation, especially if these foes just happened to be hiding nearby.

10 Sneak Attacks Speed Up Fights

Rely On The Safety Of Distance, Cover

A sniper in Fallout 76


Attack enemies while hidden and afar


Game mechanics boost damage when enemies don’t see players

Given how Fallout 76 is also a BethSoft game, it’s unsurprising that a lot of its combat principles are taken from the hit Elder Scrolls series. Minus the magic and the assortment of melee weapons, Fallout 76 and its companions among the modern Fallout games retain a familiar mechanic: Sneak attacks do double damage.

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Players can take advantage of this feature in Fallout 76, especially when running on limited ammo or when pressed with time with World Events. If players possess a convenient vantage point, such as multiple hiding spots or a view from far away, they can make quick work of multiple enemies in camps with a rifle and proper aim.

9 Set Up CAMP Strategically

Rely On Midpoint CAMPs

CAMP in Fallout 76


CAMPs are constructible fast travel regions that facilitate free travel, compared to usual fast travel spots that cost resources


CAMPs placed in between fast travel locations can provide cheaper transportation compared to traditional point-to-point traveling

While there is a multitude of fast travel points available in Fallout 76 gameplay, their costly nature might soon make them inconvenient for players who are just starting out. Thankfully, they’re able to do this for free via the CAMP or Construction and Assembly Mobile Platform. Aside from being a portable crafting station, having a CAMP anywhere on the map allows players to travel there without any additional cost.

However, players who want to travel more efficiently around the map may want to mind the placement of their CAMP. Instead of placing them in any random area, players may want to put their CAMPs along the middle point of various fast area locations. That way, players can travel to their preferred location with lower costs instead of paying full price when quickly traveling from a further area, especially when pursuing rare encounters in Fallout 76.

8 Collect Everything

Even Junk Can Be Used For Crafting

a player loots in fallout 76


Loot from everywhere as often as possible


Even junk can be used for Crafting and Selling

From the word go, new Fallout 76 players should work to collect everything possible - even if it isn't relevant. This includes healing items, weapons, apparel, ammunition, and food and drink items. In Fallout 76, there's quite an advanced economy and crafting system, and if players don't need what they pick up, they can scrap it or sell it.

Furthermore, rooting through all those containers can reward a player with some relatively helpful loot. This is a loot-driven game, and from the items secured from defeated enemies to goodies pilfered from locked chests, there's a lot to pick up.

7 Don't Run From Events

Participate In Events Whenever Possible

an event kicks off in fallout 76


The game offers different events, each with different rewards and challenges


Even losing in events can provide loot for participants

In Fallout 76, there's a constant and steady stream of public events kicking off, and they shouldn't ever be ignored. They're nothing if not the best opportunities in the game to earn rewards, experience points, and equipment, and they empower the player to interact with their fellow Wastelanders.

There are some hefty and challenging events out there, and some are more 'worthy' than others, but none should be ignored. For example, Rad Rumble is a 10-minute-long event that can, in the right circumstances, award the player with tens of thousands of experience points.

6 Identify Your Build Early

Perk Cards And Decks Limit Builds

A player's perk deck in full


Perk Cards limits the Perks players can acquire


Having a build idea early can help players focus on what Perks to keep and how to adjust their builds with their current deck

Fallout 76 differs from Fallout 4 (its predecessor) in that there's a limit to the perks that can be active at any one time. Fallout 76 utilizes a 'perk card system' that sees the player build out a 'deck' of traditional Fallout perks - Strong Back, Commando, Action Boy, and so on. In Fallout 76, perks are unlocked at random using card packs, making it a little more complex than just unlocking whatever the player wants.

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With that in mind, it's a fantastic idea for players to get an idea of what build they want to aim for as early as possible, so they can start building out their deck to suit their play style. It doesn't matter if there's a preference for melee, heavy weapons, or explosives; in Fallout 76, having a well-built perk deck is important from the start.

5 Don't Be Afraid Of Losing

Explore Whenever Possible

a player sits on a death screen in fallout 76


Accept death if inevitable during exploration


Junk is the only item type lost when dying, and it may be retrieved upon revival, making it risk-free for players to explore

When players are exploring Appalachia, they may restrict themselves from a fight for fear of losing. However, there's almost no real concern surrounding the concept of being defeated, as all the players will lose when they're beaten is their junk. In rare cases, that junk can be quite valuable, but there's always the opportunity to collect it again once the player has respawned.

If a player dies while playing Fallout 76, they won't lose levels, experience points, or any of their core equipment -- only their junk. With that in mind, there are very few risks to openly exploring the map and accepting challenges as they come.

4 Use The Boosts

Speed Up Leveling With Free Buffs

A player prepares to use a lunchbox for a boost in fallout 76


Take advantage of exploration while activating boosts throughout the game


This can be an efficient way to power-level characters and maximize time

Every so often, Bethesda Game Studios hosts a double XP weekend in Fallout 76. This is one of the best times to level up and build a stronger character, but there's more to it than just jumping in and getting involved with Appalachia in the most basic way possible.

In Fallout 76, there are countless ways to further boost experience gains. For instance, players can sleep in a bed for a few minutes, attend an event called Path to Enlightenment, eat Cranberry Cobbler, or consume Mentats. These actions can boost experience points and overall gains, thus multiplying a character's growth at any stage.

3 Learn A Loot Route

Collect Loot Consistently With A Route

a player fights super mutants at West Tek


Figure out a route where loot can be collected consistently


Following a route for looting can guarantee a frequent supply of crafting supplies

Fallout 76 is home to a massive map set in the Appalachian region of West Virginia. There are countless points of interest littered around the map, but not all of them are worth visiting. However, there are a few that boast untold opportunities for leveling up, being that they are populated by high-level, intense enemies.

For instance, there's The Burrows, an underground sewer location packed full of Ghouls. Or, there's West-Tek, which is an iconic location in the history of Fallout that contains dozens of high-level, highly intense Super Mutant enemies. These enemies all drop lots of loot and reward the player with stacks of experience points, meaning leveling up comes quickly.

2 Build The Best C.A.M.P.

Optimize C.A.M.P. Features For Benefits

A player constructs their c.a.m.p in fallout 76


Build a C.A.M.P. based on specific benefits and features that can benefit a player’s current stage in the game


Adjusting C.A.M.P. features based on a player’s current level or goals can guarantee optimization of buffs for playthroughs

There's a unique feature in Fallout 76, and that's the C.A.M.P. mechanic. Using a C.A.M.P., players can settle down wherever they so desire, putting down a small machine that marks a given location as their base, upon which they can build structures and place hundreds of different assets.

From the start of the game, players are introduced to the idea of a C.A.M.P. and given a walkthrough, but it goes so much deeper than what is advised. For new players, C.A.M.P.s are extremely valuable, offering free buffs, allies that offer benefits, crafting benches, storage solutions, and much more.