The second installment to the Evil Genius franchise, Evil Genius 2: World Domination, has recently been added to PlayStation Plus' December games. Evil Genius 2: World Domination is a strategy simulation game that puts players in the role of the mad villain seeking to climb to the height of power and rule the world with an iron fist. Similar to strategy games like Xcom or Dungeons 3, Players will attempt to further their position through missions and fend off opposition that seeks to spoil their plans as they build and upgrade their base of operations.

Players can choose from four playable characters that have a range of abilities that will aid them in their evil plots to take over the world. New players jumping into the franchise, or the genre altogether, will need to be cautious in their playthrough or find themselves with a chaotic mess beyond saving. Here are some beginner tips for Evil Genius 2: World Domination.

6 Pick Your Genius Carefully

evil genius 2 world domination

Before players log in to Evil Genius 2: World Domination, they will have to make a choice that will decide their style of play ahead of them beginning the game's campaign. Choosing a character among the four available Geniuses in the game is essential. Each one has unique bonuses and abilities that players can use to make their playthrough unique to their wants and needs.

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For example, players who lean towards an aggressive play style will be attracted to Red Ivan, and his damage increase to minions. Other players may like a more technical approach and choose Zalika, who can streamline research and equipment building. It's important to go into a playthrough with a plan and take the best first step possible to ensure total domination.

5 Production is Key

evil genius 2 world domination

One of the main advantages players must make full use of is filling their base with all sorts of tools, fortifications, weapons, traps, and technology. As progress is made, players will want to unlock new and more powerful equipment to combat attacking factions, such as agents and investigators, and avoid halting dominion progress.

To do this, players will need adequate research and development teams of technicians and scientist minions. Scientists perform research that, in turn, provides new devices for players to take advantage of; depending on the player's character. The more scientist minions there are, the faster research gets done. Technicians install, maintain, and repair equipment in players' bases, ensuring everything is in tip-top shape.

4 Work Smarter, Not Harder

evil genius 2 world domination

Players should take full advantage of buffs, character abilities, and base design to maximize their progress in the game. Each evil genius can provide a strong boost to certain aspects of the game, such as minion training, workforce numbers, and damage boosts to specific minions.

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However, players should carefully look over their abilities to make sure they're using all the resources at their disposal. In addition, players should plan out each addition to their base, making it as hard as possible for Investigators and agents to discover their dastardly motives.

3 Minions Need Love Too

evil genius 2 world domination

Minions are a vital aspect of Evil Genius 2 and the lifeblood of a player's base, and should not be neglected compared to unique henchmen. Without the appropriate amount of minions, players will find none of their schemes bearing fruit. However, mismanaging budgets and overcompensating will lead to floundering progress if players don't budget correctly. Players should find a happy balance of minions of different types that not only complement their end goal, but their evil genius as well.

There are several situations where muscle minions will be more valuable than scientists and technicians, but all brawn and no brains could also be a severe detriment. Players should also make it paramount to look out for their minions; there should be many facilities for minions to regain their health after a battle.

2 Keep, Don't Kill

evil genius 2 world domination

While playing Evil Genius 2: World Domination, players will face multiple threats on all sides that seek to thwart and sabotage the evil schemes to slow down and halt the player's progress of dominion. Some intrusions will lead to all-out brawls in the halls of player's headquarters, while other invasions will have them rushing to catch spies.

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The aggressive urge to destroy all opposition should be suppressed. Instead, players should highly consider taking prisoners for intense interrogation, which will help players by providing them with invaluable intel.

1 The Base Should Have A Method To Its Madness

evil genius 2 world domination

It's important for players to take their time and carefully plan out the set-up of their base of operations. As a secret headquarters, it is essential for players to carefully install equipment, resources for minions, and arrange an elaborate string of traps and defenses to make sure an evil genius' progress goes uninterrupted.

However, players must do more than drop a few pieces of equipment at the entrance of their base. Instead, players should be very methodical when making a layout for their headquarters. The layout should make the base almost impossible to infiltrate. An HQ should be an elegant extension of the player's madness and should complement each minion and piece of equipment installed in it.

Evil Genius 2: World Domination is available on Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via steam.

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