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Digimon Survive features several useful mechanics and systems that the game doesn't always fully explain. For newer players, this can make the game hard to get into, so this guide will cover a number of useful beginner tips ranging from the obvious to the less obvious. Once players work out the mechanics, the game is a ton of fun.

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Digimon Survive is a tactical RPG/Visual Novel developed by Hyde and published by Bandai Namco. A darker story loosely inspired by the original Digimon Adventure anime, the game follows a group of kids lost in a strange and dangerous world. Teaming up with Digimon partners, they must fight for survival in this deadly new land. Here's how new players can get into the game.

7 Free Battles Are Free


While it may seem a little obvious, it's important to note that Free Battles (which become available a short way into part one) do not take up any time during free action segments. This allows players to freely level up, acquire items, and recruit Digimon during these segments without fear of missing out on a chance to deepen their bonds with the various members of the party.

Free Battles change their available Digimon between parts, making it possible to recruit a greater variety of Digimon as the game progresses. For example, Dokugumon will only start appearing during part 3.

6 Positioning is Critical


Players should take full advantage of positioning in battle if they want to win the harder fights in this game. Attacking from the sides of a foe, and especially from behind them, will deal considerably more damage than attacking head-on, especially if the enemy is guarding. Attacking from higher ground also provides a tactical advantage, increasing the likelihood of critical hits based on the difference in elevation.

When a target is highlighted after selecting an attack, it is possible to see all the relevant statistics regarding that attack at the top of the screen, allowing players to make a more informed choice before committing to an attack. If a position is unfavorable, players can back out all the way to the start of the turn, assuming they haven't committed to attacking or using an item yet.

5 There's An Easy Way to Check Moral, Harmony, & Wrathful stats


Digimon Survive determines the evolutions of Agumon, and the path the story takes after a certain point, using three stats: Moral, Harmony, and Wrathful. These stats are increased when certain critical decisions are made during the story. As a general rule, whenever the game offers three options in a dialog, it offers an opportunity to increase these stats.

These stats can be checked in the profiles section on the main menu, by highlighting the main character. They are displayed in the lower right and are colored Red (Moral), Green (Harmony), and Yellow (Wrathful).

4 What Moral, Harmony, & Wrathful Represent

Digimon Survive: How to Digivolve

The three stats mentioned above each correspond to different attitudes to solving problems and surviving in the strange new world the protagonists have found themselves in.

Moral represents choices that relate to justice and righteousness and often leads toward vaccine attribute partner evolutions. Harmony represents choices focused on cooperation and typically produces data attribute evolutions. Finally, Wrathful represents choices that achieve objectives "no matter what" and typically leads to virus attribute evolutions.

3 Use The Phone Camera In Every Area

While the game will always tell players when the phone camera will reveal something important to the story, scanning each area with the phone camera can also reveal spots hiding additional encounters and items. This is notably the main way of finding "Perceived Memories files," hidden documents that dive further into the game's lore. It can also cause encounters with Digimon, including Digimon that might otherwise not be recruitable in that chapter, and even uncover items to enhance stats or heal allies.

Exploring everything in each area, both with and without the camera, is very useful. Doing this can lead to the discovery of useful items and sometimes even find special opportunities.

2 Talk To Allies Whenever The Story Progresses

digimon survive key art with numerous iconic characters

Often, the game will offer the opportunity to speak with allies in various areas around the world map even if doing so will not progress the story. This is important as it both offers an opportunity to learn more about them, but can also earn extra items that can be very useful in empowering the team and keeping everyone healthy.

In some instances, this will result in powerful equipable items that grant new skills. It can even result in increased stats for the Digimon in the party.

1 Check Which Of The Three Stats A Choice Will Affect

Digimon Survive Digivolution Changes

Something the game doesn't mention at all is that highlighting a decision for a few moments will cause it to glow the color of the stat it affects if it's an important choice. The option will glow Red for Moral, Green for Harmony, or Yellow for Wrathful.

This is useful for players shooting for a specific route or ending, or perhaps to influence Agumon's evolutions. Having high Moral during part 1 will result in Agumon becoming Greymon towards the end of the part, for example.

Digimon Survive is available on PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.