Bravery and Greed is a game in the genre known as roguelite, where a large part of the game is dying, over and over again, in order to get stronger. The game is classified as a roguelite dungeon brawler - up to four players can join in on the adventure, engage in the deep combat system, and more.

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There are many players who are going to immediately take to the game Bravery and Greed, and simply pick up and play. However, there are other players who may not be so lucky, and thus will need some beginner tips before they get in.

7 Trawl Through The Dungeons, It Is Worth It

Bravery and Greed - Boss

There are multiple dungeons that are available for a player to go through in the game Bravery and Greed, and it would do a player good to go through as many of them as possible and crawl through as much of the space as they can. This is going to really help a player in the long run.

There are all sorts of secrets that a player can discover while going through dungeons, and these secrets can be very helpful. A player can get all sorts of items if they take the time to explore - this can range from powerful weapons, healing items, and so much more.

6 There Are Multiple Deities For Multiple Playstyles

Bravery and Greed - Swing

There are a surprising amount of deities that a player could pray to in the game Bravery and Greed. Each deity actually gives a different boost to a player's character and their skills; such as one deity possibly increasing move speed, another one attack, and so on.

However, it is worth noting that, once a player starts praying to a deity, they cannot switch between gods to pray to. This means that a player should really think about what deity suits their play style more before they start praying, because it will affect their whole game play.

5 Heal Before Entering Battles

Bravery and Greed - Prayer

It seems obvious at first, but there are many players who do not realize that it would be perfect for them to take a moment to heal themselves before they enter any battle. It does not even have to be a particularly hard battle, but it is best to stay full health no matter what.

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Luckily, a player does not have to really deal with much when it comes to recovering their health. A player really just has to use up some of their healing items - which are relatively common - in the game, and then they're good to go.

4 Rescue Followers, It Will Give Allies

Bravery and Greed - Cards

When going through the game, a player may notice a few people being held hostage scattered throughout the many dungeons that they are exploring. It would do a player good to rescue these people - they will become a big help in game play.

If a player manages to free someone from their cage, they will become an ally. That means they will fight alongside the player until their HP reaches 0, meaning that a player will temporarily have backup.

3 Use Portals To Travel Through The Map

Bravery and Greed - Fighting

While the main goal of the player is to get to the boss that inhabits a particular dungeon, fight it off, and win, there are still going to be players who want to explore every last crevice of the dungeon beforehand. It may be tedious, running around and backtracking everywhere.

Thankfully, there is a solution for that - there are portals all around the dungeon that allow for a player to quickly travel everywhere. All a player has to do is pop into the portal closes to where they need to explore, and follow the map until everything is cleared out.

2 Get Arcana Cards, It Will Help

Bravery and Greed - Slashing

While a large part of Bravery and Greed is dying and resetting over and over again, that does not mean a player should despair. As a player goes through the game, they will unlock more and more benefits that can be useful in their game play - these benefits are Arcana Cards, and each of them has a different perk.

There is not a limit to the amount of cards that a player can equip per run, so it would benefit them to mix and match. There are a bunch of different builds a player can add - such as The Fool allowing a player to pay gold to revive their characters.

1 Do Not Be Afraid To Lose

Bravery and Greed - Diving

It is no secret that a player is going to die a lot. It is not something to be ashamed of, however it is also worth noting a player only has one life per round - once they die, it is over for now.

Luckily, a player will be able to have certain things stay with them per play through. Arcana cards will follow, dungeons will stay cleared and unlocked, and a player can spawn into any dungeon they've cleared.

Bravery and Greed is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows.

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