A highly original, zany first-person puzzler that has taken the gaming world by storm, Backfirewall_ tells the story of a doomed Operating System and Update Assistant in a smartphone who are in a race against time to stop a new system update from wiping them from existence forever.

With a totally unique approach to puzzles and a fresh, innovative visual style, Backfirewall_ is a charming, and, at times, challenging title that pushes players to explore its world, as well as subtly raising more complex ethical themes surrounding technology and its relationship with humankind. Here are some beginner tips that new players might find helpful.

10 Be Patient


While Backfirewall_ isn't the most challenging game out there, its puzzles do get trickier as the game progresses. At times, players might get stuck, especially as the title does a good job of introducing new mechanics consistently. Players can't simply rely on the same tricks to solve every puzzle.

So, if players are feeling frustrated at any point, they should do their best to stay patient and keep an open mind. The puzzles in Backfirewall_ are always solvable, and the title has a great hints system for when players are genuinely stuck.

9 Use The Cursor As A Guide


There are four primary commands in Backfirewall_ that players can use to solve the game's puzzles; delete, color mode, duplicate, and invert. Learning to master all of these commands is a deeply rewarding, enjoyable experience.

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If players are ever confused as to which command they need use to solve a particular puzzle, they need only refer to their cursor. The cursor in Backfirewall_ changes color when hovering over different items, based on which control can be used to interact with them. It's a great hint for players to take heed of (and is a handy feature not seen in even the best mobile puzzle games).

8 Try To Find All The Collectibles


Despite having a relatively short runtime of approximately five hours, there is a range of collectibles in Backfirewall_ for players to find throughout the game's campaign. Some of their placements are strongest titles of the hidden object game genre.

Some of these collectibles include different toys and messages. They add an extra depth to the narrative of the game, as well as replayability. Players who don't manage to collect 100% of these optional collectibles during their first playthrough should consider tackling the game again to try to accomplish this feat. It's incredibly satisfying to pull off a completionist run of Backfirewall_.

7 Give The Story Its Due


Backfirewall_ is a deeply unique and surprisingly complex game, given that its campaign is fairly short. And, where the game truly shines is in the story that it tells. Players should do their best to really take in the title's narrative and give it as much of their energy as they can.

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While players can breeze through the game tackling the puzzles and not worrying about much else, they'll have a far more compelling experience if they're able to truly get invested in Backfirewall_'s narrative, too. It's worth it.

6 Keep An Eye Out For Recurring Mechanics


Backfirewall_ does a good job of regularly introducing new gameplay mechanics throughout its campaign to keep puzzles feeling fresh and challenging, like the best puzzle games with innovative mechanics do. Still, a handful of mechanics do recur from time to time as the game progresses.

Players should keep this in mind if they're stuck on a particular puzzle and don't want to resort to using hints. The solution to the puzzle they're working on may actually not be based on the newest mechanic that the title has introduced, but something they've well and truly gotten the hang of already.

5 Replay The Game For Different Outcomes


Many players get to the end of Backfirewall_’s campaign feeling satisfied with their efforts, only to be gobsmacked to find that they don't get the 'best' possible ending. This can be a result of not completing 100% of the puzzles, or not having found certain areas and helped out different NPCs. This is something that sets the game apart, like some other puzzle games with excellent replay value.

As a result of this, players who tend to be completionists may want to go into starting Backfirewall_ expecting to play the game more than once in order to be able to unlock the title's best possible ending, at least in terms of the narrative.

4 Explore As Much As Possible


Even though Backfirewall_ is a relatively small game, the title has a surprising number of hidden areas and side quests. In this respect, it's smilar to other, imaginative puzzle games that make one smarter for playing them.

If players want to get the most out of Backfirewall_, they should do their best to explore its world thoroughly. Players will be surprised by how much more there is to the title than meets the eye, and they'll likely come across some of the game's hidden collectibles along the way. While this isn't at all necessary to complete the game's campaign, it's definitely recommended.

3 Sometimes Trial And Error Is What Works Best


While solving many of the puzzles in Backfirewall_ often requires intelligence and strategy, sometimes it's simple trial and error that works best. Maybe players can't come up with a seemingly logical solution to a particular puzzle, or they've tried what's worked in the past, but it isn't doing it this time.

Anytime players find themselves stuck, if they don't want to use the game's hint system, then they should simply go for broke and try as many different ideas as they can to see if anything sticks. The results are often surprising.

2 Use Hints If Stuck


Other entries on this list have mentioned Backfirewall_'s system of hints. This system is ingeniously well-designed, and reminiscent of some games that completely deconstruct the puzzle genre. Players can obtain hints in the form of OS9, the Operating System NPC in the game, or a rubber duck.

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While OS9 will provide vague hints, the rubber duck will provide more detailed guidance and can also give players the solutions to some puzzles, if they so choose. If players are completely at a loss and simply want to move on to the next part of the game, then the rubber duck is often the answer.

1 Take In As Much As Possible


Backfirewall_ is a highly unique title, based on a zany concept with cutting-edge, original visuals and character design. If nothing else, players should do their best to just enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts. It's up there with some of the greatest puzzle games.

The game's charming host of characters, sometimes hilarious story, and interesting mechanics can only be experienced once for the first time. So, players shouldn't worry too much about getting the best possible outcome when playing the game for the first time. Instead, they should just have the best time with it that they can.

Backfirewall_ is out now on PC, Mac, PlayStation 5 and 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S and X.

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