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The long-awaited sequel to 2014’s The Forest, Sons Of The Forest crash lands players into a far bigger and deadlier map than before. Its mutated cannibal tribes are just as ferocious as the first game, and players will need to juggle fending off their attackers and taking care of their own basic survival needs if they want to remain alive in the wilderness.

Whether a newcomer to the series or a returning fan, making it through the first night and staying intact for the second can pose a real challenge. Fortunately, there are plenty of dos and don'ts to help guide players during their time on the island. Here are the biggest mistakes to avoid making in Sons Of The Forest.

9 Overlooking The Starting Crates

Sons Of The Forest Starting Crate

When players start out, they’ll find themselves the victim of a horrific helicopter crash which leaves them stranded on an island. Some of the others in the helicopter, as well as a bunch of supply crates, will have fallen to the ground and can be found scattered across the starting area.

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Many of these crates contain useful materials and supplies, like medicine or flares. Players should loot all these rare materials before moving on, as well as helping up their AI companion Kelvin and prompting him to follow.

8 Setting Up In A Bad Location

Sons Of The Forest A Water Source

One of the first things players will need to do in Sons Of The Forest is set up a base of operations. This is where the player will construct defenses, forage for food, and build shelter, allowing them to rest and save their progress.

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Deciding where to set up is a key decision. Players should find a location with all the natural resources they need – a clean water source like a river or a lake, enough berries and animals to keep them fed, and a good supply of trees to use for construction. Avoiding poor, badly supplied spots can save the player a whole heap of trouble.

7 Attacking The Cannibals Early On

Sons Of The Forest Stalking Cannibal

In the early game, the cannibals that inhabit the forests will be unsure of the player and act strangely toward them. They will follow but not attack, often hiding in bushes or fleeing when spotted. Players should avoid killing them outright, as the AI will remember hostile behavior and retaliate in the future.

As the game progresses, enemies will turn more aggressive anyway, but it’s worth keeping them as peaceful as possible during the first few days. This will allow players to set up properly and ready themselves for the upcoming attacks.

6 Neglecting Food, Water & Energy

Sons Of The Forest HUD

As a staple of the survival genre, hunger, thirst, and energy meters are usually important, and they’re no different in Sons Of The Forest. Players need to keep their meters as high as possible by eating food, drinking clean water, and resting in shelter.

These meters affect how much stamina the player has to work with. The more hungry, thirsty, or tired they are, the fewer actions they can perform. As everything from sprinting to cutting down a tree to swinging a weapon in self-defense requires stamina, it goes without saying that keeping these meters filled is essential to a player’s survival.

5 Not Looting Everything

Sons Of The Forest Crafting Menu

What goes for the beginning of the game goes for the rest of it too. Gathering and looting materials is a crucial aspect of the game, not only to consume food and construct buildings, but also to craft useful items, including weapons, armor, and unique tools.

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When the player picks up a new item, it unlocks the crafting blueprints associated with that item, allowing them to acquire better and more complex gear. As such, it’s a good idea to loot just about everything players encounter to avoid missing out on any of those important blueprints.

4 Ignoring Season Changes

Sons Of The Forest Winter Season

Seasons change in Sons Of The Forest, and while the transformation is not sudden, it can still creep up on players if they aren’t careful. Different seasons have different effects on the world, such as fewer berries growing in winter, as well as lakes freezing over and conditions getting colder.

Ignoring the gradual transition from one season to another can have serious consequences – players might quickly lose their only source of food or water. It’s important to prepare for this eventuality and avoid being caught in a pinch.

3 Not Setting Up Defenses

Sons Of The Forest Base Defences

Players will soon find that the cannibals living in the forest are not as timid as they once thought. As they become more aware of the player’s presence, they will get more aggressive and launch attacks on the player’s base.

These attacks need to be fought off, but numbers can overwhelm, so it’s wise to build defenses such as spikes or walls to assist the effort. Players can then fire over the walls, watch as their attackers impale themselves on the spikes, or funnel them into a chokepoint to dispatch them with ease.

2 Missing Out On The 3D Printer

Sons Of The Forest 3D Printer

While the landscape in Sons of the Forest may appear primitive, some locations hide powerful pieces of technology. One such piece is the 3D printer, which can be found inside a bunker at one of the points of interest dotting the island.

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Players can fill the 3D printer with resin and use it to print useful items, such as arrows, a flask, and a mask that pacifies enemies. The printer’s use may be limited to the amount of printer resin that players can scavenge, but it nonetheless provides a helpful way to acquire new items.

1 Not Utilizing Kelvin

Sons Of The Forest Instructing Kelvin

The player’s personal AI assistant, Kelvin, is found at the crash site and is a priceless companion to have access to. He can be instructed to perform many simple tasks by writing down instructions on a notepad, and while he isn’t as sophisticated as a real player, he can be a great help when needing to complete routine but time-consuming jobs.

Need some logs for construction? Send Kelvin to chop down some trees and haul them back. Feeling Hungry? Ask Kelvin to catch some fish. Getting cold? Instruct Kelvin to make a fire. He is a powerful resource to have and can take care of his own needs, meaning players should put him to work as much as possible to get the best use out of their obedient companion.

Sons Of The Forest is available for Windows.

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