In a night filled with surprises, the announcement of Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon at the Game Awards was one very few could have predicted. Coming off the heels of a big win for Bayonetta 3, which took home the award for Best Action Game, Bayonetta Origins was announced to be a spin-off of the action series that features a young Cereza traversing a mysterious wood in order to save her beloved mother. This is a first for the Bayonetta series as it has never before received a spin-off title and could pave the way for more titles like this in the future.

As the series has evolved over the years, it has developed a base of passionate fans eager to learn more about the history of the Umbra Witch and her cohorts. It's clear PlatinumGames and director Hideki Kamiya are listening to fans and are committed to expanding the world of Bayonetta through more than just mainline entries. It's no surprise given the recent success of Bayonetta 3 that there would be more to come from the series, but with many fans expecting Bayonetta 4 to be the next entry years down the line, a spin-off like this releasing so soon is a welcome treat.

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More Games Could Follow in the Footsteps of Bayonetta Origins

Bayonetta Origins - Cereza

The gameplay and art style of Bayonetta Origins is quite the departure from the rest of the series. Rather than a third-person action game, this spin-off takes on the style of an isometric adventure with elements of both combat and puzzle solving. Visually, it looks beautiful with the art style of a watercolor storybook, leaning into the Alice in Wonderland motif that ties into the demon Cheshire's presence in the game. Although it moves away from the action-based, combo-building combat of the main series, the gameplay shown in the reveal trailer could serve as a nice change of pace to keep the core series from getting stale.

If this art style and gameplay end up resonating with players, it's likely more games could follow the formula Bayonetta Origins establishes. This is the perfect chance to test the waters for a Bayonetta spin-off as fans are primed for more content after Bayonetta 3. With the lengthy amount of time between the release of Bayonetta 2 and Bayonetta 3, a new side series is just what the fan base is looking for to hold them over until a new mainline game is released.

Other Characters Who Could Receive 'Origins' Games


Bayonetta 3 gave players the opportunity to play as characters beyond the titular protagonist over the course of the campaign which helped set the groundwork for future stories involving a larger cast. A new spin-off series is the perfect chance to build upon these characters and give them the chance to shine in their own game. One character perfect for a prequel game would be Jeanne, a fellow Umbra Witch and best friend of Bayonetta. The pivotal role she plays in all three mainline games has earned her a fan-favorite status and begs for an expanded backstory in the form of her own spin-off game.

Another character perfect for an "Origins" game is newcomer to Bayonetta 3, Viola. As the daughter of alternate-dimension versions of Luka and Cereza, Viola is set up to take on the mantle of Bayonetta after the game's finale. While future mainline games could see her in a staring role, giving Viola her own origin story via a spin-off title could be just what the character needs to further develop before having her lead the mainline series. With a solid roster of characters, PlatinumGames has a lot to draw upon for future spin-off games making it likely fans can expect more games in this style to come.

Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon will launch March 17, 2023 on Nintendo Switch.

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