Bayonetta 3 has been a game that many action fans have been waiting for, ever since its announcement back in 2017. The game had gone without news until very recently, where a Nintendo Direct finally provided the first look at Bayonetta 3's gameplay, showing the amount of work that PlatinumGames had done in the years while the project was silent. Much jubilation was heard by the fanbase, as the title is promising quite a bit, based on the footage shown.

The game, however, much like its predecessor, will be an exclusive for Nintendo's Switch console, which has left some fans riled. With some vocal requests to see the game ported to other consoles, one of the directors of the game, Hideki Kamiya, stepped in and commented on this.

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Hideki Kamiya, for many fans, is the face of PlatinumGames, being one of the gaming industry's most prolific developers, and the mind behind some influential games. He's also one of the most vocal and infamous, as he's known for being incredibly blunt and either toying or shutting down any questions that he gets asked by English-speaking fans on Twitter. It's no surprise that he's been hit with questions about Bayonetta 3 for the last couple of years, including the possibility of the game being ported to other consoles, which he addressed in some recent tweets.

Kamiya's tweet explains that much like the second game, Bayonetta 3 is being developed with funding from Nintendo, and that PlatinumGames is only developing the game. He further explains that Nintendo itself has the final say on what to do with the game, and if it can be ported to other consoles. He ends this first tweet by saying that any of these requests should be sent to Nintendo instead.

The second tweet then hammers in the message further that the chance of these games coming to PS5 or Xbox is ultimately up to Nintendo, and that this logic could be compared to asking Mario or Zelda games to be ported to those consoles. He then ends off saying that if fans wanted to play Bayonetta 3, they should just get a Switch. This is unsurprising, considering that without Nintendo's help, Bayonetta 2 would have never happened, as no other publisher was willing to invest. Much of the same is happening here.

Despite some fan requests, Bayonetta 2 and 3 coming to other consoles just isn't in the hands of the developer. Much like PlatinumGames' canceled project Scalebound, the rights of the game are with the company's first-party partner, and will only be Nintendo exclusives. If fans want to get in on the upcoming action, they might need to take Kamiya's suggestion and buy a Switch.

Bayonetta 3 will launch exclusively for the Nintendo Switch in 2022.

MORE: Every Game Hideki Kamiya Worked On (Ranked By Metacritic)

Source: Nintendo Everything