Bayonetta has always been a series that can be hard to parse through at times. Bayonetta 3 is seemingly more confusing because it introduces a wild element into the plot. Going into big details may ruin the surprise but the basic gist has the femme fatale going through different realms to save the Multiverse.

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Bayonetta 3 leaves more questions than answers in its attempt to tackle Marvel-sized plot lines. Maybe they will get addressed in a sequel or spin-off somewhere further down the line, but fans may be in for a long wait again. Until then, these Bayonetta 3 questions will likely remain unanswered.

This list contains spoilers for Bayonetta 3.

6 Bayonetta 4

Viola in Bayonetta 3

The final message at the end of Bayonetta 3 reads “To be continued in a new generation.” This could be interpreted in one of two ways. First, the implied generation could be teasing that a game will be announced alongside the next Nintendo console beyond the OLED model whether that is a Switch 2 or something else. If that’s the case then maybe the team already has a prototype in mind.

The message could also mean Bayonetta, as a character, is gone for good. Viola has inherited the name meaning that a new biological generation of witches will continue the story. The message could be saying both things at once or neither. It’s hard to say and there’s no way of knowing if it will even happen since it took eight years to release Bayonetta 3.

5 The Multiverse

Bayonetta in Bayonetta 3

By defeating Singularity, did Viola and the others reset the multiverse? Are the worlds still dead with Viola’s universe being one of the last ones? It’s important to ask that question because it can also help determine what a Bayonetta 4 game might look like. The next sequel could focus on Viola or it could travel to a new universe and follow another version of the fan-favorite Bayonetta. That could even be an idea for some new missions for DLC.

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The first and second games, which canonically now take place within separate universes, could also be where the sequel takes place. Fans can’t theorize further on the sequel since they don’t know if the multiverse is destroyed or restored. Despite that fact, there’s still plenty of room for the internet to debate it out and search Bayonetta 3 for any more clues via Easter Eggs.

4 Dr. Sigurd’s Origins

Dr. Sigurd in Bayonetta 3

One of the biggest mysteries in the game surrounds the central villain, Dr. Sigurd. It’s never explained why he did what he did besides high concept ideas of wanting to create his own truth in the universe. Usually, villains in games or movies have more of a reason for wishing to destroy the world or Multiverse.

For example, Wanda just wanted her kids back, so she tore through countless worlds to find them in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. For Dr. Sigurd’s reasons, it could be tied to family or a significant other. It could also be tied to his condition. That isn’t addressed either although it’s assumed he has some sort of health issue. No one chooses to wheel around in a water tank for fun even in a wacky game like Bayonetta 3.

3 Viola’s Timeline

A cutscene featuring characters in Bayonetta 3

What universe did Viola come from? Based on what the man says next to her in the prologue, it’s presumed she has visited many universes to find the one true Bayonetta to stop Dr. Sigurd’s plans. Did she come from a universe where it was possible to hop around, or did she pick that item up elsewhere?

Also, who was the man that gave Viola the device? He could be someone nameless but the design was unique enough that it could be someone more important to the game’s lore. If Viola is the playable protagonist of Bayonetta 4, these questions could get addressed in flashbacks. It might be high time for Jeanne to take center stage too.

2 Luka’s New Powers

Luka in Bayonetta 3

Luka was a journalist trying to get a story in the first Bayonetta game. That was his cover story but it’s never determined how true that claim was of his. He was never someone with powers other than the grappling hook which he seemingly barely knew how to use.

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Why did he suddenly get powers to turn into a prettier version of a Werewolf in this game then? Not enough time is spent on the darkness lurking within him. Also, what’s up with the celestial version of Luka? There is so much left to uncover about his character and the events of Bayonetta 3 made this more apparent.

1 The Island Of Thule

Bayonetta in Bayonetta 3

Thule was a magical island created by both the Umbran Witches and the Lumen Sages. It was a paradise set up as a way for the two tribes to travel to different universes. Viola is in the know, meaning that her universe must also possess something like it otherwise her knowledge wouldn’t add up.

This brings up a lot of questions about the creation of Thule. When it was made, was someone sent through a portal to help another universe out? Since the Multiverse floodgates were opened on this series, it’s safe to assume that there is potential for a prequel to look at Thule’s creation. Maybe this prequel could even star Rosa, Bayonetta’s mother and the former keeper of the Bayonetta title.

Bayonetta 3 was released on October 28, 2022, and is available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.

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