Speculation surrounding Bayonetta 3 always sees a resurgence every time a new teaser is dropped, but the latest trailer may have finally confirmed one of the most prominent theories about the game's storyline. The Bayonetta series has always played fast and loose with its timeline, with both its first and second games incorporating an element of time travel, which led many to suspect that Bayonetta 3 would be no different. Now with an official release date and solid information on key story details, it seems both time travel might factor in some way into the game's narrative.

However, some fans believed that Bayonetta 3 was gearing up for something more substantial than its predecessors' use of time travel. Built on top of Bayonetta's time travel concept was a new theory that suggested Bayonetta 3 would be taking place in an entirely new timeline, ultimately all pointing towards the idea that a multiverse would eventually come into play. Alongside the growing trend of games exploring multiverse ideas, this theory looks to have come true, with hints of an "Alphaverse" and a new, never before seen version of Bayonetta.

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Bayonetta 3 And Time Travel

Bayonetta and Young Cereza from the first game

While the first two Bayonetta games dabbled with time travel, they were always instances of a character from the past joining the events in the present, with both examples being a young Cereza and younger Balder respectively. It is this young Cereza, who is revealed to be Bayonetta as a child, is where Bayonetta 3's speculated twist on time travel originates from, as fans were quick to point out the uncanny similarity between Cereza and Bayonetta's hairstyles. Given the significance of hair within Bayonetta's lore, many believed this might mean that the version of Bayonetta in the third game is actually a grown-up Cereza.

Two timelines could be created here: one with Bayonetta in the first and second games, and the other with Cereza who grew up likely inspired by meeting her future self and making different decisions in her life. Fans point to details such as the original Bayonetta voice actress not reprising her role to the aforementioned hair as evidence of this, and the story might explore the paradoxical nature of the two timelines attempting to simultaneously exist. In the latest trailer, the story seems to not be taking this focus, and instead is going in a different direction.

Bayonetta 3 And The Multiverse

A second version of Bayonetta from the release date trailer for Bayonetta 3

Interesting moments arose from the latest release date trailer that support the idea that Bayonetta 3 will be going a step above a time travel premise. At one point in the trailer, a different version of Bayonetta is shown sporting a more ostentatious, almost ceremonial red outfit, even complemented by an eye patch as if to ensure fans recognized the radical changes to the character. While this version of Bayonetta appears to be more experienced and knowledgeable, it may lead some to jump to the time travel theory for Bayonetta's future, but Nintendo has been keen to emphasize the distinction of two versions of the character, disproving this idea.

In light of this, in another part of the trailer, Jeanne appears to confront a new character who many are assuming is Sigurd, whose name was referenced by Viola, as his appearance reflects that of the new enemies dubbed "homunculi." This enigmatic character comments on something called the "Alphaverse," but no further details are provided. It is common nomenclature though to add the suffix "verse" when discussing multiverse concepts, and alpha would suggest the first or original. The implication here is that there are now other universes beyond the select few seen in the Bayonetta series so far, and Bayonetta 3 could take the player through several more.

A possible counterargument though is that if this character is Sigurd, or is at least human, then "Alphaverse" might refer to the human world, or Purgatorio, between Inferno and Paradiso, since humans' involvement in these realms has been limited, meaning they would have their own terminology for them. However, this seems unlikely, as characters including the second Bayonetta and the mysterious Viola make reference to "this world" or reality in general, implying that they are talking with the knowledge of other "worlds" or universes existing beyond their own.

While there is still every chance that these theories could be only somewhat true, many fans are convinced that Bayonetta 3 will be the first of the series to take on a larger scope with the multiverse. Previous games have already had high stakes by having Bayonetta beat the god-like Jubileus, creator of the Trinity of Realities into the literal sun, so expectations are high. In spite of this however, what will be most interesting for players is how Bayonetta 3 can transform the local threat of homunculi and human interference into a multiversal fight to save reality.

Bayonetta 3 is set to release on October 28 for Nintendo Switch.

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