Platinum Games' The Wonderful 101 had a surprise resurgence this month after the developers took it to Kickstarter for a second chance at releasing on PC, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch. That game's remaster treatment has left some fans of the studio wondering what might be happening with the long-anticipated Bayonetta 3, but series creator Hideki Kamiya assures that any concerns about a potential cancellation can be thrown out the window.

In an interview about The Wonderful 101 published by Video Game Chronicle Thursday, Kamiya was asked whether he was "bored" of being asked about where the Switch-exclusive Bayonetta 3 is following its announcement at The Game Awards 2017. He said he is "happy there's still anticipation for the title," and that the developers are "still hard at work on it." In fact, he goes so far as to request that fans continue to look forward to its release.

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Much like the enigmatic Metroid Prime 4, Platinum Games' next sequel in its hit Bayonetta franchise has had a long development cycle rife with fans wondering when they can expect to hear more. Though Kamiya's comment does not offer any concrete details for news-hungry players to latch onto, it does reiterate previous comments about Bayonetta 3's development going smoothly, which suggests the studio could just be taking its time to release an incredibly polished title.


Kamiya discussed a number of other subjects throughout the course of the interview alongside Platinum Games' head Atsushi Inaba, from the shift to self-publishing through Kickstarter on The Wonderful 101 to the prospects of development on next-generation consoles. They also discuss Epic Games' recently revealed Unreal Engine 5, which will work with Nintendo Switch as well as the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.

While the Bayonetta franchise is easily one of Platinum Games' most popular, earning the umbra witch a guest character slot in Super Smash Bros., it has not been the only game on the studio's plate. On top of re-releasing The Wonderful 101, Platinum Games also put out a brand new IP called Astral Chain to decent sales in 2019.

With all of these hits under its belt, rumors have been spread that Microsoft was looking to acquire Platinum Games as one of its permanent studios. Kamiya dispelled those rumors in the interview, so in the meantime fans can still expect to find Bayonetta gracing their Nintendo Switch consoles at some point in the future.

Bayonetta 3 is currently in development for the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: 10 Tips To Master Bayonetta

Source: Video Game Chronicle