Safe to say at this point, Bayonetta 3definitely won’t be releasing in 2019 like Nintendo and Platinum Games hoped earlier in the year. For the time being, the next entry in the over-the-top action series about an angel-slaying witch still has a release window of “TBA,” and it’s possible we might not hear anything much more substantial than that for some time. Still, the developers at Platinum are offering whatever updates they can give.

It’s been a particularly frustrating wait for the fans with this game. Two whole years have passed since Bayonetta 3 was announced at The Game Awards 2017, and yet we still know about as much as we did back then. Even then, it wasn’t much to go off of beyond the fact that a threequel is in the works as a Switch exclusive.

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Despite this lack of substantial information, Platinum is still at work on the game. Studio director and series creator Hideki Kamiya assured us of as much recently, though, in keeping with the trend, he kept things vague. When asked by a fan when we’ll hear something about Bayonetta 3, he replied with a simple message, as translated by Nintendo Everything: “Development’s going really well. There you go.”

No doubt, there are fans who are going to be disappointed to not get much more than that, but at least it suggests the long period of radio silence isn’t due to development struggles on Platinum’s end. More likely, it’s taking its time showing off Bayonetta 3 because it wants to make sure the game is in a good state before it’s properly unveiled. Considering Platinum’s reputation for creating some of the most polished and stylish action games out there, it’s a safe bet that it wants Bayonetta 3 to be able to make an equally-stylish first impression when it’s finally unveiled.

Still, that likely won’t be much comfort for those who are about to enter their third year of wondering if Platinum will ever release Bayonetta 3. With any luck, 2020 will be the year Platinum finally lifts the veil off the game and reveals when fans will finally get to play it. If not, well, at least fans of the studio will hear new information on another long-awaited Platinum game, Babylon’s Fall, in 2020.

Bayonetta 3 is in development for the Switch.

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Source: Nintendo Everything