Bayonetta 3’s humor may not hit everyone the same way. For those that enjoy punny humor, this game and the series overall are ideal. Others may not gel with it as much even if they like action. Bayonetta’s words are as lethal as her gun heels or hair though. She knows how to create some sick burns right before finishing off an enemy.

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In many ways, Bayonetta was an attempt by PlatinumGames to create a female version of Dante from Devil May Cry and the experiment seemingly worked. There are many great lines in Bayonetta 3 from the Umbran witch herself but she's far from the only character with memorable quotes in the game.

This list contains spoilers for Bayonetta 3.

8 “Turned My Opening Day Ticket Into Toilet Paper.”

Enzo in Bayonetta 3

Enzo mutters this line to Bayonetta as he is practically crying over his loss. Poor Enzo is at the butt of many jokes throughout the series. He is a plaything for Bayonetta to torture for the fun of it.

Enzo begins his day driving Bayonetta around instead of going to a baseball game, which seems to be a big theme in Japanese media like anime. Things get worse when she flies away to take care of some enemies and then a giant wave sweeps Enzo away. He’s also having car troubles on top of all the demonic intrusions.

7 “On The Off Chance You’re Not Insane, What Do They Want?”

Jeanne in Bayonetta 3

Jeanne says this line to Viola after the initial wave of enemies invades the city. It’s right after Viola explains that she is from another universe and that there’s someone out there trying to destroy all worlds.

Even to a witch like Jeanne, this concept seems farfetched. It’s funny considering she makes a living fighting angels and demons. The idea of multiverses is fun to think about but they also seem as fantastical as dragons in reality.

6 “Now, Why Don’t You Sit For Mommy.”

Bayonetta in Bayonetta 3

There is a reoccurring enemy that chases Bayonetta and the other playable characters around in Bayonetta 3. It’s a werewolf-like creature that Bayonetta first encounters in the Chinese version of the multiverse. It’s eventually revealed that Luka is the werewolf in question in the end.

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After defeating it, there’s a cutscene that plays wherein she stomps on the body with her giant heel. This line may not seem that good in text form. However, the way she says “mommy” makes it one of the best quotes in Bayonetta 3.

5 “You Will Be Avenged, I Swear It.”

Bayonetta in Bayonetta 3

The first alternate version Bayonetta encounters of herself is in Japan. This iteration of the Umbran witch is dressed like a pop star and has the fashion style to prove it. Her weapons of choice are gauntlets that fire darts and a yo-yo that seems to be imbued with fire.

She falls at the hands of the enemy, prompting the prime version of Bayonetta to swear to avenge her life. They don’t exchange any words but they don’t have to. Bayonetta knows that she must carry on for her other self and for the sake of restoring balance to the multiverse.

4 “V-I-O-L-F**King A!”

Viola in Bayonetta 3

One of the running jokes seen throughout Bayonetta 3 has the Umbran witch calling Viola "Kitty." Viola hates this for some reason, promoting her to constantly remind Bayonetta that her name is Viola. After defeating an enemy in China together, things get heated wherein Viola even has to spell her name out. She includes a curse in there for good measure as she is a bit of a spitfire.

Of course, Bayonetta knows her name but she probably gets enjoyment out of seeing Viola get so bent out of shape every time she calls her kitty. Even the most robust action games need humor in them and the team behind Bayonetta 3 is seemingly aware of that.

3 “Learn To Fight For Others, Not Just For Yourself.”

Bayonetta in Bayonetta 3

Bayonetta is a pun-heavy character that would fit right in with action stars from any era. Her cheesy one-liners can be groan-inducing at times but there is a charm to her bad humor as well. Every once in a while she will get serious and lay things down on the line though.

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As much as Bayonetta teases Viola, the Umbra Witch still means well. That’s why Bayonetta says this line to her before jetting off. A true hero like Bayonetta knows that with great power comes great responsibility and this line proves it.

2 “Hey, Cerezita.”


This is one of Luka’s catchphrases that he utters throughout the Bayonetta series. It’s a bit of a pun based on Bayonetta’s true name, Cereza. Now, in Spanish "cerecita" essentially translates to little cherry. Cerezita is spelled differently from that word but that is seemingly the reference Luka is going for.

When he says this line in Bayonetta 3, it’s after he transforms back into a human from his werewolf form. It’s a heartfelt utterance of the line since Bayonetta was just worried Luka had passed on from their fight. Seemingly knowing that Luka tries to brighten the still dire situation.

1 “Be Back By Curfew, Bayonetta.”

Rodin in Bayonetta 3

What will Bayonetta 4 be coming? That is one of the biggest questions seemingly on the minds of fans after this game ends. Bayonetta and Luka seem like they’re both dead now. Viola has taken on the title of Bayonetta, which Rodin calls out in this line.

Whether the sequel focuses on Viola as the new star or switches to a new universe where the familiar Bayonetta will reign supreme is unknown. Maybe there won’t be a sequel at all since this game has gone through so much controversy, but here’s hoping that isn’t the case.

Bayonetta 3 was released on October 28, 2022, and is available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.

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