With a vice-like grip and a narrative twisted like a contortionist, Battlestar Galactica firmly etched itself into the collective consciousness of global audiences. It transcended the realm of ordinary sci-fi spectacles and became a tapestry of raw humanity. Woven with complexity and profound questions, it delved deep into the souls of every space opera fan.

Amidst the cataclysmic clash between desperate humanity and their relentless nemesis, the Cylons, a mysterious group known as the Final Five emerged. These enigmatic figures, veiled in layers of secrecy, took center stage in the battle for survival. Their presence sparked curiosity and speculation, igniting a firestorm in the hearts and minds of viewers and characters alike.

RELATED: The Battlestar Galactica Timeline, Explained

Origins and Background

final five battlestar galactica

The term "Final Five" emerged as a moniker for a secretive group of Cylons in Battlestar Galactica. Hailing from the ancient Thirteenth Tribe, these five individuals were shrouded in mystery, their true identities concealed from their fellow Cylons. They represented the descendants of a bygone era when humans on Kobol created artificial life forms resembling themselves.

Playing an integral role in the tapestry of Cylon existence, the Final Five, along with the Significant Seven Cylons, including the ill-fated Number Seven lineage, held a primordial origin. However, they earned the designation of "Final Five" due to the sequence of revelations that unveiled their identities. It was the cunning Gaius Baltar who coined this term, capturing their essence in just two words.

Unveiling the Final Five

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Among the Final Five, Samuel Anders, a former Pyramid player of unmatched skill and a valiant fighter in the resistance, was one of the first to have his true nature revealed. From the moment he appeared on screen, he played a prominent role in the human resistance movement on New Caprica, fearlessly battling the oppressive Cylon occupation. However, as his hidden identity was revealed, a torrent of emotions engulfed Anders, burdening him with the weight of his dual existence. In this pivotal moment, he became an indispensable cog in the relentless struggle for humanity's survival, torn between two worlds, with his choices bearing profound consequences.

Galen Tyrol, the resolute Chief Petty Officer responsible for maintaining and overseeing the Battlestar Galactica's deck, stood as another enigmatic member of the Final Five. Revered for his technical brilliance and unwavering commitment to his duties, Tyrol grappled with the complexities of his Cylon heritage. His true identity set the stage for a tempestuous internal conflict as he navigated the treacherous waters of self-discovery while remaining loyal to the human crew he served. Amidst the turbulence of his existence, Tyrol's struggles reverberated, leaving an indelible mark on the fate of all those aboard the Galactica.

Tory Foster, a magnetic and ambitious political aide in President Laura Roslin's inner circle, emerged as a captivating member of the Final Five. Shielded by her charisma and driven by ambition, Foster embarked on an arduous journey of self-realization, grappling with the inherent clashes between her Cylon nature and the complex web of human relationships and responsibilities that entangled her. Loyalty and self-interest blurred as she delved into the profound depths of her own desires and the sacrifices she was willing to make to fulfill them.

Saul Tigh served as the executive officer of the Galactica and later became the military leader of the human-Cylon alliance. In a shocking turn of events, Saul's wife, Ellen Tigh, who was believed to be dead after Saul killed her for her alleged sympathy towards the Cylons, is revealed to be the fifth member of the Final Five. She resurfaces, alive and well, having been downloaded into a new body on a hidden Resurrection Ship.

Purpose & Reception

battlestar galactica final five cast

What set the Final Five apart from other Cylons was their lack of numerical designations. They lived their lives unaware of their own true identities as Cylons until a later stage in the story, a revelation that sent shockwaves through their existence.

The role of the Final Five encompassed multiple layers. They held a pivotal position in the genesis and evolution of the humanoid Cylon race, as they were the architects of their own creation. Their existence and knowledge were crucial in unraveling the motives of the Cylons and untangling the complex threads that drove the series' central plotlines, particularly in the quest for Earth.

Moreover, the Final Five served as a bridge, blurring the stark lines separating humans and Cylons. Their emergence and integration into Cylon society raised profound questions about identity, free will, and the essence of humanity itself. They became conduits for exploring themes surrounding artificial intelligence and its profound impact on the human experience.

While the introduction of the Final Five initially elicited mixed reactions from fans, their inclusion played a significant role in the overarching narrative of Battlestar Galactica. They brought heightened complexity and depth to the storyline, offering fresh perspectives on the conflict between humans and Cylons and challenging the audience's preconceived notions about the characters and their motivations.

MORE: Battlestar Galactica: The Cylon War, Explained