
  • The 2004 Battlestar Galactica reboot made a daring change by transforming the character of Starbuck from male to female, challenging gender norms in science fiction.
  • Katee Sackhoff's portrayal of female Starbuck preserved many of the characteristics that made the male version iconic, including confidence, a love for cigars, and exceptional piloting skills.
  • The reimagining of Starbuck showcased the show's commitment to innovation and its willingness to challenge conventions, ultimately breathing new life into the character.

The 2004 Battlestar Galactica reboot was a remarkable reimagining. The new series dared to break the mold, making substantial changes to the beloved 1970s series. Perhaps one of the most audacious alterations surrounded the character Starbuck.

In this fresh rendition, the role was played by actress Katee Sackhoff, marking a pivotal shift as Starbuck's gender changed from male to female. Adding an extra layer of intrigue, female Starbuck managed to preserve many of the characteristics that had made the male version an iconic figure. Both versions shared confidence, a love for cigars, a fiery temperament, and, most notably, their prowess as exceptional fighter pilots. This bold decision not only injected new vitality into the series, but also challenged prevailing gender norms in the world of science fiction.

RELATED: Battlestar Galactica: Who Is Starbuck?

Dirk Benedict's Starbuck in Battlestar Galactica TOS

battlestar galactica tos dirk benedict starbuck

The original Battlestar Galactica series, which aired in 1978, introduced audiences to Lieutenant Starbuck, a charming and roguish Viper pilot known for his wit, swagger, and penchant for gambling. Dirk Benedict brought this character to life with a charismatic performance that made Starbuck a fan favorite. His chemistry with fellow pilot Apollo, played by Richard Hatch, added depth to their dynamic and demonstrated the camaraderie at the heart of the series.

In the original series, Starbuck was a quintessential ladies' man, who had an eye for the finer things in life and an appetite for adventure. He was often seen smoking cigars, and his love of gambling sometimes got him into trouble. Starbuck's character was a blend of daring courage and devil-may-care recklessness, making him a memorable figure in the annals of science fiction television.

The Decision To Cast Katee Sackhoff

kara thrace starbuck katee battlestar galactica sackhoff

Fast-forward to the early 2000s, and the Battlestar Galactica reboot was in full swing. The creators faced a pivotal decision: how to reinvent Starbuck for a new generation. The answer was revolutionary: cast a woman in the role. Katee Sackhoff was chosen to step into the boots of the iconic Viper pilot, and her portrayal of Kara "Starbuck" Thrace was nothing short of extraordinary.

When the reimagined Battlestar Galactica creator Ron Moore embarked on the journey to launch the 2003 mini-series reboot that would later evolve into the wildly successful TV show, he was fully aware that his decision to cast Sackoff, a woman, as Starbuck was going to create waves of controversy. Moore, however, embraced the challenge and was unafraid to challenge convention.

In a conversation during the PEN special, EW Reunites: Battlestar Galactica, Moore reflected on the groundbreaking decision, acknowledging the significance of changing the gender of one of the lead characters from the original series. The cigar-smoking, lady-charming Starbuck from the 1978 series was an iconic character, and reimagining this beloved figure was no small feat. As Moore grappled with the task of redefining Starbuck for the modern era, a moment of creative inspiration struck. He recalled:

"Somewhere along the line, my brain just went, 'Well, what if Starbuck was a woman?'"

With that single, daring thought, Starbuck's transformation into a skilled pilot with a chip on her shoulder began to take shape. Moore's willingness to challenge convention and embrace change ultimately paved the way for one of the most memorable and impactful character reboots in television history.

Starbuck vs. Starbuck

Battlestar Galactica Starbuck

While the two Starbucks may have shared a name and the same callsign, they were distinct characters with their own unique qualities and arcs. Let's explore some of the key similarities and differences between Dirk Benedict's Starbuck and Katee Sackhoff's Starbuck.


Pilot Skills: Both Starbucks were exceptional Viper pilots, known for their incredible flying skills and combat prowess. Whether it was dogfighting with Cylons or executing daring rescue missions, their abilities were second to none.

Recklessness: Both versions of Starbuck exhibited a certain level of recklessness in their actions. Whether it was taking risky bets in a card game or defying orders to pursue their own instincts, they were known for their impulsive nature.


Personality: Dirk Benedict's Starbuck was more of a carefree, charming rogue, while Katee Sackhoff's Starbuck was a complex, emotionally charged character. Sackhoff's portrayal delved deeper into the psychological trauma and struggles faced by a warrior in a seemingly endless war. This also fit the tone of the reimagined series, which was darker and more serious than the original.

Gender: The most obvious difference, of course, was the gender switch. Sackhoff's Starbuck broke new ground by challenging traditional gender norms in science fiction. Her character's gender was not a central focus of the story, highlighting the show's commitment to portraying women as strong and capable leaders in this futuristic world.

Character Arc: While both characters had their share of personal challenges, Sackhoff's Starbuck had a more profound and spiritually significant character arc. Her connection to the enigmatic beings known as the Cylons and her destiny as the "Harbinger of Death" added layers of complexity to her journey.

The gender switch of Starbuck in the Battlestar Galactica reboot was a bold decision that paid off in spades. Katee Sackhoff's portrayal of Kara "Starbuck" Thrace breathed new life into the character, giving fans a dynamic and unforgettable figure to root for. While both Starbucks shared some common traits, their differences highlight the show's commitment to innovation and its willingness to challenge conventions.

MORE: Battlestar Galactica: The Harbinger Of Death, Explained