
  • The Sacred Scrolls in Battlestar Galactica are handwritten and represent an authentic tradition, suggesting they may be faithful reproductions from an original manuscript.
  • The Scrolls reveal the Origin of Mankind, describing the separation of humans and Cylons which led to the establishment of The Twelve Colonies and the founding of Earth by artificial creations.
  • The Book of Pythia, a prophetic masterpiece, becomes a guiding force in the Fleet's journey, resonating with prophecies about the exile and rebirth of the human race and manifesting in pivotal moments.

The Sacred Scrolls stand as the cornerstone of Colonial religion in Battlestar Galactica, embodying a polytheistic faith reminiscent of Ancient Greece. Despite their significance, these sacred writings remain shrouded in mystery. Their contents are revealed only in tantalizing glimpses, conveyed through snippets, paraphrases, and cryptic explanations. The Scrolls, despite their name, are portrayed both as ornate scrolls and books within the series. These texts raise intriguing questions about their authenticity and the role of handwritten copies in an age dominated by advanced technology.

While the Twelve Colonies have the technology for electronic printing, the Sacred Scrolls hint at a different tradition. The handwritten nature of these sacred texts introduces an element of authenticity and reverence, suggesting that the most genuine copies may be faithful reproductions or direct transcriptions from an original manuscript. This raises the possibility that the Scrolls, as seen in ceremonial moments in the reimagined Battlestar Galactica, represent only a fraction of a more extensive collection. There may be special volumes for specific religious ceremonies, such as weddings, dedication ceremonies, and services for the dead.

Battlestar Galactica: The Cylon War, Explained

Unveiling a timeless narrative, Battlestar Galactica's Cylon War breathes life into the captivating saga of machines ascending to power.

Unveiling the Origin of Mankind

Deep within the Sacred Scrolls, the revelation of the Origin of Mankind unfolds. The records describe two distinct groups of original humans — those originating on Kobol and subsequently on New Earth. Kobolian humans underwent evolution on their native planet, giving rise to the creation of the Cylons, a race of machines. The consequential and catastrophic conflict known as "the Blaze" led to the separation of humans and Cylons. The human exodus culminated in the establishment of The Twelve Colonies, while the Cylons, assuming human guise, founded Earth. However, their artificial creations rebelled, triggering a nuclear holocaust that would shape the trajectory of events for millennia.

In the aftermath of the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, the Fleet embarks on a cosmic odyssey, guided by cryptic markers such as the Tomb of Athena, The Temple of Hopes, and the Ionian Nebula. As the connection between Earth and the Thirteenth Tribe is unraveled, the Fleet stumbles upon the existence of the "Final Five" — survivors of Kobol who evolved into Cylons. This revelation marks a turning point in the narrative, leading to the discovery of a second planet housing genetically compatible humans in a primitive state. This encounter sets the stage for a profound intertwining of human and Cylon bloodlines, ultimately resulting in the birth of Hera Agathon, referred to as the "Mitochondrial Eve."

The Prophetic Book of Pythia

battlestar galactica roslin oath

Central to the Sacred Scrolls is the Book of Pythia, a prophetic masterpiece penned 3,600 years ago by the oracle Pythia. Believed by some to foretell the exodus from the Twelve Colonies, the Book of Pythia becomes a guiding force in the Fleet's journey. It resonates with prophecies about the exile and rebirth of the human race, echoing through the ages and manifesting in pivotal moments, such as "The Hand of God."

Crucial to Pythia's texts are excerpts that pertain to the banishment and resurgence of human civilization:

And the Lords anointed a leader to guide the caravan of the heavens to their new homeland. And unto the leader, they gave a vision of serpents, numbering two and ten, as a sign of things to come.

During a press briefing 36 days into the surviving Colonials' flight, President Laura Roslin experienced a hallucination at her podium. In it, she witnessed the unsettling imagery of two serpents slithering upon it, followed by a dozen more. Adding an eerie layer to this, Pythia's ancient writings had prophesied that the chosen leader would suffer from a debilitating ailment, never reaching the promised new land. This prediction is a haunting parallel to Roslin's battle with cancer during that time.

In the subsequent passage, Pythia foresaw an initial conflict where the Colonials, guided by "serpents two and ten," emerged triumphant over their adversaries. Fleeing the pursuit of the Cylons, the Colonials launched an assault on a Cylon base to secure much-needed fuel. This offensive, led by twelve Vipers, aligned with Pythia's writings on the battle. Yet, the prophecy hinted at a larger confrontation. This would supposedly entail a future clash "at the home of the Gods," foreshadowing events beyond the immediate skirmish.

One of the most captivating aspects of the Sacred Scrolls is the Arrow of Apollo. According to the scriptures, possessing this artifact could unlock the path to Earth. The search for Earth becomes a central narrative, intertwined with the desperate quest to find the Arrow of Apollo, a key to opening the Tomb of Athena. This quest adds layers of complexity to the characters' journeys, underscoring the delicate balance between faith and pragmatism.

The Sacred Scrolls in Battlestar Galactica are not only a religious and historical foundation. They also serve as a narrative device that weaves together the intricate threads of science fiction and faith. In the cold expanse of space, where the line between man and machine blurs, belief isn't a luxury — it's a lifeline.

As the remnants of humanity navigate the wreckage of their worlds, the question of gods and gears becomes a struggle for survival. In the pursuit of answers, faith is tested against the harsh backdrop of scientific inquiry. The lines between the divine and the mechanical are blurred. In the end, as the smoking ruins of old Earth fade into the cosmic abyss, Battlestar Galactica leaves fans with a gritty truth. In the unforgiving universe they inhabit, faith and science aren't just coexisting. They're locked in an eternal, unforgiving brawl for the soul of survival.

Battlestar Galactica: The Opera House Vision, Explained

The recurring vision known as the Opera House Prophecy shines brightly as a source of captivating intrigue in Battlestar Galactica.