Battlefield 6, the next major release in the popular online multiplayer FPS franchise, is one of the most-anticipated releases expected in 2021. Battlefield releases are always popular, but the first release of a major franchise on next-generation platforms is always that much more exciting. Further, rumors point to a Battlefield battle royale being in the works, which only adds to the anticipation. Unfortunately, it's now rumored that Battlefield fans may be waiting longer than expected for that battle royale.

Battlefield leaker Tom Henderson recently shared a variety of information that they'd heard about the upcoming game on Twitter, as well as on his YouTube channel. Henderson has covered a lot of ground, but had some particularly interesting information to share regarding Battlefield 6's battle royale. The key detail being that Battlefield 6's battle royale is likely to be released akin to Call of Duty: Warzone. More specifically, it'll be separated from the game, have its own name, and will ultimately have a delayed launch.

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More specifically, Henderson says that he doesn't know when the battle royale mode for Battlefield 6 will launch. He expects that it will launch mid-2022. This would allow Battlefield 6 plenty of time to establish its multiplayer community, as well as a post-launch DLC cadence, before introducing a competitive multiplayer experience to the market. It'll assuredly also give the developers time to smooth out any issues with online connections and combat that arise from the base game's release.

Note that everything Henderson is sharing regarding Battlefield is unverified at this point. While a Battlefield game is expected in 2021 based on financial reporting, Battlefield has not been officially announced. Considering the base Battlefield hasn't been announced, it should be no surprise that a battle royale spin-off is even less reliably confirmed. It certainly makes sense from a business perspective, considering the success of Call of Duty: Warzone, but nothing's certain until it's officially announced.

Like Call of Duty: Warzone, while the Battlefield battle royale will be standalone it'll still be based on Battlefield 6. Henderson says that in the new Battlefield battle royale mode, players will still be able to play as the base game's four unique types of soldiers. However, instead of having each of the soldiers' gadgets, they'll have unique abilities that Henderson says are comparable to Call of Duty's perks. As an example, Scouts could have silent footsteps whereas an Assault could sprint longer.

It's unclear when official information regarding Battlefield 6's battle royale will be shared. Henderson hints that an official Battlefield 6 announcement could come in May, but whether the battle royale will be included in that isn't clear. An announcement could be delayed until closer to launch in 2022. Regardless, Battlefield fans should maintain some skepticism until an official announcement is made.

Battlefield 6 is in development for unspecified platforms.

MORE: Battlefield 6: The Case for and Against a Battle Royale Mode