Unfortunately, DICE let down most of the Battlefield fanbase with Battlefield 2042, and some players have even started a massive petition on Change.org for Sony to refund their purchase. And because of the issues players are experiencing with DICE's latest game, players are returning to Battlefield 5 since, for many, it was the last "true" Battlefield game. Yet, despite Battlefield 5's rocky reception, it has proven to be one of the best World War 2 themed games in recent years.

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Battlefield 5 features dozens of historically accurate tanks, fighter planes, weapons, and much more. And one weapon of choice many players enjoy playing with is the melee class since it offers a quick and easy death to enemy players. But, with so many different melee weapons, players will need to know which one will give them the upper hand in the heat of battle.

10 Throwing Knife, Takedown Enemies From A Distance

Selecting the Throwing Knife in Battlefield 5


  • Kit - Recon
  • Magazine - 2
  • Damage - One-hit Kill
  • Range - Mid-range

Making its debut in Battlefield 1942, the Throwing Knife has proven to be a weapon of choice for players wanting to kill with style. This melee weapon has one-hit damage, which means that no matter where it hits on an enemy player, it'll kill them.

But, the issue with this Melee weapon in Battlefield 5 is that players can only equip two at a time. On top of that, the Throwing Knife has a slow travel time, so any veteran player can easily dodge it. Perhaps, once DICE adds more melee weapons to Battlefield Portal, players will be able to add the Throwing Knife to their 1942 loadout.

9 Pickaxe, An Unconventional Weapon

Player Attacking an Enemy Soldier with a Pickaxe in Battlefield 5.


  • Kit - Infantry
  • Damage - 80
  • Range - Short-range

While not the most favored melee weapon to be seen during real warfare, the Pickaxe is quite popular in Battlefield 5 since it's versatile at killing enemies. On top of that, the Pickaxe can damage light-armored vehicles like the infantry-killer Staghound T17E1.

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Unfortunately, the Pickaxe is considered a heavy melee weapon, meaning the attack animation is slow, so it's not the best weapon to use against infantry. And even if a player can flank the enemy light-armored vehicle, they'll still take some time to cause any substantial damage.

8 Combat Knife, The Classic Melee Choice

Solveig's Knife as a Chapter Reward in Battlefield 5.


  • Kit - All
  • Damage - 35
  • Range - Close-range

The Knife has always been the default melee weapon of choice for many players since it's easy to use and offers considerable damage output. Additionally, attacking an enemy from behind multiplies the damage output by two, plus triggers a takedown animation.

The main concern of the knife is that players need to be at very close range, leaving players highly exposed, even worse if the enemy player has a shotgun (like this player who went on a shotgun-killing rampage). The risk-reward of using the Knife is why it's not higher in the list.

7 Kukri, The Nepalese Curved-Knife

Showcase of the Kukri in Battlefield 5.


  • Kit - All
  • Damage - 40
  • Range - Long-range

In honor of the brave British Gurkha who fought during World War 1 and 2, DICE added their melee weapon of choice: the Kukri. And despite having similar stats to the Combat Knife, the Kukri has one of the fastest attack animations in Battlefield 5, which is why players like using it over the Combat Knife.

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Additionally, players can run faster while wielding the Kukri, which makes it a great weapon to have while running from cover to cover. But unfortunately, that speed boost is the only feature that makes the Kukri's useful.

6 Blunt Weapon, It's Clobbering Time

Player with a Barbed Baseball Bat in Battlefield 5.


  • Kit - All
  • Damage - 45
  • Range - Mid-range

Blunt weapons in Battlefield 5 are more than weapons since they are also useful tools to remove obstacles. These weapons can break windows and destroy wooden defenses, which maps like Wake Island and Pacific Storm have in abundance.

Blunt weapons also come in various skins, from a Barbed Baseball Bat (or Cricket Bat) to a Burned Plank, all of which can be unlocked by completing story challenges. Blunt weapons' only problem is that the swing animation is slow, making players easy targets for counter-attacks.

5 Bayonet, CHAAAARGE!

Player Performing a Bayonet Charge Against an Enermy in Battefield 5.


  • Kit - Most Primary Weapons
  • Damage - One-hit Kill
  • Range - Mid-range

One of the most iconic weapons of World War 1 and 2 has to be the Bayonet. And DICE did a wonderful job at recreating this deadly melee weapon Battlefield 5 (which is why it's one of the best World War 2 games out there). Players can equip this melee weapon on most primary guns, and once equipped, they can perform a Bayonet charge.

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Despite being a one-hit kill melee weapon, the Bayonet charge leaves players locked in a charge animation, making them easy targets. On top of that, DICE repeatedly nerfed the Bayonet charge removing reduced damage while charging and making it harder to turn.

4 Fire Axe, Here's Johnny!

Showcase of the Fire Axe in Battlefield 5.


  • Kit - All
  • Damage - 33
  • Range - Mid-range

The Fire Axe first made its appearance in Battlefield Hardline, and players loved it since it was a one-hit chopping machine. But, DICE decided to take it down a notch in Battlefield 5, so they reduced the damage to 33.

Despite the slow swing animation, the Battlefield fanbase can agree that the Fire Axe has one of the coolest takedowns in the Battlefield series, especially after DICE failed to optimize takedown animations in Battlefield 2042. The main issue that players face while using the Fire Axe is the time it takes to pull it up and then swing, which leaves players in a bad spot.

3 Katana, Defeat Enemies With Honor

Player Using The Katana in Battlefield 5.


  • Kit - All
  • Damage - One-hit Kill
  • Range - Long-range

Players who have played Ghost of Tsushima (or similar Samarai-style games) will undoubtedly enjoy using Battlefield 5's Katana. It's not only a one-hit-kill melee weapon, but it also replenishes 15 HP after every kill, making it a much-desired melee weapon.

The problem is that the Katana is a Battle Pickup weapon (similar to the Flamethrower), so players can't use it from the get-go. On top of that, Iwo Jima and Pacific Storm are the only maps that players can use the Katana, and since everyone wants to use it, you can expect both allies and enemies rushing to get their hands on one.

2 Shovel, More Than Just A Tool

Artwork of a Soldier Holding a Shovel in Battlefield 5.


  • Kit - All
  • Damage - 80
  • Range - Short-range

Most Battlefield players remember using the Shovel in Battlefield Hardline, but in reality, the Shovel first appeared in the long forgot Battlefield Vietnam. And even though the Shovel is primarily used in Battlefield 5 to dig foxholes or pile up barricades of dirt or snow, players can also use it as a weapon.

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The only downside of the Shovel is that it can't break through wire, wood-barricades or damage light-armored vehicles. Nevertheless, it's the perfect melee weapon to have to help your teammates and harm enemies, which is a win-win scenario.

1 Hatchet, Not Only A Wood Chopping Tool

Player Killing an Enemy with a Hatchet in Battlefield 5.


  • Kit - All
  • Damage - 80
  • Range - Short-range

The Hatchet is perhaps the most used melee weapon in Battlefield 5 since it has a great damage output and a quick swing animation. In addition, players can use this weapon to chop holes in thin wooden objects and window shutters, giving them a tactical advantage on maps like Rotterdam, which has many buildings that players like to camp in.

Without a doubt, it's a great melee weapon to use in every class, but of course, you'll want to make sure to pair it with the best loadout for each class.

Battlefield 5 is available for PC, Xbox One and Series S, and Playstation 4 and 5.

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