After a turbulent five months since launch, Battlefield 2042 has received Update 4.0, one of the biggest updates to release for the game featuring hundreds of fixes and qualityof-life improvements. Among the myriad of changes that Battlefield 2042 received today, some of the most notable are attachment reworks, vehicle balance changes, and the inclusion of voice chat which was oddly absent at release.

It’s no secret that Battlefield 2042 has not been DICE’s most triumphant Battlefield title. When the game launched, it was plagued with bugs and performance issues, with many fans feeling as if the title was half-baked and shoved out the door. As the year has progressed, DICE has steadily delivered updates to the game, and the development team has been open to listening to player feedback. One of the most recent updates to Battlefield 2042 added the scoreboard, which left fans baffled as to why it was missing in the first place.

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Today DICE has rolled out Update 4.0 for its troubled shooter, proving to be a hefty patch that addresses issues in almost every corner of the game. DICE’s blog post on EA’s website details over 400 changes to Battlefield 2042, including balance adjustments to Specialists, vehicle balance changes, overhauled weapon attachment behavior, improved Ribbons and XP Events, and the addition of voice chat. However, voice chat is currently only limited to Party and Squad chat, with no option for a server-wide voice chat. Considering Battlefield 2042’s 128-player lobbies, that might not be such a bad thing.

Other changes to the game include quality-of-life improvements to the Battlefield Portal browser and multiple UI refreshes, including a few for the recently added scoreboard. DICE’s list of changes is long and detailed, showing dedication to fixing Battlefield 2042 before its Season 1 starts this summer. Many players on social media have been responding positively to Update 4.0, stating that the game is smoother, and the UI changes have made gameplay significantly more enjoyable. Despite the positivity, some fans still look at the game in a negative light.

DICE still has a long way to go before proving that Battlefield 2042 has turned the corner. The game currently sits as one of the worst-reviewed games on Steam of all time, and player counts are starting to dwindle, regularly hitting sub 1,000 player numbers. Fans still take issue with the inclusion of Specialists and overly large maps designed for 128 players, neither of which have been addressed by DICE yet. Rumors surrounding the next Battlefield game are already making the rounds, and while DICE won’t yet give up on Battlefield 2042, the team will have to work hard to dig it out of the trenches. The development team says to expect yet another update in May with further bug fixes and improvements.

Battlefield 2042 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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