Battlefield 2042 has got tons of flak since its messy launch last year. Fast-forward seven months and Battlefield 2042 is in a somewhat different place, with the introduction of the first season called Zero-Hour. The game has been packed with a lot of new additions like weapons, attachments, vehicles, and even a specialist, all things that should keep players entertained for hours. The biggest addition to the newest season is the conquest map called Exposure. Located on the Canadian-American border, this map puts players will go through a bunch of different environments.

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The best part about the Exposure map is how varied it is, going from an open landscape and cliff faces between a valley to interior rooms that force players to use close quarters. This creates some great moments in Battlefield 2042, which allows the game to grow with its player base. However, Exposure is rather distinct from the other maps and requires some time to get used to. With these tips, the map should become much easier to play.

5 Adapting

battlefield 2042 player in the air

This aspect stands out more in Exposure as opposed to the other maps in Battlefield 2042 due to the changing environments. But, at the same time, this tip is still important throughout the game. As players change how they play from situation to situation, fighting becomes more fluid. It also allows players to get used to different types of weapons as well since they'll be jumping between locations.

The Exposure map highlights a great aspect of Battlefield 2042, which is how vertical the maps are. In one area, players will be jumping off a cliff to get to the lower level of the map, which can add unique moments during any match. These things force the player to change how they fight. On top of that, going from inside to outside and vice versa, players will need to change tactics quickly. That way, things get to stay fresh and remain exciting.

4 Loadouts

battlefield 2042 player using ads

Now, this could be included with players adapting, but loadouts are rather important in Battlefield 2042 and need some explaining. As mentioned before, the Exposure map has a lot of variety, so players will have to change how they fight. Locations are one of the things the Exposure map has an abundance of, and players will need to look at their loadout to get the most out of these areas. If players make their loadout more fluid, meaning they can fight in any environment, things become a lot more tangible.

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A change introduced in Zero-Hour is that there are more XP events. This allows players to get more XP for everything they do, giving them a better chance at getting some powerful gear. Picking the loadout based on the player's situation helps much more because, now, they can adapt to what is needed. In general, players should experiment with a few different weapons before picking what goes in the loadout.

3 Sniping

battlefield 2042 player using a sniper

This tip works best in outdoor spaces of Exposure, such as the cliffs and valleys. Since snipers are rather strong in Battlefield 2042, players will be getting headshots in no time. Sniping is an easy thing to do on Exposure since the map has a lot of open spaces and nooks in crannies. The best part is that enemies won't be able to see where players are perched, allowing the sniping to be much more fluid.

However, since Exposure is one of the most diverse maps in Battlefield 2042, sniping doesn't work well in all areas, but there's no shortage of viable locations. So, if players opt to snipe for the match, they can safely head to any of those places. Overall, it's much easier to snipe in Exposure, because players tuck themselves away in the environment, allowing them to be hidden and get killing streaks more often.

2 Specialists

battlefield 2042 half of the specialist

Battlefield 2042's specialists give players unique abilities. Moving away from the class system from the older Battlefield games, the specialists allows players to help out the squad in their own way. However, going into Exposure, players will notice that not all specialists are equal. Picking them based on what players are playing in Battlefield 2042 is one of the top rules of the game.

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In Exposure, not all specialists will act the same, and players will find that specialists like Sundance work better than Dozer due to their mobility. Picking a specialist is just as important as loadout because they complement one another. In some cases, specialists enhance players' loadout to make it better like Falk's health traits. Much like the rest of Battlefield 2042, the specialist makes up a huge component of it, and that rule is carried over in the Exposure map.

1 Vehicles

battlefield 2042 m3c bolte cropped

On top of making players level up quickly with more XP events, Zero-Hour has changed the number of vehicles spawned during the match. A massive complaint pre-season one was that there were too few vehicles at launch for any match. Now, that players' complaints have been heard, more of them can use more vehicles, which makes matches a lot more balanced.

A great new feature of Battlefield 2042 is that it gives players many ways to get vehicles like calling one in; therefore, getting one shouldn't be an issue. The Exposure map is massive. If players traverse through the terrain on foot, they can get sniped very easily, but with vehicles, traveling is safer.

Battlefield 2042 is available now on: Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and PC.

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