The massive wave of disappointment in Battlefield 2042 continues as the game's review scores plummet on several platforms. The Steam release is currently a massive target, with a shockingly abysmal overall score.

Battlefield 2042 is the latest entry in the Battlefield series from EA and DICE, known for its massive wars waged on huge maps with vehicles and tactical mechanics. The latest release makes some major gameplay changes that many players feel is for the worse.

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Despite positive reception from critical outlets, a massive amount of Battlefield players are flooding the Steam page with a massive storm of negative reviews. Battlefield 2042 being a step back for the series is a sentiment shared by many players, with a significant amount mentioning other series entries in the reviews. Of the over 15,500 reviews on the Steam page, only 23% are positive. The overall reviews on other platforms do not fare better, with negative user reviews across the board.

Screenshot from Steam showing the Battlefield 2042 user reviews. Important text reads: 23% of the 15,549 user reviews for this game are positive. All reviews: Mostly Negative.

On top of the difficulties with the game itself, the Battlefield 2042 playerbase is also up in arms over a real-world reference made in bad taste: the "Little Green Men" skin for Pyotr "Boris" Gukovsky lets the player don a similar uniform to Russian forces that took over the Ukranian region of Crimea in 2014. EA DICE plans to remove the skin in an upcoming update but the fact that it existed in the first place may have some players worried about future additions.

As unfortunate as the disappointing release was, it was not entirely unexpected. A leak revealed Battlefield 2042's disappointing weapon count among other details before the game officially went live, and some other users' comparison videos showed that 2042 would lack a large amount of features present in previous entries. Battlefield 2042 may get better with time but without a strong release the game may struggle to keep players invested, especially when the rest of the series exists.

The massive list of missing features in Battlefield 2042 may not be obvious at a glance, but they are easy to notice when pointed out specifically or when entering 2042 as a longtime fan of the Battlefield series. Many of the core issues with the game fall with the fundemental design; core gameplay changes have simplified the game down to a shell of its predecessors. Even if some issues are fixed over time, the fundemental flaws with Battlefield 2042 will continue attracting criticism from players.

Battlefield 2042 is out now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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Source: Steam