Electronic Arts’ long-running Battlefield franchise seems to have hit a low point; Battlefield 2042, the latest installment in the series, was met with a considerable amount of backlash from fans when it debuted in November of 2021. Citing a litany of bugs, a concerning dearth of features, and an overall lack of polish, many gamers urged the publisher to refund dissatisfied consumers, and a petition asserting that very sentiment about Battlefield 2042 recently passed 200,000 signatures.

When it was first revealed during E3 2021, Battlefield 2042 looked to be the next evolution in multiplayer FPS gameplay. Ditching the historical settings of Battlefield 1 and Battlefield 5, EA and DICE’s new Battlefield installment recalled shades of the massive modern military conflicts seen in Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4. Unfortunately, though it did return aspects of those games to the series via the new Portal mode, Battlefield 2042 was substantially rougher around the edges when compared to previous entries.

RELATED: Battlefield 2042 Falls To Lowest Steam Player Count Yet

Though DICE has issued a series of bug fixes and patches in the months since Battlefield 2042's launch, the thousands of gamers who have signed the petition aren’t likely to be swayed by minor updates. Alleging that both the publisher and developer did not meet pre-launch promises and that the game is “unplayable,” the strongly-worded stance of petition creator Satoshi Nakamoto—an alias borrowed from the supposed creator of Bitcoin—doesn’t leave much room for negotiation.

Battlefield Petition

Part of the outrage stems from EA’s fairly obtuse refund policies. The publisher’s PC gaming hub Origin first began issuing refunds back in 2013, but a player may only be granted one if they meet certain requirements. The same could be said of Valve’s Steam, though the outlet’s refund policies tend to be a bit more forgiving. Additionally, those who purchased Battlefield 2042 physically or through third-party marketplaces will have even more hurdles with which to contend should they wish to refund their purchase.

Ultimately, it’s hard to say if this fan-generated refund push will result in any substantial change. DICE has issued statements asserting that major fixes are on the horizon, and Battlefield 2042's first official season has now been delayed by several months. That’s a fairly big thing for a live-service product to put off, and, should DICE be too slow in delivering updates, what remains of the game's rapidly-shrinking player base may disappear entirely. In fact, many players have already returned to previous Battlefield installments, causing the player counts of older games like Battlefield 1 and Battlefield 5 to have higher concurrent player counts than the series’ newest entry.

Battlefield 2042 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Battlefield 2042: The Case For Making Portal Free To Play

Source: Change.org