The Portal Mode in Battlefield 2042 is a new mechanic that acts like Forge in the Halo games where players can create their own games with their own rules, and some of those modes can get wild. The Portal is designed to create fun and unique experiences for players by taking different eras and pitting them against one another.

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The Portal Mode had two functions, one was being fun and the other players could level up quickly in that mode, although DICE has made changes to stop that, players still use it to farm for XP. Plus the with fans being a little angry about that move, DICE may be bringing the progression system back, which makes Portal even more worthwhile. The custom game modes are endless in Battlefield 2042 but here are the ones that stand out and players should definitely try these out.

5 Zombie Outbreak

battlefield 2042 players approaching a shipping crate

Much like Call Of Duty's zombie mode, this mode will have players going up against hordes of zombies. But in Battlefield fashion, it's a lot more chaotic, based on the fan-favorite Rush Mode, with 6 vs 120. Players should consider arming themselves with the best guns the game has to offer because it is quite a challenge.

The zombies who can be bots or enemy players are armed with just knives but that doesn't mean much since they respawn until all objectives are destroyed. In a way, it's a mix of the Call Of Duty zombie mode but with the chaos of World War Z since it has large amounts of zombies charging at players at once. So communication is key for this mode and players must keep themselves calm, otherwise, the zombies will overrun them if they don't.

4 Gun Game

battlefield 2042 players getting off a helicopter

Another Call Of Duty-inspired game where every time players kill another player in this free-for-all, they are given another randomly picked gun. Even though there aren't enough guns in the base game for this mode, the inclusion of weapons from other games like Battlefield 3 makes it worthwhile. The main thing about this mode is if players want a better gun on the list, they'll need to kill another player, however, if players get killed they go back down the ladder where the not-so-good guns are.

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While this mode may leave newer players to stay away, it's a great way to practice with guns otherwise they wouldn't have used it. Unlike Fiesta where players will randomly get a new loadout whenever killed or have killed, there is more of a need to do better because the next gun is always better.

3 One In The Chamber

battlefield 2042 player reloading gun

This mode is pretty self-explanatory, players are equipped with a pistol with only one bullet in the magazine. This mode has been in other shooters like Call Of Duty and has become popular for the more competitive player. This mode can be rather difficult players need to kill enemy players in order to have the one bullet come back, if they miss them then they'll have to do with a knife.

On In The Chamber is a good mode for any players trying to build up their accuracy, so it's a good idea for both new a seasoned players to give this a few rounds. Another reason why it's hard is because of the one bullet mechanic so while everyone is at the same level, other players may have better accuracy over the rest. And because it's a one bullet system, it also means instant death. So while this is a quick mode, players should be alert at all times.

2 Wing Suit Trainer

battlefield 2042 sundance flying from above

One of the most unique modes in the Portal, players who are already familiar with the handful of specialists will know who this mode is made for. Sundance's wingsuit is probably one of the better things about the game, because of how mobile it makes them. Unlike the other modes on this list, there's no gunplay so players don't have to worry about that.

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But it is still quite competitive, players jump off from a tall building then deploy the wingsuit and fly through drones making circles until they've landed. The competitive aspect of it is that each of the circles takes the player's time so the quickest wins, it forces players to be deadly accurate when flying since the drone that is making the circle shape aren't always next to each other. With that, players may not get the perfect run the first time, so mastering this challenge can make it competitive.

1 Red Light Green Light

battlefield 2042 squid games

Basically taken from the hit Netflix show, Squid Games, players are equipped with a sniper rifle with a single round and knife. The objective of this mode is when the game is in green light mode, players can run around knifing one another then going red light mode players must stop.

In red light mode, players can use their snipers to shoot other players that are still moving because they couldn't stop fast enough, however, players that fail to stop in time will get instant death and lose a point, so it'll keep everyone on edge. This mode is great for players and their friends with having no objective but just to stay still, it can be a great mode for content to make for platforms like YouTube.

Battlefield 2042 was released on November 19, 2021, and is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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