
  • A Battlefield 2042 player named WanderingWhite pulled off an impressive stunt by diving their CAV-Brawler onto an enemy tank, causing it to explode, but no kills were registered for their team.
  • The action, referred to by the player as the "CAV-JAVELIN," was captured in a ten-second video shared on Reddit, drawing attention and comments from the community.
  • While some players pointed out that WanderingWhite should have received credit for the kill, others praised the game for fixing the mechanic where vehicles did not damage each other on impact.

A Battlefield 2042 player took their CAV-Brawler into action by diving onto an opposing enemy's tank, causing an ignition that unfortunately results in no kills being accounted for. It occurs during a match in the Breakaway map, one of the maps for Battlefield 2042, where the player takes out their enemy amid gunfire. The scene brought on several comments in a post that presented the legitimacy of the action with regard to the game registering the kill for the scoreboard.

Battlefield 2042 might be the latest installment in the Battlefield franchise, but players have always found creative ways to approach combat since the days of Battlefield 1942. Developer DICE has implemented its Refractor and Frostbite engines to simulate destructive environments, which allowed players to experiment in many different ways. Quite famously, the Battlefield 2042 reveal trailer showcased the Rendezook jet kill that was once pulled off by a Battlefield player from the past. The insane stunts are still being pulled to this day, with one Battlefield 2042 taking a new approach to taking out their enemies in the game.

Battlefield 2042 Player Gets an Awesome Midair One Shot Kill on a Tank

A Battlefield 2042 player pulls off an awesome one shot kill on an enemy tank with their rocket launcher while parachuting to the ground.

During a match in the Breakaway map, a player piloting a CAV-Brawler, which launched with Season 4 for Battlefield 2042, drove the vehicle off a ledge and onto an opposing tank lower down. It's on display with a video that the player, named WanderingWhite, has shared on Reddit. With a runtime of only ten seconds, the CAV-Brawler obliterates the enemy tank without registering any kills for their team. WanderingWhite, who goes by MrMarauder in the clip, even triggers one of the CAV-Brawler's features as soon as they come into contact with the enemy, though it doesn't seem to trigger the explosion. Instead, the impact brought on the destruction of the enemy tank. Hence, the action is dubbed the "CAV-JAVELIN" by the player in the video's caption.

While pulling off incredible stunts to deliver a kill in Battlefield 2042 can occur in a variety of ways, WanderingWhite's action should've warranted some points. "You didn't get credit for the kill," one comment pointed out, which was followed by a response: "It's a problem. they should fix it." To this, WanderingWhite said, "Robbed!" Others were focused on the explosion. "I remember when vehicles would not damage each other on impact. I'm glad they fixed it," one of the comments read.

While this may suggest that DICE will need to look into the matter, it's nonetheless another example of a Battlefield 2042 player utilizing the game's mechanics to deliver unique kills. The clip demonstrates just how creative players can get, whether it's by intention or not. Now that update 6.1.0 has introduced some fixes and the Dark Protocol event for Battlefield 2042, players can discover more ingenious ways to eliminate their opponents.