Battlefield 2042 launched recently after an open beta that left people with doubts. Sadly, despite many players enjoying their time and putting together lists of the best weapons in Battlefield 2042, others are listing complaints instead.

To say that Battlefield 2042 has had a rocky launch would be an understatement, as many players have found it to be a disappointment on many fronts. This includes new players for sure, but the complaints are even more bitter from the long-time fans of the series. One of those fans decided to air their grievances through a well organized list of problems they have with the game.

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The list is specifically talking about features that existed in previous Battlefield titles that are missing from Battlefield 2042 or are specifically worse in the new title. It's a huge and exahaustive list, separated into sections including Core Features, Infantry Gameplay, Vehicles, Scoring, etc. There's too much to fully list here, but a few highlights deserve special mention. One, located under Squad and Teamwork is the lack of a "medic incoming" message present in previous games, though this is apparently coming in a future patch. An improved medic UI suggested by another player might help medics reach their targets faster, but the message would let players know they can stay rather than quickly move onto their next stock.

One major complaint is under the Audio section, talking about the poor quality of sound in Battlefield 2042. To be clear, this is separate from the complaints about the soldiers' voice lines, which players mainly object to due to their lighthearted tone. Rather, the complaint focuses on the overall poor audio quality, which includes a nearly non-existent 3D soundscape. In a game where death can come from just about anywhere, not being able to hear what's around a character is often fatal.

Scoring also has many tickmarks of shame, mostly centered around how many scoring criteria were removed. No squad wide scoring, player or vehicle damage points, headshot/long-range kill bonuses, or comeback bonuses are present, just to name a few missing from older titles. The scoreboard itself is also a complaint, prompting one player to redesign Battlefield 2042's scoreboard completely.

Also mentioned are the specialists, a common complaint amongst Battlefield 2042 players who feel they do far less for the game than the now-removed classes, to the point where some players think Battlefield 2042 was supposed to be a battle royale. Other highlights from the list include:

  • No single-player story/campaign mode
  • No persistent lobbies
  • No global leader boards
  • Fewer guns
  • No diving while swimming
  • No high wall vaulting
  • No crouch sprinting
  • No backwards prone
  • Fewer vehicle types (and separate vehicle progression per faction even though they are functionally identical)
  • No cross-team chat
  • No team changing
  • No "create new squad" option
  • Fewer destructible buildings
  • Very poor balance between vehicle and infantry gameplay
  • No infantry focused maps
  • No game changing levolution
  • Absolutely zero cover between capture zones

Battlefield 2042 releases on November 19 for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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