Battlefield 2042 was eagerly anticipated by fans of the Battlefield franchise and those looking to get in on the ground floor. For some players, it has proved a fun experience of mass combat, futuristic abilities, and putting tanks on Battlefield 2042's roofs.

Sadly, many more players are finding Battlefield 2042 to be a disappointing experience on multiple fronts. At least one player has organized an exhaustive list of features missing from previous Battlefield titles, but this is not a complete list of problems with the game. Such a list is very large, and a huge part of it centers on one particular vehicle.

RELATED: Battlefield 2042 Player Makes List of Missing Features

That vehicle is the hovercraft, a unique addition to Battlefield 2042 that players are not happy with. The hovercraft is fast and surprisingly sturdy, to the point where it takes way longer to kill than it should. Its weapons are tough, it's fast, and it is surprsingly mobile, even letting players drive up the side of a building and onto a roof. Granted, driving Battlefield 2042's hovercrafts up a building goes badly sometimes, but that's not actually the norm. DICE has clearly taken notice of player complaints, letting players know they have a fix coming with the next update.

Specifically, the update promises a reduction to the hovercraft's health pool through armor and to weaken its weapons. This will hopefully make the hovercraft less of a rolling ball of destruction while still leaving it mobile and fun. In the same Tweet, DICE promises to give similar nerfs to the nightbird, a decsision that has some players confused as it is not nearly as powerful as the hovercraft. Still, with the hovercraft getting a nerf, one of the major reasons Battlefield 2042 is being flooded with negative reviews on Steam will, hopefully, be dealt with to satisfaction.

Of course, even with everything promised in the next update, not all of Battlefield 2042's problems will be fixed. Among other things, players are upset Battlefield 2042's solo progression was removed, even if it did result in XP farming servers. While EA says this is being worked on, its absence is still keenly felt by players who enjoy fighting AI and playing in Portal mode.

There are also infantry issues to be worked out, including a glitch that lets Battlefield 2042 players survive a melee execution. Bugs like these make up some of the biggest complaints outside of balance. It's obvious at this point that DICE has a lot of work set out before Battlefield 2042 is performing up to code, though the hovercraft changes should be a good first step.

Battlefield 2042 is out now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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