Battlefield 2042 is still a controversial topic for gamers. Since its release in November of 2021, DICE's latest action shooter has been faced with multiple waves of criticism from fans. However, Battlefield 2042 is still a Battlefield title, meaning it has the capacity for players to pull off some insane and skillful plays.

From exiting a jet only to shoot another jet out of the sky with a rocket launcher, to hitting headshots with a sniper from a long distance off, Battlefield is a series known for allowing players to create some memorable moments. These "Battlefield moments," were utilized in much of Battlefield 2042's promotion, with the latest game being the newest chance for players to create their own special moments. Despite the bugs and glitches which are still prevalent within the game, one Battlefield 2042 player has managed to create their own "Battlefield moment" with a rocket launcher and some impressive skill.

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The player posted a video on Reddit of them taking the fight to snipers in Battlefield 2042. However, instead of fighting fire with fire, the player instead chose to fight sniper with rocket launcher, creating a seriously impressive compilation of them hitting snipers with rockets from hundreds of meters away. While sniping is something that can create cool moments in Battlefield, such as one player who hit an enemy from over 2000m away in Battlefield 2042. However, some players of the game find sniping irritating, and often look for interesting ways to "countersnipe."

The Reddit post which showed the player blowing up snipers quickly received attention from Battlefield fans, and it seems the player is not the only one who enjoys blowing up snipers with a rocket launcher. One commenter detailed their history with destroying snipers with rocket launchers, stating "The M5 is the latest in a long line of my battlefield "sniper rifles". SMAW in BF4, AT rocket gun in BF1, and BFV Panzerfaust. My best weapon is always an SMG, my second is ways a rocket launcher." Despite commenters sharing the fun of snipers being blown up, it seems Battlefield 2042 is struggling to produce enough of these fun moments to keep players interested in the game, as last month it was reported that Battlefield V had more current players than Battlefield 2042 on Steam.

Even with players managing to pull off incredible plays and fun moments, negativity is still swirling around Battlefield 2042. The game's subreddit was facing getting shut down due to toxicity, and a parody game called Clownfield 2042 has been mocking the disastrous launch of Battlefield 2042. Whether anything will save the game's reputation is unknown, though EA are unlikely to give up on it just yet.

Battlefield 2042 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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